Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1021062.1
Update Date:2011-02-09

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1021062.1 :   Improper ESD grounding procedures creates static charge and induced fault in secondary components during maintenance.  

Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6835036>

Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 Server
Sun SPARC Enterprise M9000 Server

Date of Resolved Release

Improper ESD procedures leading to damaged FRUs in M8000/M9000 (see details below).

Affected Parts:

371-2214    CPU/Memory Board, FRU
371-2217    I/O Unit, FRU


Failure to follow new static electricity removal procedures on CMU and IOU service actions may induce faults on secondary FRUs near the handled FRU.  Domains containing the secondary FRUs may fail and cause unexpected and prolonged outages.

Contributing Factors

Improper ESD grounding, and missing procedures to remove static charge from replacement components in the Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 and M9000 Servers Service Manual are contributing factors.


Errors occurs during the insert part of hot replacing the component on a live system.  These errors are recorded in the logfiles on the XSCF and a FMA event will be registered.

XSCF showlogs monitor:
Apr 22 16:07:11 parks2310925-xscf1 monitor_msg: SCF:maintenance event (FRU is chosen to be replaced: /CMU#4)
Apr 22 16:08:22 parks2310925-xscf1 monitor_msg: SCF:Unit configuration change (remove) /CMU#4
Apr 22 16:15:16 parks2310925-xscf1 monitor_msg: SCF:Unit configuration change (add) /CMU#4
Apr 22 16:15:51 parks2310925-xscf1 Warning: /CMU#3:ANALYZE:MAC-SC interface fatal error
Apr 22 16:15:54 parks2310925-xscf1 monitor_msg: SCF:DomainID 2 state change (initialize phase started, detail#10)

Date: Apr 22 16:15:46 CEST 2009    Code: 6000a108-0d010000-0503010613480120
    Status: Warning                Occurred: Apr 22 16:14:57.506 CEST 2009
    FRU: /CMU#3
    Msg: MAC-SC interface fatal error
    Diagnostic Code:
        03000000 00000000 00000000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
        00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    UUID: 6fe9ce5c-3380-465c-9184-d86602bc78e0 MSG-ID: SCF-8002-UD

The following FMA MSG-ID have been seen:
SCF-8002-UD, MAC-SC interface fatal error
SCF-8005-CA, SC-MAC interface fatal error
SCF-8006-9D, IOC-XB interface fatal error

Root Cause

Engineering has determined that failures induced by static build-up/discharge on the replacement component, and error is induced seconds prior to insertion of the component, at the moment where the engineer, the part or both make contact with the frame or other parts of the platform under maintenance.

Corrective Action


Bring down the platform in order to cold replace/swap the neccesary parts.


Immediately after opening the M8000/M9000 cabinet door, and prior to replacing a CMU or IOU, you must connect an anti-static wrist strap clip to a cabinet grounding port, and attach the band of the wrist strap to one of your wrists.  Secondly, you must connect a conductive anti-static mat to a cabinet grounding port.

Note: Ensure that the metallic underside of the wrist strap is in direct contact with your skin.  The wrist strap should be snug around the wrist so that it does not rotate.

Before attempting to install the new CMU or IOU into the platform, static electricity must be removed from the new components (CMU or IOU) by removing the component from the plastic shipping sleeve, placing the new component on the grounded conductive mat, followed by firmly placing one's hand (with antistatic wriststrap) on the component chassis, for 5 or more seconds, and each of the designated points on the components guide block for 3 seconds (see FIGURE 1-6, 1-7) via attachments or the below URLs;



Do not touch an installed dummy (filler) unit, CMU, or IOU without wearing an anti-static wrist strap.  Failure to do so might result in serious damage to operating domains.

Caution! Do not use the plastic shipping sleeve in place of the conductive mat.

Anti-static Wrist Strap Information:

Anti-static wrist strap and conductive mat information will be added to the following chapters in the Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000/M9000 Servers Service Manual:

  . Chapter 6: Replacement of CPU/Memory Board Unit (CMU), CPU, and DIMM

  . Chapter 7: I/O Unit (IOU) Replacement


 Reference Manual: 819-4202-15
 Related URL(s):

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Modification History
Changes made since initial Publication.

  • Changed Electro-static discharge procedures in Resolution section.
  • Added links to pictures/figures in Resolution statement for clarification.

Internal Contributor/submitter
Scott.Barnard@Sun.COM, Rene.Fennet@Sun.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Dan.Nygren@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Raja.Habib@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group-OPL (Fujitsu, M4000 through M9000)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
14-Oct-2009: Complete draft and sent to Extended Review.
16-Oct-2009: Incorporate all feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.

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