Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1002220.1
Update Date:2009-12-27

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1002220.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM] 3000 Arrays: Battery Not Fully Charged  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
  • Sun Storage 3320 SCSI Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays


The Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0, and 351x arrays will at times have the following sequence of messages contained with in the RAID controller events log:
[0125] #6: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device ALERT: primary battery board not fully charged
[01a5] #7: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device NOTICE: primary battery board fully charged
[0125] #13: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device ALERT: secondary battery board not fully charged
[01a5] #14: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device NOTICE: secondary battery board fully charged
These messages are referencing the cache battery backup(BBU) for each RAID controller, primary and secondary, in the enclosure.
You may also see the following messages from the Management Host(or loghost) in
the Sun StorEdge[TM] Diagnostic Reporter:
See below example of log event messages on primary and secondary controllers
reported by Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter:
Nov  9 15:37:48 bretagne SUNWscsdMonitor[315]: [ID 863683 daemon.error]
[SUNWscsd 0x10B1D0E: Critical] <rctrl5007> Controller Event, Battery Primary
Not-fully-charged. Likely battery module error. If error persists, replace
defective battery module.  (Secondary, Sat Nov  6 01:07:05 2004) {SN#00435b}

These messages are not necessarily indicative of a problem with the array, but result when the battery charge drops below 3.9V. These messages will also show upon controller insertion, array reset and/or turning on the unit.
The message:
[0125] #6: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device ALERT: primary battery board not fully charged
simply means that the voltage of the BBU on the primary controller has dropped below 3.9V, and the system has turned on the charging circuit for that battery.
The follow up message:
[01a5] #7: StorEdge Array SN#8011053 Peripheral Device NOTICE: primary battery board fully charged
indicates that the primary BBU has gotten its full charge and the charging circuit has been turned off.  A fully charged battery holds a charge of greater than 4.2V.
The following table describes the relationship between the GUI display, Battery Voltage, and Capacity.
Battery Display      Battery Voltage       Battery Capacity
+++++               > 4.2V                   100%
++++-               < 4.20V                < 100%
+++--               < 4.05V                < 80%
++---               < 3.96V                < 60%
+----               < 3.84V                < 40%
-----               < 3.76V                < 20%
The battery charge time is relatively short.  Replacement should be considered
if the "fully charged" message never appears in the RAID controller logs, or if
the charge cycle is immediately started within minutes of the completion.
NOTE:  A 60% battery capacity holds enough charge to safely backup the 512 Mbyte
cache module in the array for 72+ hours.
NOTE: Unlike the Sun StorEdge 6000 Family arrays there is no periodic discharge of the BBU.  The enclosure relies upon a voltage sensor within the controller board, and charges the battery as needed.

Additional Information
Your lithium ion battery should be changed every two years if the unit is
continuously operated at 25 degrees C. If the unit is continuously operated at
35 degrees C or higher, it should be changed every year. The shelf life of your
battery is three years.

In the event of a power failure, the battery maintains power to the cache for 72hours. When power is restored, the data in cache is destaged to disk.
The following example shows one good battery one and one battery that is set to expire within the next week(Note, show battery-status is a Sun StorEdge 351X command only):
sccli> show battery-status
Upper Battery Type: 1
Upper Battery Manufacturing Date: Sat Jan 04 00:00:00 2003
Upper Battery Placed In Service:  Thu Jan 22 10:59:58 2004
Upper Battery Expiration Date:    Tue Jan 03 06:00:00 2006
Upper Battery Status: good
Lower Battery Type: 1
Lower Battery Manufacturing Date: Tue Jan 02 00:00:00 2001
Lower Battery Placed In Service: Sat Dec 29 00:00:00 2001
Lower Battery Expiration Date: Mon Dec 29 00:00:00 2003
Lower Battery Status: warning

Sun StorageTek 3511 SATA Array
Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array
Sun StorageTek 3320 SCSI Array

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-VOLUME_DISK

NOTE: For information on "Battery Expiration" reference Technical Instruction < Document: 1009069.1 > Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x Array: Battery Expiration and Status Monitoring.
3310, 3320, 3511, 3510, battery, charged, StorEdge, Array, Minnow, SE3000, 3000, audited, normalized
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2009-12-22
User Name:
Action: Currency & Update
Date: 2007-07-02
User Name: 7058
Action: Add Comment
Notes for Normalizaton:
This document is referenced by: 89046
Subset Root path:
ALSO references: 76106
Project: Minnow Normalization
Version: 0

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