Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1000652.1
Update Date:2011-02-24

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1000652.1 :   Sun StorEdge 3310/3510/3511 Disk Rebuild Operation Fails to Complete  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage 3310 Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Data Loss


Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array
Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
Sun StorageTek 3511 SATA Array

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 4817349>, <SUNBUG: 5094897>, <SUNBUG: 4994282>

Date of Workaround Release

Date of Resolved Release


In the event of a disk failure, disk rebuilding would commence on the spare drive (if configured) and the rebuilding may stop after 99% and not complete. The rebuild will remain incomplete and the logical device state would remain as degraded. Should another drive failure occur, this condition could result in loss of data integrity.

Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

  • Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array without 4.11k firmware (as delivered in patch 113722-10)
  • Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array without 4.11i firmware (as delivered in patch 113723-10)
  • Sun StorEdge 3511 FC array without 4.11i firmware (as delivered in patch 113724-04)


A disk failure is followed by disk rebuilding which stops at 99% and does not proceed. There are no indications from the system that this condition has occurred.



  1. The relief/workaround below is only valid for rebuilds that have reached 99 percent. Any other percentage less than 99 percent indicates a different issue and this relief/ workaround process is not valid.
  2. Before attempting to utilize the relief/workaround below, insure that the logical disks status is degraded. The relief/workaround below does not work with the logical disk at any other status level.

To work around the described issue: if the disk rebuild process is hung, reset the array (through the "sccli" utility) and restart the rebuild. The rebuild will then complete without incident. Resetting the controller through the telnet(1) or serial port interfaces, or performing a hard reset, does not flush the cache. Only the reset done through the "sccli" utility will properly flush the cache.

Note: Any disks that failed prior to resetting the array must be removed in order to prevent the failed disk from reassuming the role of a valid disk in the Logical Drive.


This issue is addressed on the following platforms:

  • Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array with 4.11k firmware (as delivered in patch 113722-10 or later)
  • Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array with 4.11i firmware (as delivered in patch 113723-10 or later)
  • Sun StorEdge 3511 FC array with 4.11i firmware (as delivered in patch 113724-04 or later)

Modification History
Date: 12-MAY-2005

Change History


  • Added resolution patch for 3511 to Contributing Factors and Resolution sections

Date: 15-FEB-2005
  • Added note to "Relief/Workaround" section

Date: 14-JUN-2005


  • Clarifications made to "Relief/Workaround" section, clarifications made to product name in Contributing Factors

Date: 17-OCT-2007
  • Updated Contributing Factors and Resolution sections
  • State: Resolved

Date: 19-OCT-2007
  • Updated Contributing Factors and Resolution sections for clarification


<SUNPATCH: 113724-04>
<SUNPATCH: 113722-10>
<SUNPATCH: 113723-10>

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

From Engineering:

This problem is reported by a few customers and one of the bugs was closed as "Not Reproduceable". The other bugs are under investigation and the state not sure if this will be fixed in the upcoming 4.11 firmware due to the difficulties in replicating this problem.

Bug 5094897 is currently being investigated by the PDE/Dothill and the resolution is pending completion.

See Bugs 4817349, 5094897 4994282.

Email: Sailesh.Thanki@Sun.Com

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID
1-4918357, 1-4254087, 1-4012664

Internal Resolution Patches
113724-04, 113722-10, 113723-10

Internal Sun Alert Kasp Legacy ID
101610, 57690 (Sun Alert)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category: Data Loss, Availability ==> Pervasive
Significant Change Date: 2004-11-30, 2007-10-17
Avoidance: Patch, Workaround
Responsible Manager:
Original Admin Info: [WF 17-Oct-2007, dave m: patches clarified, ok resolved]
[WF 16-Sep-2005, Dave M: resolution patches have been released, but Bugs are not yet shown in READMEs for patches; waiting on Eng. for final clarifications before re-release or re-publish, Eng. notified]
[WF 14-Jun-2005 Dave M; updated Relief/Workaround for clarifications]
This document has been imported from KMS Creator and may need adjustment before re-publishing.

This imported document has been reviewed/adjusted by:
Review Name:
Review Date:

Original KMS Creator attributes below:


Sun Alert ID: 57690
Synopsis: Sun StorEdge 3310/3510/3511 Disk Rebuild Operation Fails to Complete
Category: Availability, Data Loss
Product: Sun StorEdge 3310, 3510 and 3511 FC arrays
BugIDs: 4817349, 5094897, 4994282
Avoidance: Workaround
State: Committed
Date Released: 30-Nov-2004
Date Closed:
Date Modified: 15-Feb-2005, 12-May-2005
Escalation IDs: 1-4918357, 1-4254087, 1-4012664
Pending Patches:
Resolution Patches: 113724-04
Date Submitted: 24-Nov-2004
Responsible Engineer:
Responsible Manager:
CTE group: NWS
Responsible Writer:
Distribution: Contract SunSolve

Workflow History:

WF State: Issued, 15-Feb-2005, Jeff Folla
WF Note: Added note to the releif/workaround section per Chris Kiessling.

WF State: Issued, 30-Nov-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: sending for release

WF State: Draft, 30-Nov-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: sending for release

WF State: Draft, 30-Nov-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: OK by Chessin, release later today

WF State: Draft, 29-Nov-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: sending for review - 3:30 pm Monday

WF State: Draft, 24-Nov-2004, David Mariotto
WF Note: Article created.

Exported from KMS Creator Sat May 21 09:14:57 2005 GMT,
Internal SA-FAB Eng Submission
Sun StorEdge 3310/3510/3511 Disk Rebuild Operation Fails to Complete

3db30178-43d7-4d85-8bbe-551c33040f0d|Sun StorageTek 3310 SCSI Array
58553d0e-11f4-11d7-9b05-ad24fcfd42fa|Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
9fdbb196-73a6-11d8-9e3a-080020a9ed93|Sun StorageTek 3511 SATA Array



This solution has no attachment
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