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Asset ID: 1-72-1004590.1
Update Date:2010-08-26

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1004590.1 :   Entering a date in the past in schd.conf causes continous battery refreshes  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - Other



If you inadvertently put a schd.conf on a T3 with date in the past, you could cause it to do continous battery


Using this for /etc/schd.conf:
BAT_BEG 05-03-2001,09-30-00
This was a year off (the actual year was 2002).   The battery continued refreshing ,
adding 28 days to every cycle. It keeps doing this until it catches up to the
currect date.

You will notice the following entries in /syslog

May 05 02:54:33 sh09[2]: N: refresh -s
May 05 02:56:29 sh09[2]: N: cd etc
May 05 02:56:32 sh09[2]: N: cat schd.conf
May 05 02:56:35 sh09[2]: N: cd ..
May 05 02:56:40 sh09[2]: N: refresh -i
May 05 02:56:47 BATD[2]: N: Battery Refreshing cycle starts from this point.
May 05 02:56:50 LPCT[2]: N: u1pcu1: Refreshing battery
May 05 02:57:22 sh09[2]: N: refresh -s
May 05 03:02:48 BATD[2]: N: u1pcu1: battery passed health check.
May 05 03:27:20 sh09[2]: N: refresh -s
May 05 03:34:13 sh09[2]: N: refresh -s
May 05 03:35:24 sh09[2]: N: refresh -s
May 05 14:15:05 LPCT[2]: N: u1pcu2: Refreshing battery
May 05 14:21:04 BATD[2]: N: u1pcu2: battery passed health check.
May 06 01:46:48 BATD[2]: N: Battery Refreshing cycle ends at this point.
May 06 01:46:56 BATD[2]: N: Battery Refreshing cycle starts from this point.
May 06 01:46:59 LPCT[2]: N: u1pcu1: Refreshing battery
May 06 01:52:57 BATD[2]: N: u1pcu1: battery passed health check.
May 06 03:29:03 sh11[2]: N: refresh -s
May 06 13:05:17 LPCT[2]: N: u1pcu2: Refreshing battery
May 06 13:11:15 BATD[2]: N: u1pcu2: battery passed health check.
May 07 00:37:15 BATD[2]: N: Battery Refreshing cycle ends at this point.
May 07 00:37:25 BATD[2]: N: Battery Refreshing cycle starts from this point.


How to Fix:

  • On the affected T3 , issue a refresh -k . This will stop Battery Refreshing.

  • Create a /tmp/schd.conf on a system somewhere. (Using correct dates)



  • Ftp this /tmp/schd.conf back to the T3 /etc/schd.conf

  • refresh -s , wait for all batteries to go status Normal .

  • Type refresh -i , to get the correct date to be used.

  • Type refresh -s , to check that the correct date is now set.


  • No battery refreshing Task is currently running. PCU1 PCU2 --------------------------------------------------------------

  • U1 Normal Normal

  • U2 Normal Normal

  • Current Time Sun Jul 14 08:32:12 2002

  • Next Refresh Tue Sep 03 09:30:00 2002

Sun StorageTek T3 Array

Internal Comments

Internal Section

  • This was tested on 1.18,1.17b, 1.16

  • Bug Filed is 4683597.

  • David Bestor <>

Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2003-05-20
User Name: Administrator
Action: Migration from KMSCreator
Comment: updated by : John Howard
comment : updating SRDB based on conversation with field .... asked to make it more precise
date : Sep 24, 2002

updated by : John Howard
comment : updating SRDB based on conversation with field .... asked to make it more precise
date : Sep 24, 2002

updated by : Dean Clausen
comment : Issued
date : Aug 14, 2002

updated by : John Rafferty
comment : No comment
date : Aug 12, 2002

updated by : David Bestor
comment : submit
date : Jul 14, 2002

updated by : David Bestor
comment : Article created.
date : Jul 9, 2002
Version: 0
2a6d7d50-0a18-11d6-8e0b-f0bd33b24928|Sun StorageTek T3 Array

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