Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1008898.1
Update Date:2009-12-04

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1008898.1 :   Sun Blade[TM] 1000 / 2000 OFFLINE ONLINE NOTICE  

Related Items
  • Sun Blade 2000 Workstation
  • Sun Blade 1000 Workstation
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Workstations


NOTICE: Qlogic qlc(0): Loop OFFLINE

NOTICE: Qlogic qlc(0): Loop ONLINE

Sun Blade[TM] 1000 or Sun Blade[TM] 2000 gets Loop OFFLINE ONLINE notices periodically.

The systems seems to hang for about 10 to 20 seconds before being able to access it after idle periods.

What is happening is powerd is spinning down the disks. The time that it seems to hang is when the disks are spinning back up.
There are two ways to fix this problem.

1. To disable power management (powerd) altogether, perform the following:

#cd /etc/rc2.d

#mv S85power s85power

#init 6



2. Start the Power Manager GUI (dtpower)

Select the "More" option

Select the "Disks" option and change the setting to "Always On"

Change "Device Idle Time" to "Always On"

Click "OK", The new settings should not spin down the disks.

Sun Blade 2000 Workstation
Sun Blade 1000 Workstation

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 12/03/09, Entry Level SPARC Content Team Member

The following is strictly for the use of Sun employees:

OFFLINE, ONLINE, qlogic, loop
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2005-02-02
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: changes OK.
Added keywords.
Review date updated.
OK to republish
Version: 3
Date: 2005-02-02
User Name: 7058
Action: Accept

This solution has no attachment
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.