Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019502.1
Update Date:2010-09-21

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019502.1 :   SL8500 Cap Assembly gears will strip if a reboot before initialization is not done when replacing an original style Cap Assembly with a new style.  

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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System
Sun StorageTek L8500 Tape Library

Date of Resolved Release

SL8500 Cap Assembly gears will strip (see details below).

Affected Parts:

419639703   SL8500 Cap Assembly


If the new style SL8500 Cap Assembly is installed in place of the original Cap Assembly without a reboot before initialization the Cap gear will strip.

Contributing Factors

Different servo profiles for the new Cap Assembly.


Upon initialization of a newly installed Cap the top gear can become stripped.  To verify the gear is stripped remove the top Cap motor and visually inspect the gear.

Root Cause

The new Cap Assembly has two servo motors and different servo profiles.  This requires a change to the Cap replacement procedure.

The old style Cap Assembly (part number 313911303) went out of production, and was replaced by the new style Cap Assembly, released via ECO 142374 in March of 2007.  The new style Cap Assembly part number is 419639703.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see Resolution section below.


The SL8500 engineering team released two styles of Cap; the original style with a single motor on top and the new style with two motors on top of the Cap assembly.  To address this situation, a change has been made to the Cap Assembly Replacement Procedure as follows.

If replacing an older style Cap assembly with a newer style, two motor design, an HBZ reboot is required before the initialization of the new style Cap.  The reboot is necessary due to the different servo profiles associated with the Cap.

Unplug the associated HBZ module, replace the old style Cap with the new style Cap, and reinstall the HBZ  module.

The Removable Parts Catalog (RPC) will be updated in the future.


ECO: 142374

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Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Douglas.Luebke@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Steven.P.Johnson@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Storage)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
04-Aug-2008: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
06-Aug-2008: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.

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