Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019433.1
Update Date:2011-05-12

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019433.1 :   Requirement for SE9900 Series Arrays Microcode level to be at Mandatory General Availability (MGA).  

Related Items
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  • Sun Storage 9980 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Controlled Proactive


Sun StorageTek 9910 System
Sun StorageTek 9960 System
Sun StorageTek 9970 System
Sun StorageTek 9980 System
Sun StorageTek 9985 System
Sun StorageTek 9985V System
Sun StorageTek 9990 System
Sun StorageTek 9990V System

Date of Resolved Release

SE9900 Microcode level at Mandatory General Availability (see details below).


The main impact for customers with SE9900 units running microcode levels lower than MGA will be the lack of support available from Sun and HDS.  For any potential bug/issue the customer may be requested to update to at least the MGA microcode level, and preferably RGA, before any corrective action can take place.

Requirement for SE9900 Series Arrays Microcode level to be at Mandatory General Availability (MGA).  The field should pro-actively monitor their ST9900 arrays to ensure the Microcode levels are at or above the MGA levels.

Contributing Factors

Bug Fixes are also included in new releases of MC.  New drives being released by HDS require a minimum Microcode level to be installed.  Customers may not be able to add additional capacity without a MC upgrade.  Customers may be at risk of potential known bugs if they are below MGA levels.



Root Cause

This is a re-issue of previous FAB 201446 initially released on July 14, 2003.  The intent of this FAB is to inform the field of the upgrade of MGA levels for all platforms for ST9900 products.  The upgrade of MGA levels will require field personnel to go on-site for all ST9900 units under a valid warranty or service contract to upgrade the Micro code levels to meet the minimum mandatory general availability levels.

SE9900 microcode is released based on maturity level and impact assessment.  The release categories for SE9900 microcode are:

  General Availability (GA)
  Recommended GA (RGA)
  Mandatory GA (MGA)

To perform the upgrade review the following:


This web page includes information to help you perform the update, including links for Best Practices, Ordering Microcode, FAQs, tutorials, and forums to review other engineers' feedback on updates.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see Resolution section below.


1) How to Determine the Current Level of Microcode of 9900 arrays:

You can review the configuration database available at:

Enter the SE9900 serial number or customer name and view the systems information screen the microcode level will be shown.

- or -

When onsite, using the Service Processor (SVP), open the "Maintenance" window and select "Version".  This will indicate which version of microcode is in use.  There is no command line equivalent.

- or -

View the Microcode Report details for a list of serial numbers and their current MC levels.


2) Check the current microcode support matrix found at:

From this link select either SE9910/60, SE9970/80, ST9990/85 or ST9990V/85V.

If customer SE9900 unit(s) are below the MGA release of the microcode, you should arrange to have the microcode updated so that their SE9900 unit(s) are operating with a currently supported microcode level.  RGA microcode should be ordered and maintained to satisfy supportability requirements of the subsystem.  However, you may wish to review the ECNs for the GA microcode level and monitor for its applicability in you account situations.

3) Order Microcode


It may take a few days to receive the new microcode.

4) Review the ECN details at;

All ECNs listed for program products, various features and sub system microcodes are posted at this site.  Reference the specific ECN for installation documentation and requirements information.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

The affected Customer List is no longer available.

Reference URLs:     

Additional technical details on ST9900 alerts can be found at;

Note to Authorized Service Partners:

Sun Authorized Service Partners may contact Sun Services or their Sun Services Representative to receive FAB related information, including Customer details.

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Suresh.Gummanur@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Tejinder.Singh@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Storage)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
08-Jul-2008: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
09-Jul-2008: Put on-hold awaiting a usable customer list up on SunFIT.
01-Aug-2008: Customer List finalized and put into SunFIT.
05-Aug-2008: Added Note to Authorized Service Partners to bottom of asset.
17-Dec-2009: Replaced Product with Swordfish Nomenclature

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