Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019303.1
Update Date:2010-09-15

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019303.1 :   Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System Robot failure for 5010 on Reach.  

Related Items
  • Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System
Sun StorageTek L8500 Tape Library

Date of Resolved Release

Failed put to a cell due to 5010 in reach (see details below).

Affected Parts:



Failed put to a cell due to 5010 in reach.

Contributing Factors

Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System, aka Sun StorEdge L8500 Tape Library, with MFG prior to May 9, 2008 and firmware less than 3.98B is impacted.


To identify this issue, in the logs you will typically see several retries in the warning log.  The Result Code is typically 3992, but that is fairly generic,.  You need to look closer in the text for a 5010 on reach.  In most cases this will be a retry (5611).
From Warning log:
                  Time : 2008-04-18T09:12:19.946
                     Device Address :
                     User :     root
                     Requester :  default
                     Activity : move
                     Request Id :   574101
                     Level : warn
                     Result Code : 3992
                     Text :  "Warning from device"
                     Parameters :  Data=<response sequence="7778" final="true">
<command>putCartridge</command><result identifier="1"><resultStatus><resultSeverity>
Retry Performed 5611; servo mech reach event 5010 at 774 tachs, 952 mils||>

When the library has exhausted it's retries you see an error in the library log, typically Reult Code of 3955, "Robot says location full/obstructed".  Again, you will see a 5010 on reach.
From Error log:
                  Time : 2008-04-23T17:30:25.188
                     Device Address :
                     User :     root
                     Requester :  default
                     Activity : move
                     Request Id :  5887901
                     Level : error
                     Result Code : 3955
                     Text :  "Error from device Code: 510 - Robot says location full/obstructed"
                     Parameters :  Data=<response sequence="113781" final="true"><command>
putCartridge</command><result identifier="1"><resultStatus><resultSeverity>error</resultSeverity>
<resultCode>5010</resultCode><resultText><!|CDATA|cmo_user_put: Retry Performed 5611; servo mech
reach event 5010 at 772 tachs, 950 mils||></resultText><operationalState>510</operationalState>
If the warning log has a high number of retries, it is most likely an indicator it will eventually have a failure to put the cart into the destination cell.  During normal operation it is common for some warnings to be logged, a low number of warnings is typically not cause for concern.

Root Cause

The supplier of 3/4-inch rollers produced parts that were out of round in releation to the center of the bearing, causing roller run-out.
After discovery of the issue, all Finished Goods locations were purged to perform rework.  All material shipped since the removal of the StopShip on May 9, 2008 was not exposed to this failure mechanism.  While many of the robots shipped prior to the discovery of this issue will not fail, there are some robots that may encounter errors.

Corrective Action

In most cases, this issue can be addressed by a code enhancement that has been added to 3.98B.  This code has enhanced the retry algorithm to quickly correct for the positioning issue.  This will significantly reduce the amount of time required to successfully complete the put.  Please note that this will still result in a retry logged in the warning log.

3.98B code is currently available via the Universal Software Repository at;

Once 3.98B is installed, the libraries should be monitored to assure there are no failures.  There are other potential causes of 5010 reach errors including problems external to the bot.

If 5010 reach errors (not warnings) persist under 3.98B code, detailed analysis of the errors is required to determine the correct actions to eliminate the problem.

Contact with library logs to determine if you are eligable for robot replacement.  This process will only be valid until September 30, 2008.  After that date the replacement robot must be ordered through spares logistics.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):
Robots with a MFG date after May 9, 2008 will not be affected. The date of MFG can be found on the Robot.

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

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In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter
Jared.Woodard@Sun.COM, Bob.Schultz@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Storage)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
28-May-2008: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
30-May-2008: Modified based on feedback from Ext Rvw. Sending to Publish.
17-Jun-2008: Rewrote Resolution section for Roller ordering process and moved previous info in Resolution section to the Workaround section per submitter request.
17-Dec-2009: Replaced Product with Swordfish Nomenclature

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