Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1021640.1
Update Date:2010-08-27

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1021640.1 :   FCO A0308-1: After system power down one of the PSUs in Sun Fire V890 may not turn back on at power up.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V890 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Reactive


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6773706>

Sun Fire V890 Server
Sun Fire V890 Panther 2100MHz

Date of Resolved Release

Sun Fire V890 Power Supply issue (see details below).

Affected Parts:
 300-1866-02   PSU, Type A186, 1629 Watt
 300-2017-02   PSU, Type A186A, 1708 Watt


Above listed Power Supply Units (PSUs) are experiencing higher than expected failure rates.
Sun Fire V890 PSU fails to turn on, resulting in loss of redundancy.  This issue will not cause a complete system outage because of redundant power supplies.

Contributing Factors

The below configurations are impacted by this issue;
 . Sun Fire V890 containing the 300-1866-02
 . Sun Fire V890 2100 containing the 300-2017-02


1. Power Supply will fail to turn on and PSU fault LED will be lit.
2(a). Output from prtdiag -v (without fix for CR 6684783)
Power Supplies:
Supply     Status     Fan Fail  Temp Fail  CS Fail  3.3V   5V   12V   48V
------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------  ----   --   ---   ---
PS0      GOOD                                         8     6     3     3
PS1      GOOD                                         9     6     3     4
PS2      GOOD                                         0     0     0     0
2(b). Output from prtdiag -v (with fix for CR 6684783)
    - Solaris 8: 111792-17  Solaris9: 128199-02  Solaris10: 137137-09
Power Supplies:
Supply     Status     Fan Fail  Temp Fail  CS Fail  3.3V   5V   12V   48V
------  ------------  --------  ---------  -------  ----   --   ---   ---
PS0      GOOD                                         8     6     3     3
PS1      GOOD                                         9     6     3     4
PS2      FAIL                                         0     0     0     0
3. Recorded in /var/adm/messages
WARNING: PS2 Undercurrent on one or more DC lines
WARNING: Power Supply overcurrent detected
WARNING: Power Supply at 95% current. Remove some load.
WARNING: Device PS2 failure detected

Root Cause

Root cause was determined to be related to the overstressing of a specific component in the Power Supply.  This issue was resolved in Manufacturing by dash rolling both PSU part numbers to -03 via ECO# WO_40785 approved on February 20, 2009 and in Services Logistics via GSAP 4716 starting on March 12, 2009.

Corrective Action

No workaround available - see Resolution section below.
Is Part Hotswappable: Yes

Upon failure only replace as follows;
  . replace 300-1866-02 with 300-1866-03 (or later)
  . replace 300-2017-02 with 300-2017-03 (or later)
Replace only the PSU that will not turn on.  Do not replace the other PSUs.  Services spares have already been reworked to -03.  However, this PSU has already gone EOL and there is limited material available.  Replacing PSUs that have not failed can result in Sun running out of material to support remedial failures, therefore proactive replacements are not authorized.
Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

To identify affected parts run the prtfru (1M) command as shown in the shortened example output below:

/frutree/chassis/power-dist-board/power-supply-slot?Label=0/power-supply (container)

     /ManR/Sun_Part_No: 3002017
     /ManR/Initial_HW_Dash_Level: 02

Otherwise the boards should be visually inspected for the following Sun part numbers which are impacted by this issue;
All other dash levels are NOT impacted by this issue.

Hardware Remediation and Material Availability Details:  
Most Regions/Timezones were materially ready at the time of publication of this knowledge asset.

Check with your Logistics Representative or TZ / Country / Area FCO Manager for more information with regard to material availability and the parts ordering process for this FCO.

    ECO: WO_40785

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Steve.Kurihara@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Raja.Habib@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group-Enterprise Systems

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
16-Nov-2009: Sending to Review while awaiting Material Readiness.
04-Dec-2009: Material Readiness achieved - sending to Publish.

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