Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019858.1
Update Date:2011-05-20

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019858.1 :   A small number of Sun Fire T1000 and SPARC Enterprise T1000 systems may experience a 3.3V Standby low voltage warning and/or soft shutdown.  

Related Items
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server
  • Sun Fire T1000 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive


Bug Id:

Sun Fire T1000 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server

Date of Resolved Release

T1000 systems may experience a 3.3V Standby low voltage warning (see details below).

Affected Parts:

300-1799-03 (or below)   Power Supply Unit, Type A207, 300W


A small number of Sun Fire T1000 and SPARC Enterprise T1000 systems can experience 3.3V Standby low voltage SC warning and/or soft shutdown, as shown in SUNBUG 6667834. The affected systems can report approximately one failure per day.

Contributing Factors

Sun Fire T1000 or SPARC Enterprise T1000 systems with Power Supply part number 300-1799-03 (or below) can be affected by this issue.


The affected Sun Fire T1000 systems will report the following messages:

  "SC Alert: VOLTAGE_SENSOR at MB/V_+3V3STBY has exceeded low warning threshold"
  "SC Alert: VOLTAGE_SENSOR at MB/V_+3V3STBY has exceeded low soft shutdown threshold"

The affected system will then shutdown.

Root Cause

This issue is due to the degradation that might develop over time on the connector between the PSU and Motherboard, and causes the +3.3V STBY output to drop below the 3.23V software warning threshold.  To correct this issue the previous 3.33V setpoint was increased to 3.38V, to prevent the low voltage warnings and soft shutdown.

This change has been incorporated in the 300-1799-04 power supply via ECO# WO_39464 as of July 7, 2008 to address this issue.

This is neither a safety nor a product quality issue so it doesn't meet purge criteria and therefore there will be no purge. Essentially the FRUID reads -03 level but the FRU is actually a -04, has all the fixes of the -04 and physically is labeled -04 on the FRU barcode label (physical label).

In case one of the affected -04 PSUs is ordered as a field replacement, and as a fix for the 3.3V standby issue in SUNBUG 6667834, the only corrective action needed is to apply the procedure in this Field Action Bulletin (FAB).

These units are actually 300-1799-04 PSUs and as such, the -04 power supply requires the motherboard FRUID update procedure in documented in this FAB. So this FAB still applies, even though field may be mislead to believe it doesn't due to the PSU incorrect FRU-ID 'label' of 300-1799-03.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see the resolution section below.


Upon failure due to this issue only replace the 300-1799-03 (or below) with 300-1799-04 (or above) by following the below guidelines.

The -04 power supply requires adjustment of the high-voltage warning level in FRUID prom on the motherboard.  Installing the power supply without changing the FRUID will cause high voltage warning, which will go away when the FRUID gets updated.

For systems shipped with -04 power supply the FRUID has been updated in manufacturing.  The FRUID update procedure should ONLY be used as a part of the PSU replacement in field, and should only be done by a qualified Sun engineer.

This procedure and the FRUID images are provided by TSC/engineering and are available via the below (internal only) URL:

Note: The -04 power supply is the fix ONLY for systems that are experiencing a 3.3V Standby low voltage warning and/or soft shutdown.

Note: PSUs with date codes ranging from xx0838 to xx0902 (ignore the first two characters), have been built with incorrect FRU-ID label of 300-1799-03, but are functionally equivalent to a 300-1799-04 and as such, can be used to fix the issue in the FAB (SUNBUG 6667834) since the -04 PSU is not affected.

For more details on how to identify the affected -04 parts, reference the below URL;


Note to Authorized Service Partners:

Sun Authorized Service Partners may contact Sun Services or their Sun Services Representative to receive FAB related information.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Visually inspect the Power Supply:

300-1799-03 (or below) are suspect (review Contributing Factors section above). 300-1799-04 (or above) are not affected.

300-1799-04 power supplies with incorrect FRUID label of 300-1799-03 are also NOT affected. In case one of these -04 PSUs is ordered as a field replacement and as a fix for the 3.3V standby issue, per SUNBUG 6667834, this -04 power supply requires the motherboard FRUID update procedure described earlier in this FAB. This procedure still applies even though field may be mislead to believe it doesn't due to the PSUs incorrect FRU-ID 'label' of 300-1799-03.


This issue has been evaluated and determined not to meet FCO criteria as it is only expected to impact a small number of systems based on a very low failure rate associated with this issue.


BugID: 6667834
ECO: WO_39464
PITT :2459

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Modification @ History
Changes since initial Publication.

  • Added paragraph to Contributing Factors section explaining how some -04 PSUs have incorrect FRU-ID of -03.  Also added link for more information and the associated PITT in the References section.

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Michael.Coulter@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Steve.Doherty@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG WGS (Workgroup Systems)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
11-Dec-2008: Completed initial draft and sent to Extended Review.
15-Dec-2008: Resolved all feedback and sent to Publish.
24-Nov-2009: Corrected Product Name to swoRDFish inconsistency.

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