Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1005225.1
Update Date:2009-12-15

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1005225.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V490 will not pass POST  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V490 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


The Sun Fire[TM] V490 will not pass POST successfully when there are fiber cards (375-3102) in pci (Peripheral Component Interconnect) slot 0 AND slot 1. The error message that is displayed is "DATA ACCESS ERROR".

This problem is not seen when the cards are installed into any other pci slots.

This problem is only seen using the cards 375-3102 that do not have a version number associated with them AND a bar code label with the QLA2310 designation.

With OBP at 4.15.6 the error appears as:

0:0>Memory Block....Done
0:0>IO-Bridge Tests....Done
0:0>Full Memory Test....Done
0:0>Enable Errors....Done
0:0> POST Passed all devices.
0:0>POST: Return to OBP.
POST Reset

Enabling system bus....... Done
Probing Memory............ Done
Initializing CPUs......... Done
Initializing boot memory.. Done

Initializing OpenBoot
Probing system devices
Probing I/O buses
Data Access Error
{3} ok

With OBP at 4.18.6 the format of the error changes slightly:

Enabling system bus....... Done
Initializing CPUs......... Done
Initializing boot memory.. Done
Initializing OpenBoot
Probing system devices
Probing I/O buses
ERROR: /pci@8,600000/<Unnamed>: Last Trap: Data Access Error

replace PN 375-3102 with PN 375-3102-01REV52 with QLA2310F designation.

Sun Fire V490 Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 12/03/09, Entry Level SPARC Content
Team Member

v490, DATA ACCESS ERROR, fiber, channel, amber2, pci
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2009-12-05
User name: Silvana Villamil
Action: Updated
Comments: Currency check, audited by Dencho Kojucharov, Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Date: 2006-03-15
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: Made a few minor grammer corrections.

Trademarked where needed.
No duplicates.
Spell ck OK.
Tags OK.
OK to publish.
Version: 4

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