Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1007580.1
Update Date:2008-12-21

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1007580.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V880 or V480 firmware: Unable to Flashupdate: "ERROR: system security set: system firmware was not modified"  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V480 Server
  • Sun Fire V880 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


Problems flash updating the Sun Fire[TM] V880 firmware.

You are unable to flashupdate the Sun Fire[TM] V880 firmware (using patch 112186) or the Sun Fire V480 firmware (using patch 113034), even after you confirm that the keyswitch is NOT in the "secure" position and that jumper J3003 (pins 2-3) on the V880 I/O Board or jumper J1104 (pins 1-2) on the V480 I/O Riser Board are set to "write enabled" with the pins jumpered appropriately.

The update appears to be in progress, but then it aborts with the following message:

** ERROR: system security set: system firmware was not modified

The solution is to check the OBP "security-mode" option with the printenv (OBP) or eeprom (OS) command and modify the setting if required.
If the setting is "command," "255," or anything other than "none," you will NOT be able to update the firmware using flashprom.

For example:

   ok printenv security-mode

   security-mode =       255 (invalid value)


You must change the "security-mode" parameter to "none," reset the Sun Fire V480 or Sun Fire V880 firmware, and then apply the firmware update.

For example:

   ok setenv security-mode none

   ok reset-all

You should then be able to update the firmware successfully using flashprom.

Sun Fire V880 Server
Sun Fire V480 Server

Internal Comments
This information is strictly for the use of Sun employees.

Refer to Bug ID: 4651532 for related

Sun Fire V880 Server, Sun Fire V480 Server, OBP, "security-mode"
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2004-06-02
User Name: c8840
Action: Approved
Comment: I edited this document and then submitted it for publication.
Version: 0
Date: 2004-05-29
User Name: c8840
Action: Accepted
Version: 0
Date: 2004-05-27
User Name: 98797
Action: Approved

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