Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1020379.1
Update Date:2010-09-23

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1020379.1 :   Netra T5220 PCI Tray heatsink can sometimes fall off.  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra T5220 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6770438>

Sun Netra T5220 Server

Date of Resolved Release

Heatsink could fall onto the motherboard (see details below).

Affected Parts:

371-2700-02 (or below)   3-Slot PCI Tray


The heatsink could peal away and possibly fall onto the motherboard after shipment or during operation.  There has been no reports or evidence of thermal issues on affected systems running at typical operational temperatures.

System should continue to operate normally but could be affected in higher ambient temperature environments.

Contributing Factors

This issue impacts Sun Netra T5220 systems with serial numbers earlier than 0846FM300K.


No operational problems have been noticed at typical operational temperatures, but a loose or detached heatsink should be addressed as soon as possible.

The below link (and/or attachment) provides a picture of a heatsink that has become detached and fallen onto the motherboard;


Root Cause

During the first six months of production, Sun's supply partner sometimes failed to properly attach the heatsink to a chip on some PCI Trays.  The film cover that protects the heatsink's adhesive compound was not always removed prior heatsink attachment to the IC on the PCI Tray.
To rectify this issue the assembly instructions were modified in November of 2008 to ensure that this film was removed prior heatsink attachment.  This issue was resolved in Manufacturing via StopShip/Purge P001-20583 and in Services via GSAP 4581.

Corrective Action


No workaround available - see Resolution section below.
Upon Failure only (detached heatsink) replace 371-2700-02 (or below) with 371-2700-02 that contains label "P001-20583" or "GSAP 4581".

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

371-2700-02 (or below) without "P001-20583" or "GSAP 4581" label may be affected.


This issue was evaluated and determined not to meet FCO criteria because of the low potential for exposure and low impact to the installed base.

  BugID: 6770438
  ECO: WO_39984
  GSAP: 4581
  WW Stop Ship: P001-20583
  Radiance ID: 11321735

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Modification History
Changes made since initial publication.

  • Added picture of detached heatsink via an attachment and a link in the Symptoms section.
  • Changed affected p/n from 371-2700-02 to 371-2700-02 (or below).
  • Changed Resp Eng from Mike Figueroa to Jim Ye.
  • Changed Resp Mgr from Thomas Paolucci to Art Weigel.

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Jim.Ye@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Art.Weigel@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG NSN (Netra Systems and Networking)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
15-Apr-2009: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
17-Apr-2009: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.

This solution has no attachment
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