Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1021674.1
Update Date:2010-08-19

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1021674.1 :   Using the SVP USB port may cause an SVP Outage on a Sun StorageTek 9990V System.  

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  • Sun Storage 9990V System
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Controlled Proactive


Sun StorageTek 9990V System

Date of Resolved Release

SVP USB port may cause an SVP Outage (see details below).


When plugging a USB Memory Device into a ST9990V SVP, the SVP may power off and could be damaged requiring replacement.  If this should occur, configuration changes cannot be performed until the cause has been addressed and the SVP has been replaced.

The Sun StorageTek 9985V System is NOT affected with this issue.

Contributing Factors

In some rare circumstances, the ST9990V has the SVP power cable incorrectly routed such that the S/R Bracket can pinch it to the extent causing contact with ground when the bracket is installed.  This can occur during initial installation or relocation of the subsystem or during maintenance performed on the ACBOX.

In some rare circumstances, when a USB Device is inserted into the USB port on the SVP on the ST9990V, the SVP powers down and will not power back up.

Refer to the HDS Alert link below for more details;



Basic and/or Optional SVP is down and damaged, and Fuse in SVP PS cable may be blown.

Root Cause

In some rare cases the SVP power supply cable was routed so that it can be pinched by the S/R Bracket (Main power cable strain relief bracket) when the SVP power cable is routed behind the ACBOX-1.  If this should occur there is the possibility that the cable insulation may be cut so as to cause contact between 12VDC current and the Frame Ground (FG) of the USPV array, sometimes blowing an inline fuse.

Note that neither the SVP power cable nor the fuses are Field Replaceable Units (FRU).

Corrective Action



I) On Existing ST9990V storage systems:

At the earliest possible opportunity, it is recommended that SUN FE perform the ground checks on ST9990V as detailed in the "DKC DC Voltage Measurement Procedure" (Section 5.2) of work procedure for the FCB DKC610I-H011 via the below link;


Note: Do not use the USB port on the SVP until you have performed the ground checks mentioned above.

If no problems were discovered with the ground check, no immediate actions are required.

At your next available opportunity for complete shutdown of the ST9990V, plan on inspecting the SVP power cable routing following the details in section 5.3 of the "Confirmation procedure of DKC SVP Power Supply Cable" document.

The main purpose is to inspect and clean up the cable routing. Engineers should come prepared with cable ties and tape.

If there were problems indicated by the ground check, contact TSC as soon as possible for next immediate action and guidance.  Do not change the SVP power cable routing unless it is done under the guidance of TSC.  Do not remove the S/R Bracket when removing or installing an ACBOX to prevent this problem from being caused.

If ground check fails you should order the below 2 cable part kits from HDS.

    P/N   FCB DKC610I-H011Kit 1.X   Cable route setting.
    P/N   FCB DKC610I-H011Kit 2.X   Cable replacement.

To order the parts, follow the "Instructions for requesting the SVP power cable kit" in Resolution section below.

After inspecting and permanently correcting the issue under the guidance of TSC, mark the revision label [C] as indicated in the Resolution section below.


Do not reinstall the subsystem unless you have successfully completed the checks below. If this machine is being de-installed AND it is being returned to factory, you can skip the following steps.

Before powering down the subsystem, perform the ground check detailed in the section 5.2 of work procedure mentioned above.

1. If there were no problems discovered with the ground check, carefully follow the procedure
   at below link with the system completely powered down and the ACBOXs and S/R Bracket removed,
   inspect the SVP power cable routing;


  a. If the cable appears buried behind other cable bundles, please mark the revision label [C]
     as indicated in the Solutions section below.

  b. If a portion of the cable is visible as in the pictures shown under "Phenomena that can occur"
     section of HDS alert link below...


     ...inspect the cable carefully for damage.  If damage is apparent, please contact TSC Backline
     Support for next immediate action and guidance.  Otherwise, mark the revision label [C] as
     indicated in the "Resolution" section below.

2. If there are problems indicated by the ground check, contact TSC as soon as possible for
   next immediate action and guidance.

3. If the directions given by TSC permanently correct the issue, mark the revision label [C] as
   indicated in the "Resolution" section below.


See Resolution section below.  If the revision markings do not indicate that the wiring in this new machine is correct, notify TSC and then perform the checks above under "RELOCATING or DE-INSTALLING SUBSYSTEMS" before installing this subsystem.


If the conditions/symptoms previously described have been seen at the site, contact TSC Backline Support and they will determine the appropriate actions to take to correct the problem.

Checking for Effectivity:

As per HDS, all ST9990V systems shipped after April 10, 2009 will have had the SVP power cable inspected and any misrouting corrected in the factory or the build centers.

To identify these subsystems first find the revision control sticker on the lower right frame, as shown in solution section of the HDS Alert via the below link;


1. If the letters [A] and [B] are blocked out but not [C], the rework has been performed only if
   there is a circular black mark (magic marker) on the rear of the frame, in the position indicated
   in the picture shown in the HDS Alert mentioned above.  This was done for units shipped from
   mid-April, 2009 through May 17, 2009.

2. If the letters [A] [B] and [C] are all blacked out on the revision label, the inspection/rework
   was performed.  This was done on all systems shipped starting on May 18, 2009.

Look at the HDS Alert link mentioned above for a picture showing where to find the black circle alternately used when Rev [C] was not blocked out.

Order these parts only if the ground check fails.

Instructions for requesting the SVP power cable kit:

A request e-mail must be sent to ST9900_FCO_Parts@Sun.COM with the "FCB  DKC610I-H011 Hardware Request and system S/N" in the subject line.

Be sure to include all system serial numbers for systems which you are requesting parts.  The Part Order Template can be found at the below (internal only) URL;



Subscribe to ST9900 up-to-date HDS Alerts by refering the below link;


For ST9900 Maintenance Manuals go to;



 Related URL(s):

  ECN: http://se9990.eng/tech_docs/fab/svp_power/6h052.pdf
  FCB: http://se9990.eng/tech_docs/fab/svp_power/HDS_FCB_DKC610I-H011__rev0.pdf
  HDS Alert: http://se9990.eng/tech_docs/fab/svp_power/USPV060304.pdf
  Work Procedure: http://se9990.eng/tech_docs/fab/svp_power/HDS_WorkProcedure__rev0.pdf

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

For Sun Authorized Service Providers go to:

In addition to the above you may email:

Modification History
Changes made since initial publication.

  • Clarified when and how to order parts in the Resolution section

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Suresh.Gummanur@Sun.COM Responsible Manager: Tejinder.Singh@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
25-Nov-2009: Completed draft and sent to Extended Review.
01-Dec-20009: No feedback from Ext Rvw - sending to Publish.

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