Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1019893.1
Update Date:2010-09-23

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1019893.1 :   Front LED cable shield on Netra T5220 or Netra X4250 could short to connector and erroneously light front LEDs.  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra T5220 Server
  • Sun Netra X4250 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive


Sun Netra T5220 Server
Sun Netra X4250 Server

Date of Resolved Release

Front LED cable shielding can short to connector (see details below).

Affected Parts:
530-3964-01   Alarm and LED/Switch Assembly, Netra T5220
530-4076-01   Alarm and LED/Switch Assembly, Netra X4250


Early in the production life of the Netra T5220 and Netra X4250 Sun's supply partner found on a small number of systems in which the conductive shielding on the Front LED cable was too long and could possible short the connector pins to ground causing the front panel lights to illuminate.  This condition does not affect system operation.

The problematic cable is used on systems with serial numbers prior to 0841xxxxx.

Contributing Factors

This issue impacts Netra T5220 and Netra X4250 systems manufactured prior to system serial number 0841xxxxx.


The cable could be installed with it's shield in contact with the connector pins.  This may cause some of the alarm LEDs to falsely light.

Root Cause

The conductive shielding on the Front LED cable was too long, and so could short to pins on the Front LED connector. 
To rectify this issue the cable shield was cut shorter which prevents the short from occurring.  This material change occurred in mid-August 2008.  This new cable was cut-in by the supply vendor starting with cable serial number 0841xxxxx.  This issue was addressed in Services on part number 530-3964-01 via GSAP 4583 starting on November 25, 2008 and will be addressed on part number 530-4076-01 shortly in an up-coming GSAP.

Corrective Action

The replacement cable kits are expected to be available in January 2009.  If this issue is noticed prior to availability of this new material, reposition the cable such that it's shield will not contact the cable connector pins.
Upon failure only replace Front LED Board Cable with like part number as follows;
  •  replace 530-3964-01 with 530-3964-01 (or above)
  •  replace 530-4076-01 with 530-4076-01 (or above)
Review the "how to" section below to learn how to distinguish an affected cable from one that is not affected by this issue.
Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Check if cable shielding is in contact with connector pins.  Reference the Root Cause / Corrective Action (RCCA) document below for identifying this issue...


Below link provides a picture of a unaffected/good cable...



This issue was evaluated and found not to meet FCO criteria because only about 15 field systems were found to be impacted, so this issue has a low probability of occurrence as well as a low impact to the customer.  The Product Team has indicated that this cable should be replaced upon failure only (e.g. Alarm LEDs falsely lit).
GSAP 4583 purges 530-3964-01 cables for the Netra T5220 that were incorrectly manufactured.  The corrected part remains 530-3964-01.  A GSAP for the Netra X4250 to purge part number 530-4076-01 is in process.  
    GSAP: 4583

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Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Russ.Brovald@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Thomas.Paolucci@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group - Netra Systems and Networking

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
19-Dec-2008: Started draft but put on-hold awaiting additional info from Submitter.
22-Dec-2008: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
24-Dec-2008: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.
24-Nov-2009: Corrected Product Name to swoRDFish inconsistency.

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