Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1011411.1
Update Date:2010-12-20

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1011411.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V210 Server wrongly populated different type of DIMM will not be recognized  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V240 Server
  • Sun Fire V210 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers


After adding a pair of memory DIMMs to a Sun Fire[TM] V210 or V240 Server the system gives POST errors and does not see the new memory.
POST output:

sc> poweron
SC Alert: Host System has Reset
sc> console
Enter #. to return to ALOM
0>Interrupt Crosscall....Done
0>Init Memory....|
0>ERROR: TEST = Probe Dimms
0>H/W under test = MB/P0/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above
0>MSG = Dimm Pair incomplete
1>ERROR: TEST = Probe Dimms
1>H/W under test = MB/P1/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
1>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above
1>MSG = Dimm Pair incomplete
0>PLL Reset....Done
0>Init Memory....-
0>ERROR: TEST = Probe Dimms
0>H/W under test = MB/P0/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG = Dimm Pair incomplete.
1>ERROR: TEST = Probe Dimms
1>H/W under test = MB/P1/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
1>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
1>MSG = Dimm Pair incomplete.
0>Test Memory....Done
0>Test CPU Caches....Done
0>Functional CPU Tests....Done
0>IO-Bridge Tests....Done
0>      POST toplevel status has the following failures:
0>              MB/P0/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>              MB/P1/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>POST: Return to OBP.
================== End of POST ==================

the prtdiag output shows the memory configured as follows:

Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels         Status
0              1        MB/P0/B1/D0    unused
0              1        -failed
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D0
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D1
1              1        MB/P1/B1/D0    unused
1              1        -failed
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D0
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D1

The DIMMs must be added in pairs to complete a bank, they cannot be installed singularly.

The DIMMs must be added in pairs to complete a bank, they cannot be installed singularly.

The POST errors and the prtdiag show that the DIMMs were installed so that they were evenly distributed between the 2 CPUs with 3 controlled by each processor, but they must be arranged so that they are installed in matched pairs. In this case we should have 4 controlled by CPU0 and 2 by CPU1. (we could have 4 controlled by CPU1 and 2 controlled by CPU0 also, the important thing is that they are installed in pairs.)

So it's important to correctly populate the DIMMs on the system board, especially when you are installing 3 pairs of DIMMs:

1. Below is the prtdiag output of memory with only four DIMMs installed.

Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels         Status
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D0
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D1
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D0
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D1

2. When you try to install 6 DIMMs(3 pairs) into the system, below is the correct populating map.

Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels         Status
0              1        MB/P0/B1/D0
0              1        MB/P0/B1/D1
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D0
0              0        MB/P0/B0/D1
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D0
1              0        MB/P1/B0/D1

After populating the memory as shown above, the system passed POST and the system was able to use all memory correctly.

Sun Fire V210 Server
Sun Fire V240 Server

Internal Comments
For the internal use of Sun Employee's.

NOTE: Actually, V210 is support 370-7972 and is compatible with 371-1116. Handbook team will discuss this issue correct the handbook accordingly.
This document is base on the mail alias communication email from
Mark Danico Mark.Danico@Sun.COM

V210, Dimm Pair incomplete, 6 DIMMs(3 pairs), PC2700, PC2100, Memory
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2010-05-17
User name: Anthony Rulli
Action: reviewed
Comments: Currency check, audited by Dencho Kojucharov, Entry-Level SPARC Content Lead
Date: 2007-03-06
User Name: 95826
Action: Approved
Comment: - moved Mark Danico's email to Internal Only part of the document as its audience is set to Contract.
- verified metadata
- changed review date to 2008-03-05
- checked for TM - 2 added + full product names
- checked audience : contract
Version: 3
Date: 2007-03-05
User Name: 95826
Action: Accept
Version: 0

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