Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1000791.1
Update Date:2011-02-25

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1000791.1 :   On a Sun StorageTek 6920 System, Changing a Mapped Volume Name and Reusing it as a New Volume Name May Cause Mapping Failures  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Sun StorageTek 6920 System

Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6444698>

Date of Resolved Release


Under certain conditions, a Sun StorageTek 6920 system running Sun StorEdge Configuration Service (SSCS) may report a volume as mapped without initiator(s) associated to it.

Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

  • Sun StorageTek 6920 with firmware version prior to


A volume mapped without initiator(s) associated to it will be reported as follows:

    [sp0]# ./sscs list volume vol1
    Volume:                           vol1
    Creation Date:                  Mon Nov 13 03:44:52 GMT 2006
    WWN:                            600015D00022DA00000000000009470A
    Storage Domain:                 DEFAULT
    Pool:                           Default
   Profile:                        Default
    Size:                           5.0000 GB
    State:                          Mapped
    Condition:                      OK
    Type:                           Stripe
    Snapshot Policy:                Favor original volume over snapshots
    Snapshot Pool:
    Space Allocated For:            No Snapshots
    Expected Write Activity:        Low(10%)
    Snapshot Reserve Size:          0
    Snapshot Reserve Percent Full:  0

When attempting to map such a volume to initiators, errors similar to the following will be seen:

    [sp0]# ./sscs map -P readwrite -i 420R_HBA1,420R_HBA2 -l 1 volume vol1
    The specified LUN is already mapped to this initiator.; operation failed.
    The specified LUN is already mapped to this initiator.; operation failed.

In the example above, the "State" is "Mapped" but there is no initiator under "Associations". A correct output when the "State" is "Mapped" should be as follows:

    [sp0]# ./sscs list volume vol1
    Volume:                           vol1
    Creation Date:                  Mon Nov 13 03:40:33 GMT 2006
    WWN:                            600015D00022DA000000000000094706
    Storage Domain:                 DEFAULT
    Pool:                           Default
    Profile:                        Default
    Size:                           10.0000 GB
    State:                          Mapped
    Condition:                      OK
    Type:                           Stripe
    Snapshot Policy:                Favor original volume over snapshots
    Snapshot Pool:
    Space Allocated For:            No Snapshots
    Expected Write Activity:        Low(10%)
    Snapshot Reserve Size:          0
    Snapshot Reserve Percent Full:  0
    Initiator:  420R_HBA1  LUN:  0  Permission:  Write/Read  Map State: Online
    Initiator:  420R_HBA2  LUN:  0  Permission:  Write/Read  Map State: Online



To work around the described issue, do not rename volumes while they are mapped. If this has been done, contact Sun Technical Service Center for assistance.

Note: Please be prepared to provide a Sun StorageTek 6920 solution extract to the service representative.


This issue is addressed in the following release:

  • Sun StorageTek 6920 with firmware version (as delivered with patch 118396-56) or later


<SUNPATCH: 118396-56>

Previously Published As
Internal Comments

The fix for BugID 6444698 will be delivered with If customers have to rename volumes before the release of and if they cannot wait for the official release, an escalation for PTS/TSC Storage has to be opened in order to get the version of the micoper.pbz file for the DSP. This file includes the fix for this CR and can be installed into he DSP online, however it requires the 6920 to be at

The following is the output of "show storage fc-target" on the DSP when the described issue occurs:

    dsp00# show storage fc-target
    | SVSD Name: DEFAULT
    |--> FC Target Name: 420R_HBA1 Id: 0 State: Created
    | Inquiry strings:
    | Product Identification: SE6920 (Default)
    | Vendor Identification: SUN (Default)
    | Product Revision Level: 0202 (Default)
    | Description:
    | Fibre Channel Servers
    | Name | State | WWN | Server
    | | | | Type
    | ..................|..................|.........................|...........
    | 420R_HBA1/4/1 | Online | 21:00:00:E0:8B:10:E5:82 | Default
    | LUN Map
    | Device Map
    | LUN | Device Name | State | State | Access
    | .......|.....................|..............|...........|...........
    | 0 | vol/vol1 | Online | Failure | read/write
    |--> FC Target Name: 420R_HBA2 Id: 1 State: Created
    | Inquiry strings:
    | Product Identification: SE6920 (Default)
    | Vendor Identification: SUN (Default)
    | Product Revision Level: 0202 (Default)
    | Description:
    | Fibre Channel Servers
    | Name | State | WWN | Server
    | | | | Type
    | ..................|..................|.........................|...........
    | 420R_HBA2/3/1 | Online | 21:00:00:E0:8B:17:6B:12 | Default
    | LUN Map
    | Device Map
    | LUN | Device Name | State | State | Access
    | .......|.....................|..............|...........|...........


Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Escalation ID
1-20235052, 1-20403879, 1-20517124, 1-17697437, 1-20981469

Internal Resolution Patches

Internal Sun Alert Kasp Legacy ID

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
Critical Category: Availability ==> Pervasive
Significant Change Date: 2007-04-04
Avoidance: Patch, Workaround
Responsible Manager: Lorraine.Dilliway@Sun.COM
Original Admin Info: [WF 04-Mar-2007, Jeff Folla: Sent for release.]

[WF 03-Mar-2007, Jeff Folla: Sent for review.]

67794720-356d-11d7-8ef2-ce2ac2bc9136|Sun StorageTek 6920 System



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