Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-72-1018155.1
Update Date:2010-06-21

Solution Type  Problem Resolution Sure

Solution  1018155.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] 12K/15K Servers : prtdiag reports "/IO31/P3" for SlotId and "-1" for PortId.  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire 12K Server
  • Sun Fire 15K Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>High-End Servers


Running the 'prtdiag' command on a Sun Fire[TM] 15K/12K domain reports the following spurious output :
# /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag  -v

System Configuration: Sun[TM] Microsystems sun4u Sun Fire 15000
System clock frequency: 150 MHz
Memory size: 24576 Megabytes

========================= CPUs =========================
         Port  Run    E$    CPU     CPU
Slot ID    ID   MHz    MB   Impl.    Mask
--------  ----  ----  ----  -------  ----
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/IO31/P3   -1   1050  N/A   18       2.3
/SB05/P0  160   1200   8.0  US-III+  6.0
/SB05/P1  161   1200   8.0  US-III+  6.0
/SB05/P2  162   1200   8.0  US-III+  6.0
/SB05/P3  163   1200   8.0  US-III+  6.0

What do the 8 first lines mean ?
What is /IO31/P3 ?

This is not due to a prtdiag bug nor a defective uniboard.
And this is obviously not a MCPU board (reported as IO[0;17]/P[0/1]).

Assuming that all the requirements for the System Controllers are OK (SMS 1.6 + patches), the first step is to check wether a USIV Uniboard has been recently added to the domain, using Dynamic Reconfiguration or not, or if any USIV board is part of this domain.
This can be confirmed by getting the 'showboards' output for this domain from the main System Controller.

Note : USIV boards are reported as "V3CPU" in the 'showboards' output on SF12K-15K Main System Controller.

Ex : sms-svc> showboards -d e
Retrieving board information. Please wait.
Location    Pwr    Type of Board   Board Status  Test Status   Domain
--------    ---    -------------   ------------  -----------   ------
SB4         Off    V3CPU           Assigned      Passed        E
SB5         Off    CPU             Assigned      Passed        E

If a USIV Uniboard belongs to the domain then check the OS revision currently installed on this domain via the /etc/release file.

Ex : # more /etc/release
                      Solaris 8 2/02 s28s_u7wos_08a SPARC
          Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
                          Assembled 18 December 2001 

The minimum operating system for USIV is Solaris[TM] 8 2/04 or Solaris[TM] 9 4/04.


No WorkAround. The appropriate OS must be installed (Fresh Installation or Upgrade) prior to the addition of the board to the domain.

Additional Information
Since the support of the USIV cpus has been introduced in Solaris 8 2/04 and Solaris 9 4/04, earlier releases are not able to deal with the cores of the USIV and then it reports the cores in a strange way.

This situation can only occur after adding USIV board(s) to an existing domain.
Any attempt to install a domain composed of USIV boards with an unsupported revision of Solaris[TM] would fail with an error like :

krtld: load_exec: fail to expand cpu/$CPU
krtld: error during initial load/link phase
panic - boot: exitto64 returned from client program
NOTICE: f_client_exit: Program terminated!

Depending on the revision for the 'prtdiag' patch installed, this may also lead to 'prtdiag' generating a "Segmentation Fault" while parsing the USIV cores.

Sun Fire 15K Server
Sun Fire 12K Server

Internal Comments
For internal Sun use only.

prtdiag, USIV, ultrasparc, uniboard, IO31/P3, port id
Previously Published As

Change History
Reviewed for Currency and made a minor change to update sms 1.4.1 to 1.6(current). ok to go
This solution has no attachment
  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.