Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1010184.1
Update Date:2009-02-26

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1010184.1 :   Determining use of the Operating Environment Installation CD (OECD) versus limit-ecache-size for Solaris[TM] 2.5.1 and 2.6 Operating System boot problems.  

Related Items
  • Sun Ultra 5 Workstation
  • Sun Enterprise 3000 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 4500 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 5500 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 450 Server
  • Sun Ultra 450 Workstation
  • Sun Enterprise 4000 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 5000 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 6000 Server
  • Sun Ultra 80 Workstation
  • Sun Enterprise 3500 Server
  • Sun Netra T1400 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 6500 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 220R Server
  • Sun Ultra 10 Workstation
  • Sun Ultra 60 Workstation
  • Sun Enterprise 10000 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 420R Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Workstations
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>NEBS-Certified Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>High-End Servers


The Problem Resolution documents (229939 and 212042), written to provide resolution to the common predicament of systems failing to boot to a Solaris[TM] 2.5.1 or 2.6 Operating Sytem CD-ROM or JumpStart[TM] image, each contain a different solution. Thus, users are confused as to which solution to use per operating environment.

This statement gives several problem scenarios and the corresponding articles to fix these issues.


(Please also see Problem Resolution <Document: 1018081.1> )

Any system that has a 450MHz UltraSPARC(R) II CPU or the 440MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU will not be able to boot Solaris 2.5.1 HW 11/97, Solaris 2.6 HW 3/98 or Solaris 2.6 HW 5/98 CD-ROM or JumpStart images of these Operating Systems. It will fail with "hme0:link down" or keyboard input multiple repeats.

These systems must be booted with a cdrom called the Operating Environment Installation CD February 2000 (OECD), which is Part No. 704-7076-10. Booting this OECD will then prompt for the 2.5.1 or 2.6 Solaris CD for the install of the OS. This OECD can also be used to modify a JumpStart image to boot/load 2.5.1 or 2.6 on these systems. See the manual "Installing Solaris Software for Selected Hardware" Part No. 806-4005-10 for procedure for modifying a jumpstart image.

Once a jumpstart image is modified with the OECD, this image can be used to load Solaris 2.5.1/2.6 on these systems. If the method of installation is via a cdrom, then the OECD must always be used. The manual (included with the OECD) also describes how to use the OECD for CD-ROM-based installs. Here is a list of the systems affected:

  • Ultra[TM] 5, 10, 60, 80, & 450 Workstations

  • Netra[TM] T1 model 105 Servers

  • Netra[TM] T 1120, 1125, 1400, and 1405 Servers

  • Sun Enterprise[TM] 220R and 440R Hardware

Only the above systems with 450MHz or 440MHz CPUs are effected by this problem. You can check the speed of the cpu(s) by running the command ".speed" from the OK prompt. The problem is permanently fixed by loading the most current kernel patch. Patching the kernel to this level is one of the functions of the OECD. The OECD actually has a Solaris[TM] 7 Operating Sytem kernel that it boots to, then it kicks off an install that prompts for the 2.5.1 or 2.6 cdrom for the OS install. It will load the kernel patch during this install, so the kernel will be patched upon the first boot to the new OS on the disk.

This CD-ROM is not included with Solaris and is usually included with the system in the "Binary Code License" package. The OECD can be ordered by Sun personnel from this website: http://acac.central/SAG/Templates/CD_Zero.html

NOTE: The OECD can also be used to fix the "NOTICE: Can't find driver for console frame buffer" install/boot problem mentioned in Problem Resolution <Document: 1003009.1> .
NOTE: The Ultra Enterprise[TM] 450 with a 480MHz CPU requires a special procedure. See Problem Resolution <Document: 1004655.1>


(Please also see Problem Resolution < Solution: 212042 > )

Enterprise Server systems that use the 400/464MHz UltraSPARC II with 8mb ecache CPU module(s) will fail to boot to Solaris 2.5.1 or Solaris 2.6 cdrom (or JumpStart image) with "Fast Data Access MMU Miss" and/or "mutex_enter: bad mutex". < Solution: 212042 > describes this problem and has the exact procedure to boot/load these systems with 2.5.1/2.6.

The problem is that the kernel on the 2.5.1/2.6 CD-ROM cannot load with the 400/464MHz/8MB ecache CPU until the kernel patch is loaded. The workaround (seen in the Problem Resolution) is to run the command "limit-ecache-size" from the OK prompt before booting to the 2.5.1/2.6 cdrom or JumpStart image. It will be able to boot the cdrom or image immediately after this command is run. After the OS is loaded, you will need to run this command again from the OK prompt to boot the system until you load the latest kernel patch. Here are the systems (that potentially have the 400/464MHz 8mb cache cpu installed) affected by this problem:

  • Sun Enterprise[TM] 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, and 10000 Servers

Only systems that have the 400/464MHz/8MB cache cpu(s) are affected.

Final Note:

Do not confuse these two different problems. Do not use the OECD on an Enterprise server in the model range E3000 - E6500 and E10000(with 400/464MHz/8MB cache). These servers are fixed with the limit-ecache-size workaround to boot/load 2.5.1/2.6. The Ultra[TM] 5   Ultra[TM] 450 hardware group of systems (with 440/450 MHz CPU) are the ones that need the OE cdrom to boot/load 2.5.1/2.6 operating sytems.

Ultra 450 Workstation
Ultra 80 Workstation
Ultra 5 Workstation
Ultra 10 Workstation
Sun Enterprise 10000 Server
Sun Enterprise 6500 Server
Sun Enterprise 6000 Server
Sun Enterprise 5500 Server
Sun Enterprise 5000 Server
Sun Enterprise 4500 Server
Sun Enterprise 3000 Server
Sun Enterprise 3500 Server
Sun Enterprise 4000 Server
Netra t 1400 Server
Sun Enterprise 420R Server
Sun Enterprise 450 Server
Netra t1 model 105 Server
Sun Enterprise 220R Server
Ultra 60 Workstation

Solaris[TM] 2.5.1 and 2.6 Operating System boot problems
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Date: 2006-01-19
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Date: 2006-01-19
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