Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1020158.1
Update Date:2011-02-22

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1020158.1 :   Chipkill not working within the BIOS on V20z and V40z platforms.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V20z Server
  • Sun Fire V40z Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6690972>

Sun Fire V20z Server
Sun Fire V40z Server

Date of Resolved Release

Chipkill not working within BIOS on V20z / V40z (see details below).


Unexpected reboots and/or hangs may occur on the V20z/V40z with AMD Dual Core Opteron Processors as a result of the Chipkill feature not working properly within the BIOS.

Contributing Factors

This issue impacts software updates and NSV versions prior to Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8.2.


Systems can reboot and/or hang with no specific error messages displayed in the log files.

Root Cause

Confirmed that this issues exists in all Software updates and NSV versions prior to Sun Fire V20z/V40Z Server SW 2.8.2.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see Resolution section below.


A new BIOS has been created to correct the chipkill function: Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8.2.

Recommend all customers that have V20z/V40z servers with AMD Dual Core Opteron Processors install the new Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8.2.  The only change from the previous Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8 version is that chipkill is now enabled.

V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8.2 (or above) can be found via the below URLs;



In order to successfully install the chipkill fix, please install the sp firmware from Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8 followed by installing the bios firmware from Sun Fire V20z/V40z Server SW 2.8.2 (or above).  When installed correctly the sp version will be (or above)   and the bios version will be either V20z BIOS version or V40z BIOS version

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Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Qingsu.Hu@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Dennis.Lee@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NSG (Network Systems Group)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
18-Feb-2009: completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
21-Feb-2009: Modified per Ext Rvw feedback - sending to Publish.

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