Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1000448.1
Update Date:2011-02-17

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1000448.1 :   Domains on Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900 Systems May Experience a Domain Pause  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire E6900 Server
  • Sun Fire 3800 Server
  • Sun Fire 6800 Server
  • Sun Fire E4900 Server
  • Sun Fire 4800 Server
  • Sun Fire 4810 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Sun StorageTek 6900 Series
Sun Fire 3800 Server
Sun Fire 4800 Server
Sun Fire 4810 Server
Sun Fire 6800 Server
Sun Fire E6900 Server
Sun Fire E4900 Server

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 4975114>, <SUNBUG: 5078409>, <SUNBUG: 5081112>

Date of Workaround Release

Date of Resolved Release

Domains on Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900 systems ... see below for details:

1. Impact

Domains on Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900 systems with memory configurations of 1-way, 2-way or 4-way interleaving may experience a Domain pause.

2. Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

SPARC Platform

  • Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900

Platforms configured with two domains in one segment may experience this issue.

3. Symptoms

Should the described issue occur, messages similar to the following may be captured to the system controller logs or output to the domain console:

L2CheckError[0x6150] : 0x00008060
FE [15:15] : 0x1
INCSyncErr [08:05] : 0x3 Ports [9:6] incoming
mismatched against internal expected incoming
DATE TIME Sys_Name Domain-C.SC: [ID 935892 local0.error] [AD]
Event: SF6800
CSN: 223H3028 DomainID: C ADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.3
Time: Wed Jan 07 12:52:39 PST 2004
Recommended-Action: Service action required

Error messages can be retrieved by running the "showlogs -d <domain>" command. The example below searches domain C's message log for "L2CheckError" entries:

    SC-Name:SC> showlogs -d c
Dec 29 10:23:51 fada1h6802p Domain-C.SC: [ID 272780 local5.error] ArAsic
reported first error on /N0/SB1
Dec 29 10:23:51 fada1h6802p Domain-C.SC: [ID 807371 local5.error]
L2CheckError[0x6150] : 0x00608060
AccIncSyncErr [24:21] : 0x3 accumulated incoming mismatch
FE [15:15] : 0x1
INCSyncErr [08:05] : 0x3 Ports [9:6] incoming mismatched
against internal expected incoming
    Dec 29 10:23:51 fada1h6802p Domain-C.SC: [ID 628853 local5.error] ArAsic
reported first error on /N0/IB7
Dec 29 10:23:51 fada1h6802p Domain-C.SC: [ID 829016 local5.error]
L2CheckError[0x6150] : 0x06068606
CMDVSyncErr [12:09] : 0x3 Ports [9:6] command valid
mismatched against internal expected command valid
PreqSyncErr [04:01] : 0x3 Ports [9:6] prereq mismatched
against internal expected prereq
AccCMDVSyncErr [28:25] : 0x3 accumulated valid command mismatch
FE [15:15] : 0x1
AccPreqSyncErr [20:17] : 0x3 accumulated prerequisite mismatch
    Dec 29 10:23:51 fada1h6802p Domain-C.SC: [ID 436815 local5.error] [AD]
Event: SF6800
CSN: 313H3174 DomainID: C ADInfo: 1.SCAPP.15.3
Time: Mon Dec 29 10:23:51 CST 2003
Recommended-Action: Service action required

4. Workaround

To work around the described issue, upgrade to 5.17.3 or 5.18.0 AND avoid memory configurations resulting in 1-way, 2-way or 4-way interleaving.

5. Resolution
There are no further updates planned for this Sun Alert document. If
you need additional assistance regarding this issue, please contact Sun

This Sun Alert notification is being provided to you on an "AS IS" basis. This Sun Alert notification may contain information provided by third parties. The issues described in this Sun Alert notification may or may not impact your system(s). Sun makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the information contained herein. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. BY ACCESSING THIS DOCUMENT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT ARISE OUT OF YOUR USE OR FAILURE TO USE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. This Sun Alert notification contains Sun proprietary and confidential information. It is being provided to you pursuant to the provisions of your agreement to purchase services from Sun, or, if you do not have such an agreement, the Terms of Use. This Sun Alert notification may only be used for the purposes contemplated by these agreements.

Copyright 2000-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Modification History
02-Apr-2008: no further updates. Resolved

Date: 16-DEC-2004
  • Update information and add 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900 systems to Synopsis and Contributing Factors

Date: 17-AUG-2004
  • Changed focus of content to outline "4 way interleave" process

Previously Published As
Internal Comments


The workaround to this issue involves, possibly :

a) Reconfiguring DIMMs of a different capacity to ensure 8way or 16way interleave - this means Sun has to provide the customer with appropriate DIMM sizes to prevent running into 4 way interleave

b) Setting the interleave to "across-board" - but this violates Best Practices and also inhibits DR functionality. The memory interleave in a domain gets configured as 4 way if there is "uneven" DIMM configuration (mixed DIMMs) AND/OR having CPUs disabled

There is a firmware "fix" that is going into SCApp 5.18.0 which will be released sometime in OCT.

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Tien.B.Tran@Sun.COM, Nikhil.Suvarna@Sun.COM

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID

Internal Sun Alert Kasp Legacy ID
101435, 57484 (Sun Alert)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category: Availability ==> Pervasive
Significant Change Date: 2004-01-30
Avoidance: Upgrade, Workaround
Responsible Manager: Richard.Wales@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: [WF 09-Nov-2007, dave m: sent email requesting update]
This document has been imported from KMS Creator and may need adjustment before re-publishing.

This imported document has been reviewed/adjusted by:
Review Name:
Review Date:

Original KMS Creator attributes below:


Sun Alert ID: 57484
Synopsis: Domains on Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900 Systems May Experience a Domain Pause
Category: Availability
Product: Systems, Sun Fire 3800/4800/4810/4900/6800/6900
BugIDs: 4975114, 5078409, 5081112
Avoidance: Upgrade, Workaround
State: Committed
Date Released: 30-Jan-2004
Date Closed:
Date Modified: 17-Aug-2004, 16-Dec-2004
Escalation IDs: 550231
Pending Patches:
Resolution Patches:
Date Submitted: 26-Jan-2004
Responsible Engineer: Tien.B.Tran@Sun.COM, Nikhil.Suvarna@Sun.COM
Responsible Manager: Richard.Wales@Sun.COM
Responsible Writer:
Distribution: Contract SunSolve

Workflow History:

WF State: Issued, 16-Dec-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: re-issued

WF State: Rework, 06-Dec-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: revisions in progress...

WF State: Issued, 17-Aug-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: updating per instructions from engineering

WF State: Issued, 30-Jan-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: released

WF State: Draft, 30-Jan-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: All review issues resolved. Sending for release .

WF State: Draft, 29-Jan-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: will wait for a rewrite from submitter

WF State: Draft, 28-Jan-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: sent for review

WF State: Draft, 27-Jan-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: Article created.

Exported from KMS Creator Sat May 21 09:07:43 2005 GMT,
09a6d778-16f2-11d7-8802-94885c013b6c|Sun StorageTek 6900 Series
29d05214-0a18-11d6-92b2-a111614865b5|Sun Fire 3800 Server
29d3a694-0a18-11d6-92da-df959df44cdd|Sun Fire 4800 Server
29d6f808-0a18-11d6-8aa8-943929fbbdd8|Sun Fire 4810 Server
29da7938-0a18-11d6-8a41-9ed1ad6d6779|Sun Fire 6800 Server
4fe39727-0599-11d8-84cb-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire E6900 Server
bed24aa9-0598-11d8-84cb-080020a9ed93|Sun Fire E4900 Server

This solution has no attachment
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