Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1000552.1
Update Date:2011-02-28

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1000552.1 :   Do Not Use Santricity Software to Manage the NAS SE5220/SE5310/SE5310C/SE5320/SE5320C Bundled Back-end Storage  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 5220 NAS Appliance
  • Sun Storage 5310 NAS Appliance
  • Sun Storage 5320 NAS Appliance
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Data Loss
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS Appliance

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6559578>

Date of Resolved Release


Using Santricity software to manage the NAS Sun StorEdgeTek 5220/5310/5310C/5320/5320C bundled back-end storage may result in data corruption and potential loss of data.

Note: Santricity is not used to manage the back end storage ST6130 (CSM1) or ST6140 (CSM2) which was originally purchased with the Sun StorEdgeTek 5220/5310/5310/ST5320/5320c NAS heads. The RAID configuration information is stored differently than with Santricity, using the native in-band NAS RAID management GUI. Santricity will make adjustments when redistributing LUNs assigned to the NAS head (system board) resulting in possible data corruption and potential loss of data.

Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

  • Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS
  • Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS
  • Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS

Note 1: This issue only occurs when using Santricity software to manage the bundled back end storage.

Note 2: A gateway license key is required to access storage not bundled with the NAS head (system board). The gateway software key removes the ability for the NAS head to manage the un-bundled storage.

Note 3: The gateway key will also prevent NAS head in-band management to the Sun StorEdge 6130/6140 arrays sold separately and attached to the NAS head with a gateway license key. Customers use the Sun CAMS software to manage the Sun StorEdge 6130/6140 arrays.

Note 4: Customers with the StorageTek Flexline products can safely use Santricity along with a NAS gateway license key because all NAS head in-band management has been disabled and Santricity was originally bundled with the product.


Should the described issue occur, RAID configuration information and back-end storage features adjusted by Santricity while LUNs are assigned to the NAS head will cause NAS sfs2 filesytems to go offline and require a fsck(1M) to repair.


To avoid the described issue, do not use Santricity to manage any back-end storage attached to the NAS SE5220/SE5310/SE5310C/SE5320/SE5320C which was originally bundled with the product.

To work around this issue, use the native in-band NAS RAID management GUI stored on the NAS head compact flash. This is accessed by any web browser using the IP number assigned to the NAS.

Example using ip number
    RAID > Manage RAID



Please see the Relief/Workaround section above for the final resolution to this issue.

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

Do not confuse Santricity and this alert with NRM (NAS Recovery Management). NRM is an internal NAS Sun management software used by Sun TSC service personal only for specific diagnostic purpose. This software is not permitted for resale.

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID

Internal Sun Alert Kasp Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category: Data Loss
Significant Change Date: 2007-05-22
Avoidance: Workaround
Responsible Manager: Tony.Jeffries@Sun.CO
Original Admin Info: [WF 22-May-2007, Jeff Folla: Sent for release.]

[WF19-May-2007, Jeff Folla: Sent for review.]
[Resubmitted 19-May-2007, Jeff Folla: updated]
[WF 11-May-2007, Jeff Folla: draft created]

27ca3082-cb13-11da-857a-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance
63654ce5-f88d-11d8-ab63-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Appliance
a656fa3d-fc97-11da-ac3d-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS Appliance

This solution has no attachment
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