Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1011862.1
Update Date:2009-09-24

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1011862.1 :   Sun Enterprise[TM] 3x00 - 6x00 POST hangs solid during I/O board testing, SOC SRAM Test  

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  • Sun Enterprise 6000 Server
  • Sun Enterprise 6500 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers



After installing a new Type 4 I/O board 501-4883-0x, if POST hangs solid during I/O board testing phase and last message outputted to the console is " 0,0> SOC SRAM Test " then the (new) current board under test has a firmware issue.

Two possible causes:

1. If the I/O type 4 board under test ipost revision is 3.4.6 1998 / 04/16 14:22 or lower, and the OBP master

CPU/MEM board level is 3.2.21 or greater.

2. If the I/O type 4 board under test has been flashed-updated with the wrong firmware. Example: I/O Type-1 FCODE


In both cases above the new I/O boards should be good and are only in need of flashprom update. But to remedy this situation in the field you will need another functional I/O type 4 board 501-4883 with ipost revision 3.4.8 or greater. The system must have an open slot to insert the I/O board to be re-flashed, also check to ensure that an adjacent PCM (Power Cooling Module) is installed.

If a functional I/O type 4 board is available, install it and remove I/O board with the firmware issue from the machine.

Following procedure from Sun System Handbook , http://infoserver.central/syshbk/General/Exx00_Flash.html

1.Connect to Serial Port A at 9600 baud, 8-bit, no parity, 1 stop bit.

2.Disconnect the board with corrupted/wrong/down-level code from the backplane.

3.Install the known good board in any available slot. <---- check for adjacent PCM

4.Turn the keyswitch to On.

5.Wait 15 seconds and press " s " to enter Extended POST. <---- to stop at the POST menu, look for *** Toggle Stop Flag = 1 ***

6.Select f for fcopy from the Extended POST Menus.

7.Insert the board with corrupted/wrong/down-level code into the backplane "hot" and check the board power LED, it should be on.

8.Select 4 for "Activate System Board" and follow the prompts.

9.Select 1 to copy the code and follow the prompts. <-------- (asks for "from" and "to" board location in hexadecimal)

10.Turn the keyswitch to Standby.

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Internal Comments
For Internal Use Only


Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2004-04-06
User Name: 25440
Action: Approved
Comment: So why was this pulled in the first place, I wonder.... Publishing
Version: 0
Date: 2004-04-06
User Name: 25440
Action: Accepted
Version: 0
Date: 2004-04-05
User Name: 108410
Action: Approved
Comment: This is still a very usefull doc. I reviewed it and everything is still in order.
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