Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1003661.1
Update Date:2010-06-22

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1003661.1 :   How to recover when a Sun Fire[TM]E2900, V1280 or Netra[TM] 1280 has an incompatible RTOS and ScApp  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra 1280 Server
  • Sun Fire V1280 Server
  • Sun Fire E2900 Server
  • Sun Netra 1290 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>NEBS-Certified Servers


Applies to:

Sun Netra 1280 Server
Sun Fire V1280 Server
Sun Fire E2900 Server
Sun Netra 1290 Server
All Platforms


It is possible when upgrading the firmware in a V1280/E2900 or Netra 1280/1290 platform using the 'lom -G' command to end up with a mismatch of RTOS and ScApp. 

The mismatch will result in the SC's inability to boot and run System Controller Application, preventing the SC from managing the platform.


The 'lom -G' command is utilized to upgrade ScApp (otherwise known as lom or generically as the firmware).


This usually happens as a result of following only parts of the upgrade instructions, or not having read the entire upgrade procedure first.  If you follow the instructions from the lom -G command and do a resetsc immediately after applying the sgsc.flash image, you will end up with a mismatch and a very unhappy system controller.
  • The example below is NOT a reference for how to update the firmware on these systems.
  • This document exists because there were some deficiencies in early versions of the readme files which left the instructions unclear.  This has been remedied. 
  • The README and should be consulted and followed EXACTLY to avoid upgrade problems.

EXAMPLE of the system firmware mismatch by not following the correct procedure

# lom -G /var/tmp/114525-02/sgsc.flash
This program will replace LOM firmware with version 5.18.1
Are you sure you want to continue
Enter 'C' and return to Continue or anything else to Terminate
Transferring 6200 kB image to the system controller.
This may take several minutes.

...Many lines omitted...

Firmware update complete.

You must reboot the system controller to load the new firmware.
At the lom> prompt enter ''resetsc -y'' to reboot the system controller.
# <---- Typically, this is where a user would fail to read the whole procedure,
and follow the onscreen instructions and hit the Escape sequence here.

lom> resetsc -y
Are you sure you want to reboot the system controller now yes (-y)
Waiting for critical processes to finish. This may take a while.
Critical processes have finished.

...The SC is now partly updated, and on the way to being broken...

Rebooting. All telnet connections closed. Reestablish any needed connections.

Mon Apr 25 10:30:26 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Stopping all services on this SC
Mon Apr 25 10:30:26 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: All services on this SC have been stopped.
Software Reset...
@(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 39 2004/04/19 19:20

...Many lines omitted...

Sun Fire System Firmware

RTOS version: 39
ScApp version: 5.18.1 Build_01
The RTOS revision is too old for this version of ScApp.
ScApp version 5.18.1 requires RTOS version 40 but RTOS version
39 is installed.

You will be prompted to enter a URL where ScApp and RTOS can be
Enter URL :

At this point, the SC is unusable, and does NOT start up into ScApp.

If the IB-SSC ethernet connection is not configured, this is a little trickier since you will have to configure the  IB-SSC ethernet connection from the RTOS.  If you have the IB-SSC ethernet connection configured, and if you have a host on the SC network which has the firmware, you can recover as in an internally documented procedure.


Resolving this issue requires that you open a service request and speak to an Oracle Support Engineer.  The issue must be validated, and due to the complex nature of the resolution an Oracle Support Engineer will need to guide you through this resolution.

That engineer's task in resolving this issue might be made easier if they are able to utilize Shared Shell to remotely access this host and perform the procedure to resolve the mismatch.  This type of remote access is not always possible, but it's worth validating if this is an option. 

Please remember to specify that you utilized this document ID when opening the Service Request.  The service engineer can pick up at this point and resolve the issue utilizing the internally documented process.

Support engineer instructions for resolving this issue.

If needed assist the customer via Shared Shell in order to avoid dispatching a field resource on site for this resolution.

Enter URL : Enter the absolute path name to the directory where the SC can find the firmware (See below in BOLD).

Enter URL : ftp://root:passwd@
Rebooting the SC to automatically complete the upgrade.

Software Reset...

(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 39 2004/04/19 19:20
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
        Memory size = 32MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:91:1e
Hostname: v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
Connecting to
Transferring sgrtos.flash via FTP : 692552
Validating RTOS flash image...
Updating flashprom sectors at address 0x20000000: 11/11 = 100%
Connecting to
Transferring sgsc.flash via FTP : 6349779
Validating ScApp flash image...
Updating flashprom sectors at address 0x36000000: 97/97 = 100%
Software Reset...
(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 41 2004/08/18 09:31
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
        Memory size = 32MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:91:1e
Hostname: v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
Copyright 2001-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Sun Fire System Firmware
RTOS version: 41
ScApp version: 5.18.1 Build_01
SC POST diag level: off
The date is Monday, April 25, 2005, 10:37:49 AM GMT.
Mon Apr 25 10:37:50 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Boot: ScApp 5.18.1, RTOS 41
Mon Apr 25 10:37:58 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Caching ID information
Mon Apr 25 10:37:59 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Clock Source: 75MHz
Mon Apr 25 10:38:03 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/PS0: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 10:38:04 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/PS1: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 10:38:04 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/PS2: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 10:38:05 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/PS3: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 10:38:05 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Chassis is in single partition mode.
Mon Apr 25 10:39:32 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/FT0, fan speed, Low (4,1)
Mon Apr 25 10:39:37 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: Starting telnet server ...
Enter Password:
Mon Apr 25 10:39:52 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: FT0/FAN6 Faulty, replacement required
Mon Apr 25 10:39:52 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: FULL-COOLING ENGAGED: turning fans high
Mon Apr 25 10:39:52 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/FT0, sensor status, fan failure (7,4)
Mon Apr 25 10:40:08 v4u-v1280a-sc1-gmp03 lom: /N0/FT0, fan speed, High (4,2)
Enter URL : ftp://root:passwd@
Connection has timed out or the remote host is unreachable.
Enter URL :
flashupdate: failed, /sgrtos.flash: is not a valid url
Enter URL :
Note: Attempting to recover using 'lom -G'
# lom -G /var/tmp/114525-02/sgrtos.flash
This program will replace LOM firmware with
version 5.11.3 <--- CR 6266849
Are you sure you want to continue
Enter 'C' and return to Continue or anything else to Terminate
Programming LOM failed with error: Connection timed out
Enter URL :
THE ONLY WAY TO DO SO ON THE V1280/E2900/n1280/n1290

Note: As the hard reset of the SC could potentially interrupt domain operations,
it is recommended that the domain be halted prior to taking the actions below.
Hardware Reset...

(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 39 2004/04/19 19:20
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
Memory size = 32MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:91:1e
Using DHCP to configure network interface
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
Initializing DHCP libraries
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
Initiating DHCP negotiations for eri0
dhcpcBind() failed: S_taskLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
Copyright 2001-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
<------------------Hit CTRL-a here
Sun Fire System Firmware
RTOS version: 39
ScApp version: 5.18.1 Build_01
The RTOS revision is too old for this version of ScApp.
ScApp version 5.18.1 requires RTOS version 40 butTask
not found spawning new shell.
-> setBootFlags(0x10)
value = 8 = 0x8
<------------------Hit CTRL-x here
Software Reset...

(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 39 2004/04/19 19:20
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
Memory size = 32MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:91:1e
Using DHCP to configure network interface
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
Initializing DHCP libraries
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
Initiating DHCP negotiations for eri0
dhcpcBind() failed: S_taskLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
-> ifMaskSet("eri0", 0xfffff800)
value = 0 = 0x0
-> ifAddrSet("eri0", "")
value = 0 = 0x0
-> ifFlagSet("eri0", 0x8063)
value = 0 = 0x0
-> routeAdd("", "")
value = 0 = 0x0
-> hostAdd("admin-ws", "")
value = 0 = 0x0
-> ping "admin-ws",1
admin-ws is alive
value = 0 = 0x0
-> updateBootFlashURL

Note: The admin-ws is set up for anonymous ftp
Connecting to admin-ws...
Transferring sgrtos.flash via FTP : 692552
Validating RTOS flash image...
Updating flashprom sectors at address 0x20000000: 11/11 = 100%
value = 0 = 0x0
-> setBootFlags(0x8)
value = 16 = 0x10
-> reboot
Software Reset...

(#) SYSTEM CONTROLLER(SC) POST 41 2004/08/18 09:31
PSR = 0x044010e5
PCR = 0x04004000
Memory size = 32MB
Basic sanity checks done.
Skipping POST ...
ERI Device Present
Getting MAC address for SSC1
Using SCC MAC address
MAC address is 0:3:ba:19:91:1e
Using DHCP to configure network interface
Attached TCP/IP interface to eri unit 0
Attaching interface lo0...done
Initializing DHCP libraries
interrupt: 100 Mbps full duplex link up
Initiating DHCP negotiations for eri0
dhcpcBind() failed: S_taskLib_NAME_NOT_FOUND
Copyright 2001-2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Sun Fire System Firmware
RTOS version: 41
ScApp version: 5.18.1 Build_01
SC POST diag level: off
The date is Monday, April 25, 2005, 5:42:51 AM PDT.
Mon Apr 25 05:42:52 lom: Boot: ScApp 5.18.1, RTOS 41
Mon Apr 25 05:42:54 lom: SBBC Reset Reason(s): Power On Reset
Mon Apr 25 05:42:54 lom: Initializing the SC SRAM
Mon Apr 25 05:43:00 lom: Caching ID information
Mon Apr 25 05:43:01 lom: Clock Source: 75MHz
Mon Apr 25 05:43:06 lom: /N0/PS0: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 05:43:06 lom: /N0/PS1: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 05:43:07 lom: /N0/PS2: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 05:43:08 lom: /N0/PS3: Status is OK
Mon Apr 25 05:43:08 lom: Chassis is in single partition mode.
Mon Apr 25 05:43:11 lom: NOTICE: /N0/FT0 is powered off
Mon Apr 25 05:43:12 lom: Cold boot detected: recovering active domains

Output truncated...but system poweron notices are printed and if the SC 'remembers' that the domain keyswitch was on, the host should echo a message similar to the following and then kick off POST:
 Domain: A keyswitch on 

For reference, you may wish to read:
CR 6244072 lom -G on v1280 fails to impose dependencies for ScApp and RTOS pairs

Document notes:
This document is normalized and managed by the MidRange Server Group's Content Team. Please send any feedback on this resolution path to Feedback_MSG_Domain@ Include the document ID in the subject line.

This solution has no attachment
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.