Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1002463.1
Update Date:2011-04-26

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1002463.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V480, V490, V880 and V890 system with RoHS RSC, part number 501-7314, emits "Unrecognized SC type, assuming 5016767" or give error "unable to find RSC serial device" while doing flashupgrade  

Related Items
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  • Sun Fire V880z Visualization Server
  • Sun Fire V890 Server
  • Sun Fire V880 Server
  • Sun Fire V490 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


Applies to:

Sun Fire V480 Server
Sun Fire V490 Server
Sun Fire V880 Server
Sun Fire V890 Server
Sun Fire V880z Visualization Server
All Platforms



Sun Fire[TM] V490 and V890 systems with a certain Remote System Control Board (RSC) installed and running RSC Software Version 2.2.3, will see messages on the RSC's serial or network console ports that are likely to cause concern or confusion.

These messages are specific to the Reduction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) RSC Board, part number 501-7314.

The following two examples show the messages seen -

Example 1:
The following message can be seen either when the RSC is reset or when the platform is powered on:

"Unrecognized SC type, assuming 5016767"

Example 2:
The following failure message can been seen when performing an RSC Software update to Software version 2.2.3.
This is using the RSC software command, rsc-config, to perform the Software update:


This script will now update RSC, continue? (y|n): y
Updating flash, this takes a few minutes
Download completed successfully

RSC resetting (60 seconds): DONE

ERROR: unable to find RSC serial device


Please re-run the install script. Make sure you check all
inputs to make sure they are valid.


This issue is due to the part number in the RoHS RSC's SEEPROM being different to the non-RoHS RSC.

RSC software version 2.2.3 originally had only part number 501-6767 defined in the list of known part numbers.

The result is that the firmware calls out RoHS part number as being unrecognized.

There are now patches available to resolve this issue.



Customers running Solaris 8 should apply patch:
119380-02 (or later) - RSC 2.2.3 bug fixes for Solaris 8

Customers running Solaris 9 or Solaris 10 should apply patch:
119381-02 (or later) - RSC 2.2.3 bug fixes for Solaris 9 and Solaris 10

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 12/03/09, Entry Level SPARC Content Team Member

Special Notes:
If the replacement of the RSC card is required for whatever reasons, only replace RoHS RSC card with non-RoHS version in a non RoHS machine. DO NOT put a non-RoHS RSC card in a RoHS machine.
If there is a RSC card replacement to a non-RoHS version, and if above error still occurs while doing flashupdate on non-ROHS card then do the following steps below:

Try method A first. If method A is not successful, use method B.

Method A: Reset rsc.

   #/usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc/rscadm resetrsc

Method B: Reseat the RSC card and reflash the RSC card.

   1. Power off the machine.
   2. Remove the powercords from the all the power supplies.
   3. Wait for 1 minute.
   4. Remove the RSC card.
   5. Wait for 1 minute.
   6. Insert the RSC card.
   7. Plug the power cords back into all the power supplies.
   8. Power up system.
   9. Log into Solaris a root and reflash the RSC.

      #/usr/platform/`uname -i`/rsc/rsc-config

v490, v890, rsc, 2.2.3, ROHS, 5016767, v880, v480, RSC, "unable to find RSC ", 501-7314, rsc-config
Previously Published As 86546

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