Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1012461.1
Update Date:2009-09-23

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1012461.1 :   StorADE 2.3 event database grows too large for Fault Signature Analaysis engine; dumps core  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
  • Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment (StorAde)
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


The StorADE Alarm database files can grow to such a size that the Fault
Signature Analysis engine cannot handle them. The StorADE agent then fails and dumps a core file.

A) This problem exists in StorADE version 2.3.
B) This problem exists in StorEdge 6920, image version 2.0.5 or earlier.

A) This problem has been fixed in StorADE version 2.4.
B) Since there are no pending updates to the StorEdge 6920 2.x.x stream, users must upgrade to the latest StorEdge 6920 3.0.x image.

Removing the database files will correct this problem.
# cd /var/opt/SUNWstade/DATA
# rm *db*

This workaround will remove the history of events from the system and allow for more manageable viewing and acknowledgment of events in the GUI.

Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment 2.3
Sun StorageTek 6920 System

Internal Comments
Escalation: 1-12417885
Bug ID: 6321467

Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2005-12-05
User Name: 25440
Action: Approved
Comment: Audience changed to contract per FvF http://kmo.central/howto/FvF.html
Version: 3
Date: 2005-12-05
User Name: 25440
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2005-12-05
User Name: 30235
Action: Approved
Comment: Clear and to the point. Looks ready for final review.
Version: 0
Date: 2005-11-23
User Name: 24176
Action: Add Comment
Comment: Seems clear and straightforward; should assist any users who encounter this problem.
Are there any particular files whose size users can check to see if this is related to
the agent dumping core ? This might be valuable additional information, although
it's not crucial. Also (have to nitpick), the word "analysis" is missppelled in the title.
No other issues; thanks.
Version: 0
Date: 2005-11-16
User Name: 30235
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2005-11-16
User Name: 115320
Action: Approved
Comment: Hello,

Please review and send comments to,

Version: 0
Date: 2005-11-16
User Name: 115320
Action: Created
Version: 0
8f3abd35-cd09-11d7-9de1-080020a9ed93|Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment 2.3
67794720-356d-11d7-8ef2-ce2ac2bc9136|Sun StorageTek 6920 System

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