Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1018999.1
Update Date:2011-02-17

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1018999.1 :   Disk Drive Off Lines and Fail modes Without Recent Firmware Updates  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6540 Array
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage Flexline 280 Array
  • Sun Storage 6130 Array
  • Sun Storage 6140 Array
  • Sun Storage Flexline 240 Array
  • Sun Storage Flexline 380 Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6629601>

Sun StorageTek 3510 FC Array
Sun StorageTek 6130 Array
Sun StorageTek 6140 Array
Sun StorageTek 6540 Array
Sun StorageTek Flexline 240 Array
Sun StorageTek Flexline 280 Array
Sun StorageTek Flexline 380 Array
Sun StorageTek CSM200 Expansion Tray

Date of Resolved Release

A disk drive may off line resulting in unplanned outage. (see below for complete details)

1. Impact

Disk drive may off line resulting in unplanned outage.
In RAID 0 configuration (vdisk) there may be risk of data loss.
In RAID 5 volumes there may be data loss in the event of a double disk
failure during volume rebuild.

2. Contributing Factors

This issue may occur in the following releases:
  • Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array with firmware 0691
  • Sun StorageTek 6130/6140/6540 arrays with CSM 200 trays with firmware 0691
  • Sun StorageTek Flexline 240/280/380 arrays with CSM 200 trays with firmware 0691
Note: Disks that have been upgraded to firmware "3092" are not affected.

To identify the firmware on the drive use the storageprofile.txt file
collected as part of supportdata, as follows:

<storagearrayprofile.txt SNIP.. start>



85, 1 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691
85, 2 Bypassed 136 GB Unknown
85, 3 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691
85, 4 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691

<storagearrayprofile.txt SNIP.. END>

Or use CAM "Disk Summary page" to determine the drive firmware.
To display "Disk Summary page" information:

- Click Sun StorageTek Common Array Manager.
- The navigation pane and the Storage System Summary page are displayed.
- In the navigation pane, expand the array you want to work with.
- The navigation tree is expanded for that array.
- Expand Physical Devices and choose Disks.

The Disk Summary page is displayed.

For a 3510, do the following:

# sccli

after choosing the correct array, run the sub-command as follows:

> show disks
Ch Id Size Speed LD Status IDs Rev
2(3) 0 68.37GB 200MB ld0 ONLINE SEAGATE ST314655FSUN146G 0691

the value in the 'Rev' column is the disk's current firmware revision.

3. Symptoms

Drive goes off line causing various log entries, for example,
IO timeouts, write/read faults, Drive not responding, Drive not present.

Fail modes of "CE" Flash Code fault may be seen.

In the CAM Component Summary "Storage Systems - Troubleshooting - FRU - Drives"
the disk shows as "bypassed".

4. Workaround

Please see Resolution section below.

5. Resolution

This issue is addressed in the following releases:

1. Solaris CAM 6.0 Firmware Release for 2530, 2540, 6130, 6140, 6540

Patch 128269-04 - Sun StorageTek Common Array Mgr Firmware Updates

2. Linux RHEL SuSE CAM 6.0 Firmware Release for 2530, 2540, 6130, 6140, 6540

Patch 128271-04 - Sun StorageTek Common Array Mgr Firmware Updates

3. Windows CAM 6.0 Firmware Release for 2530, 2540, 6130, 6140, 6540

Patch 128270-04 - Sun StorageTek Common Array Mgr Firmware Updates

Note: FOR 6140/6540/NAS 5320 (SANtricity Users)
Drive firmware 3092 is available as a DLP file through normal support channels.

4. 3510 array: Hardware FC Disk Drive Patch : Download program and FC Disk Drive firmware

Patch 136776-01 - 73GB 146GB 300GB FC disks
(supports JBOD systems and 3510 drive downloads)

Note: The above patches deliver drive firmware "3092".

Please contact Sun Support for assistance if a drive or multiple drive faults
occur prior to the application of this firmware.

Patch READMEs will be updated.

This Sun Alert notification is being provided to you on an "AS IS" basis. This Sun Alert notification may contain information provided by third parties. The issues described in this Sun Alert notification may or may not impact your system(s). Sun makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the information contained herein. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. BY ACCESSING THIS DOCUMENT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT ARISE OUT OF YOUR USE OR FAILURE TO USE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. This Sun Alert notification contains Sun proprietary and confidential information. It is being provided to you pursuant to the provisions of your agreement to purchase services from Sun, or, if you do not have such an agreement, the Terms of Use. This Sun Alert notification may only be used for the purposes contemplated by these agreements.

Copyright 2000-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Modification History
27-Feb-2008: Updated Contributing Factors


<SUNPATCH: 128270-04>
<SUNPATCH: 128269-04>
<SUNPATCH: 128271-04>
<SUNPATCH: 136776-01>

Internal Comments
Please send technical questions to the following email:
and CC the following persons:
Internal Contributor/Submitter
Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Yes! only Seagate disk are effected by this Sun Alert. See models below.

Release FW Model SUN I.D. Test FW
========== ====== ======== =======
15k5 (Timberland) 3.5"
FC ST330055F.3092.fw 300G ST3300655FC ST330055FSUN300G
ST373455F.3092.fw 73G ST373455FC ST373455FSUN72G
ST314655F.3092.fw 146G ST3146855FC ST314655FSUN146G

Carlos Alfaro
Product Development Engineering

1. Example of drive off line results in a CSM2 system of disk drive "bypassed" state.

<storageprofile.txt SNIP.. start>
85, 1 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691
85, 2 Bypassed 136 GB Unknown <-----*
85, 3 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691
85, 4 Optimal 136 GB 4 GB/s ST314655FSUN146G 0691

<storageprofile.txt SNIP.. END>

2. Single Drive recovery is by replacement, only. Do not attempt to "dummy" replace the drives if failed.

3. Escalate to Tier 3 support of multiple drive faults occur, due to this issue, for recovery instructions.

Potentially affected disks:

Sunsolve (Public) - lists all models.

* Seagate 15k5 rpm: 73gb, 146gb, 300gb drives with drive firmware 0691. The following model/part numbers are effected
540-6548 [F] - 73GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks:, RoHS:Y
390-0326 Seagate ST373455FC (73.4GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL), RoHS:Y


1.The Seagate model number on the serial number label is ST373455FC.
2.The Sun model number on the serial number label is ST373455FSUN72G.
3.The Product Identification in SCSI Inquiry bytes 16-31 is ST373455FSUN72G.

540-6550 [F] - 146GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks:, RoHS:Y
390-0328 Seagate ST3146855FC (146.8GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL), RoHS:Y


1.The Seagate model number on the serial number label is ST3146855FC.
2.The Sun model number on the serial number label is ST314655FSUN146G.
3.The Product Identification in SCSI Inquiry bytes 16-31 is ST314655FSUN146G.

540-7156 [F] - 300GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL, Disk Assembly with one of the following disks:, RoHS:Y
390-0330 Seagate ST3300655FC (300GB - 15000 RPM FC-AL), RoHS:Y


1.The Seagate model number on the serial number label is ST3300655FC.
2.The Sun model number on the serial number label is ST330055FSUN300G.
3.The Product Identification in SCSI Inquiry bytes 16-31 is ST330055FSUN300G.


PTS Reviewer (approved by): Rajib Dutta

Internal Escalation ID

Internal Resolution Patches
128270-04, 128269-04, 128271-04, 136776-01

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Contributor/submitter

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
NWS (Network Storage)

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
WF 27-Feb-2008, david m: duplicate entries in Cont. Factors, Flexline Arrays were not listed, made correction, requested by SRAS
WF 12-Feb-2008 i sent this to 24 hr review yesterday in Text. Made change based on reply. Will release today. karen



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