Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-73-1152093.1
Update Date:2010-07-20

Solution Type  FAB (standard) Sure

Solution  1152093.1 :   Thermal Grease syringes not usable when replacing X64 processors or system boards.  

Related Items
  • Sun Ultra 27 Workstation
  • Sun Blade X6270 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X6275 Server Module
  • Sun Blade X6250 Server Module
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun FAB>Standard>Reactive

In this Document

Oracle Confidential (PARTNER). Do not distribute to customers
Reason: FABs available to Internals and Partners only

Applies to:

Sun Ultra 27 Workstation - Version: Not Applicable to Not Applicable - Release: NA to NA
Sun Blade X6275 Server Module - Version: Not Applicable to Not Applicable   [Release: NA to NA]
Sun Blade X6270 Server Module - Version: Not Applicable to Not Applicable   [Release: NA to NA]
Sun Blade X6250 Server Module - Version: Not Applicable to Not Applicable   [Release: NA to NA]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Affected Parts: (FRU/CRU Part Number / Description)

350-1271-01 - Thermal Grease FRU with Alcohol Wipe


The Field Engineer may not be able to perform CPU or Motherboard FRU replacement because of the poor quality and/or volume of the thermal grease provided in the FRU kit.


When servicing a customer for a CPU or Motherboard replacement on any of the above listed Products, the thermal paste (included in the FRU) may be unusable. The grease inside the syringes may be too thick to be used, or the amount of grease will not be enough to cover the CPU properly.

If this issue is experienced, the Field Engineer will need to order and wait for the Thermal Grease FRU Kit before the CPU or Motherboard can be replaced, causing increased downtime for the customer.


Contributing Factors

This issue could impact the replacement of CPU or Motherboard on any of the Platforms listed in the Products section above, but has only been observed on the Sun Blade X6275.


Root Cause

The sourcing process used by Oracle supplier in the acquisition of the affected Thermal Grease Syringes was identified as the root cause.

The sources of these syringes were not properly storing the thermal grease or controlling the volume. This lead to grease that was too thick to apply and/or had an insufficient volume of grease. This sourcing issue has now been addressed.

All syringes in affected Motherboard and CPU FRUs have been reworked in Manufacturing with the proper grease as of May 1, 2010.

Services spares inventory was not purged due to significant usage rates of spares containing the thermal grease syringes limits the potential of this issue being experienced.



No workaround available - see Resolution section.


It is recommended that FEs supporting Motherboard and CPU replacements on the above listed products order extras of the Thermal Grease FRU (P/N 350-1271-01) to have on hand during repair in case the Motherboard or CPU spare has unusable thermal grease.


Service Logistics will monitor usage on the Thermal Grease FRU to ensure proper stocking levels are maintained.


PITT# 3087

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* http://tns.central/fab

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Responsible Engineer:
Responsible Manager:,
Business Unit Group: Systems Group-x64

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