Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1022268.1
Update Date:2011-05-20

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1022268.1 :   Sun Fire X4640 CPU screw may become dislodged which could cause a thermal event and consequent system shutdown.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4640 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Hardware Remediation>Mandatory


Date of Resolved Release

Affected X-Options:

X8487A   594-6331-01  CPU/Memory Module 0MB, 1 Opteron 6-Core 8431, 2.4GHz, 75W, RoHS:YL
X8486A   594-6332-01  CPU/Memory Module 0MB, 1 Opteron 6-Core 8435, 2.6GHz, 75W, RoHS:YL

Affected Parts:

541-4146-02    2.4GHz Six Core CPU/Memory Module (CPU Books)
541-4147-02    2.6GHz Six Core CPU/Memory Module (CPU Books)


Vibration and handling can loosen and potentially dislodge defective CPU book screws. Dislodged screws could short the CPU Book and/or motherboard, causing a thermal event, resulting in permanent system damage.

Contributing Factors

Sun Fire X4640 Servers that shipped starting at First Customer Ship (FCS) through March 4, 2010 are affected by this issue.  All affected systems have been identified by system serial number and a Customer List has been developed.


The dislodged screw could a cause thermal event, system shut down, and permanent damage to the motherboard or CPU modules.  No system error messages are generated specific to this issue.

Root Cause

A single screw was specified for up to 8 different locations on the CPU book.  Depth for the screw varied at each location.  The blocker and PCB thickness was the worst case/thickest.  The 6mm screw could grab only 1 thread, however the minimal requirement is 2 threads.

Issue was discovered by manufacturing supplier during recent system builds.  The supplier noticed that that the CPU screws were too short at certain locations on the CPU board.

The current 6mm screw (Sun P/N 240-5955-01) has been replaced with new 8mm screw (Sun P/N 240-5513-01).

All Sun Fire X4640 systems that have shipped up through March 4, 2010 are affected by this issue.  All Sun Fire X4640 systems were put on stop-ship as of this date via StopShip/Purge# P001-20725.  Fix in manufacturing is to implement ECO# WO_42837 which was approved on March 10, 2010.  Services spares inventory began purge/rework on March 12, 2010 via GSAP# 5161.

Corrective Action

Target Completion Date: 02-Jul-2010


Replace the 6mm screw with 8mm screw (Sun p/n 240-5513-01).

Although CPU book is a CRU, a trained Sun/Oracle Service Engineer is required to go on-site for this FAB remediation.


Proactively implement this FAB as follows:

1. Identify affected customers on FAB customer list via SunFIT.
2. Order FAB kit by sending request to, and include the
   following information:
     a) Contact name, address, and phone number for FAB kit shipment
     b) X4640 serial number that will be remedied
     c) Quantity of CPU books for each serial number

3. FAB kits will be shipped to requested address.
4. Upon receipt of FAB kit, schedule system downtime and access to the machine with customer.
5. Follow rework instructions provided in FAB kit.
6. Send any questions to:

Note: The kit contains replacement screws, labels (with ECO WO_42837 on them) and an instruction sheet.

Identification of Affected Parts (how to):

The Affected Customer List is no longer available via SunFIT.

Instructions provided within the FAB kit will show location of affected screws.

Hardware Remediation and Material Availability Details:

Service Readiness will ship FAB kit upon receipt of FAB request.  Global Services Logistics will not stock this kit and will not accept orders for it.


This issue was evaluated as an FCO and found not to meet criteria as parts are not being managed or supplied by Global Services Logistics, and low field service labor costs do not warrant doing an FCO.

This remediation offer can only be guaranteed until July 2, 2010. Please make it a priority to remediate all affected customers by this date.


 Related URL(s):  (see Issue #65)
 ECO: WO_42837
 GSAP: 5161
 WW Stop Ship: P001-20725.A1

For information about FAB documents, its release processes, implementation strategies and billing information, go to the following URL:

In addition to the above you may email:

Internal Contributor/submitter
Kim.Mayman@Oracle.COM, Noel.Mckay@Oracle.COM

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Eugene.Kushnir@Oracle.COM Responsible Manager: Subban.Raghunathan@Oracle.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group-x64

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
19-Mar-2010: Completed draft - placed on-hold awaiting final customer list.
31-Mar-2010: Sent to extended review while awaiting final customer list.
02-Apr-2010: Customer List uploaded into SunFIT. Sending to Publish.

This solution has no attachment
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