Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1020545.1
Update Date:2011-02-22

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1020545.1 :   FCO A0306-1: Some Sun Fire, SPARC Enterprise, and Sun Storage Systems using Power Supply Units within a certain date code range may experience a Thermal Event upon PSU failure.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4440 Server
  • Sun Storage 7110 Unified Storage System
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Server
  • Sun Fire X4240 Server
  • Sun Fire X4450 Server
  • Sun Fire X4250 Server
  • Sun Storage 7410 Unified Storage System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Mandatory


Date of Resolved Release

Affected Parts:

300-1897-04   A217 Power Supply Unit, 1050W, 12V, ELWOOD
300-2138-03   A235 Power Supply Unit, 1100W, 12V


Power supplies within a certain Date Code range for some Sun Fire, SPARC Enterprise, and Sun Storage systems (as listed below) may be vulnerable to a thermal event upon PSU failure.

Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

    * Sun Fire X4240, X4250, X4440, X4450 Servers
    * Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220/T5240 Servers
    * Sun Storage 7110/7410

Affected Power Supply Unit (PSU) Sun part numbers for Sun Fire X4240, X4250, X4440, X4450 Servers and Sun Storage 7110/7410 are:

300-1897-04 (A217), date codes 0827 and 0828

Affected Power Supply Unit (PSU) Sun part numbers for Sun Fire X4240, X4250, X4440, X4450 Servers and Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220/T5240 Servers are:

300-2138-03 (A235), date code 0828

Earlier dash levels are not affected by this issue.

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220/5240 Servers

To determine the Date Code for the SPARC Enterprise T5220/T5240 Servers, a physical inspection of the PSU will be necessary.  Since the PSUs in SPARC Enterprise T5220/T5240 Servers are N+1 redundant and hot-swappable, they can be removed one PSU at a time for visual inspection of the Serial Number bar code label on the PSU.

Sun bar code label example:

    | | | | | | |   | | | | | | | | | |
    | | | | | | |   | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \
    | | | | | | |   | | | |  \ \ \ \ \ \
   Vendor     \ \ \ \  \ \ \ \ \ \ ----- unique serial number identifier
   Serial#       \ \ \ \
   Date            \ \ \ \ ---- affected date code: 0828 = year 2008, week 28

Above example PSU serial number: 19080DR-0828A70ADR represents date code 0828.

Sun Fire X4240, X4250, X4440, X4450 Servers

To determine the power supply part number and date code for the Sun Fire X4240, X4250, X4440, X4450 Servers listed above, use ipmitool(1m) or later (available on the Sun "Tools and Drivers" CD):

ipmitool -H <ILOM IP> -U root fru
FRU Device Description : ps0.fru (ID 31)
Board Mfg          : POWER ONE
Board Product      : A217
Board Serial       : 19080DR-0828A70ADR  <-- Affected date code: 0827 & 0828 = year 2008, week 27 and week 28
Board Part Number  : 300-1897-04

The "Tools and Drivers" CD can be downloaded via the below URL under the appropriate product listing;

Note for the Sun Fire X4450: The system must have been upgraded from ELOM to ILOM in order to see the PSU info via ipmitool.  Instructions for upgrading can be found in The ELOM-to-ILOM Migration Users Guide via the below URL;

    X4450 Service Documentation

Sun Storage 7110/7410

To determine the power supply part number and date code for the Sun Storage 7110/7410, connect to the Service Processor via ssh(1).  Log in as root/appliance password, then enter "show /SYS/PS0" (or "show /SYS/PS1").  This will return the PSU information including the Serial Number and Date Code, as in the following example:

   login: root
   Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

   Sun(TM) Integrated Lights Out Manager
   Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
   Use is subject to license terms.

   -> show /SYS/PS0


          type = Power Supply
          fru_name = A217
          fru_manufacturer = POWER ONE
          fru_part_number = 300-1897-04
          fru_serial_number = 19080DR-0828A70ADR Affected date code: 0827 & 0828 = year 2008, week 27 and week 28


The affected PSU may fail resulting in loss of power redundancy if other PSUs are already offline.  In some cases affected PSU failures may be accompanied by a burning odor or smoke.

Total of 4,041 A217 and A235 PSUs in the listed date codes are potentially affected by this issue.  To-date, a failure rate of 0.1% has been reported for this issue.  Thermal events related to this issue to-date reported shorting of on-board capacitor(s) in the PSU accompanied by some smoke and burning odor - damage was confined to PSU only.

Root Cause

Cracked SMD ceramic capacitors MLCC 1210 (reference designators C1051- C1025 of Fan circuit) cause short circuit condition on the Fan voltage traces, causing collateral pcb overheat on the logic board.  Failure signature of cracked capacitors indicate mechanical damage was induced by pcb flexion after capacitors were installed into Logic board assembly during the manual depaneling process.

Process improvements were made by the vendor to address the root cause.  The 300-1897-03 and 300-2138-02 are not affected by this issue.

Services inventory was purged of affected material via GSAP 4758 begining on April 22, 2009.

Corrective Action

Target Implementation Completion Date: July 15, 2010


No workaround is available - reference the below Resolution section.


Hot Swappable: Yes

Proactively replace all affected Power Supplies as follows;

 . replace 300-1897-04 (datecode of 0827 or 0828) with 300-1897-04 (datecode other than 0827 or 0828) or with 300-1897-03.
 . replace 300-2138-03 (datecode 0828) with 300-2138-03 (datecode other than 0828) or with 300-2138-02.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

Reference the Affected Customer List via SunFIT per the below URL;
The affected PSUs can be identified by reviewing the Contributing Factors section above.

A Customer Letter has been provided to assist the field in communicating this issue to your customers.  This letter is attached or can be acquired via the below URL;



The list of serial numbers for systems that may be affected by this issue can be found at the following URL, and is for Sun Internal use ONLY, and should not be distributed outside of Sun:

Hardware Remediation and Material Availability Details:

All Regions/Timezones were materially ready at the time of publication of this knowledge asset.

Check with your Logistics Representative or TZ / Country / Area FCO Manager for more information with regard to material availability and the parts ordering process for this FCO.


   Sun Alert: 258408
   GSAP: 4758
   PITT: 2445, 2457, 2583

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Modification History
Changes made since initial publication.

- corrected conflicting date code information in Resolution section.

- clarified that earlier dash levels are not affected and can be used to remediate customers.

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Mohammad.Alamdarha@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Frankie.Hung@Sun.COM

Internal Contributor/submitter
David.Swift@Sun.COM, Nitin.Malhotra@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group - SVS (SPARC Volume Systems, Horizontal Systems, includes T2000/Ontario)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
03-Jun-2009: Draft entered into IBIS and sent to FCO Tiger Team for review.
15-Jul-2009: Planning complete - sending to Publish.

This solution has no attachment
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.