Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1005021.1
Update Date:2010-11-29

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1005021.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V1280/E2900/Netra[TM] 1280 Server: Incorrect Firmware Upgrade Procedure Can Lead to Incompatible Firmware on System Boards  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra 1280 Server
  • Sun Fire V1280 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers


There are specific procedures to follow when upgrading a Sun Fire[TM] 1280/E2900/Netra[TM] 1280 from 5.13.00xx firmware to 5.17.0 or higher firmware. Failure to use the correct procedures may lead to the following error messages (on a fully populated platform) and could prevent the boards from being usable in the domain until this is corrected:
WARNING: Incompatible firmware detected. Please use flashupdate to update the firmware on the board /N0/SB0
WARNING: Incompatible firmware detected. Please use flashupdate to update the firmware on the board /N0/SB2
WARNING: Incompatible firmware detected. Please use flashupdate to update the firmware on the board /N0/SB4
WARNING: Incompatible firmware detected. Please use flashupdate to update the firmware on the board /N0/IB6

Troubleshooting Steps

The errors above are the result of doing the firmware upgrade procedure incorrectly when going from 5.13.x to 5.17.x or higher.  They will result from attempting a single stepped flashupdate procedure shown below:

   lom> flashupdate -f <URL> all

To prevent the errors and problems as a result of them, ensure that you use the two step procedure when upgrading the platform firmware.  The correct procedure is outlined in the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide that is included with the 5.17.x or higher firmware (in the patch directory once uncompressed):

   lom> flashupdate -f <URL> rtos scapp
lom> poweron all
lom> flashupdate -f <URL> systemboards

To RECOVER from this situation, downgrade the firmware to 5.13.x and then upgrade to 5.17.x or higher using the steps documented in Chapter 11  "Firmware Update Procedures" in the Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide which is included with the firmware patch.


If the SCs are currently showing 5.17.x or higher and the boards in the platform are showing this firmware incompatibility error, it is possible to resolve the problems by simply flashing the SBs and I/O Boards again, this time using the correct "lw8xxx.flash" image file.  To do this, you would do the following:

   lom>flashupdate -f <URL> systemboards

Since the SC is at 5.17.x or higher, it would use the lw8cpu.flash and lw8pci.flash image files to re-flash these boards and they will now be compatible and available for use on this platform.

Ultimately, this whole problem is avoidable by reading and following the directions included in the firmware patch.  But, if you do encounter this issue in the field, it is completely recoverable.

Netra 1280 Server
Sun Fire V1280 Server

Internal Comments
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The following resources are available:

SunFire V1280/Netra1280 Firmware Matrix

SunFire V1280 / E2900 / N1290 checklist

SunFire™ E2900 and V1280/Netra™1280 Quick Reference Guide

<Document: 1006281.1> and BugID 5019256 Click Here

Sun Fire Entry-Level Midrange System Administration Guide included with 5.17.0 or higher firmware)

V1280, Netra, 1280, flashupdate, WARNING:, Incompatible, firmware, detected, normalized

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Change History
Date: 2007-12-24
User Name: 31620
Action: Approved
Comment: Published using interim normalization rules supplied by the Normalization Program Team: (circa mid-December 2007)
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