Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1020850.1
Update Date:2010-08-18

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1020850.1 :   Netra T5440 Servers shipped containing DIMMs misprogrammed with wrong part number.  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra T5440 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6851201>

Sun Netra T5440 Server

Date of Resolved Release

Netra T5440 shipped with misprogrammed DIMMs (see details below).

Affected Parts:

371-4140-01   4GB 1.5V DIMM, DDR2-667/PC2-5300
371-4139-01   2GB 1.5V DIMM, DDR2-667/PC2-5300


If the programmed electronic part number is used, the wrong replacement part will be ordered.  The DIMM's physical label is correctly marked.  There is no other operational impact due to this issue.

Contributing Factors

This issue affects Netra T5440 Servers manufactured between January and August of 2009.

Netra T5440 Servers with chassis serial numbers between 0901FMxxxx and 0932FMxxxx may be impacted by this issue as shipped from Sun Manufacturing.  Other platforms that support these DIMMs are not impacted as shipped from Sun Manufacturing.  DIMM spares are not impacted as they were programmed elsewhere.


Early 1.5V DIMMs were mis-programmed with the 1.8V DIMM part number;

  371-4140-01 mis-programmed as 371-2145-02
  371-4139-01 mis-programmed as 371-2143-02

This incorrect information can be seen in the following ILOM example:

-> show /SYS/MB/CMP0/BR0/CH0/D0


       type = DIMM
       component_state = Enabled
       fru_name = 2048MB DDR2 SDRAM FB-DIMM 333 (PC2 5300)
       fru_description = FBDIMM 2048 Mbyte
       fru_manufacturer = Micron Technology
       fru_version = FFFFFF
       fru_part_number = 371-2143-02 Rev 50    <----- *
       fru_serial_number = 002C080737E20D5313
       fault_state = OK
       clear_fault_action = (none)


Affected systems are populated with the correct type of DIMMs and operate properly.  Usage of 1.8V DIMMs in a system delivered with 1.5V DIMMs is not recommended and could cause a thermal issue.  Also, a mixture of DIMM types in a system will cause the system to fail POST.

Root Cause

Manufacturing incorrectly programmed DIMMs prior shipment due to the supplier not changing the DIMM program after the switch over to a new part.

This issue only impacts the Netra T5440 Servers as shipped from Manufacturing as this misprogramming issue was confined to a specific Manufacturing location.  DIMM spares are not impacted by this issue as they were programmed elsewhere.

Manufacturing corrected this issue in July of 2009, so systems with correctly programmed DIMMs started shipping in August (exact date not available).  Sun Services inventories (RSLs) were not purged as DIMM spares are not impacted.

Corrective Action


See Resolution section below.


Use the DIMM part number located on the physical label when ordering replacement DIMMs and not the electronically programmed part number.


Per the Sun System Handbook, the 371-4140 is spared as 511-1152, and the 371-4139 is spared as 511-1151.

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

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Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Jim.Ye@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Art.Weigel@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG NSN (Netra Systems and Networking)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
18-Aug-2009: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
19-Aug-2009: On-hold to determine if Spares are impacted, same as FAB 265928.
21-Aug-2009: All questions resolved - sending to Publish.
18-Nov-2009: Corrected Product Name to swoRDFish inconsistency.

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