Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1019357.1
Update Date:2011-03-21

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1019357.1 :   Sun Fire Server with Solaris 10 may Panic or Reset with lpost message, asynchronous event, fail to stop CPU or send_mondo timeout  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra 1280 Server
  • Solaris SPARC Operating System
  • Sun Fire E2900 Server
  • Sun Netra 1290 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6684726>, <SUNBUG: 6699498>

Date of Preliminary Release

Date of Resolved Release

Sun Fire Server with Solaris 10 may Panic or Reset with lpost message, asynchronous event, fail to stop CPU or send_mondo timeout. (see below for full details)

1. Impact

Loss of application availability may occur due to a system panic or reset. This type of fault is typically diagnosed to be a hardware failure and may lead to unnecessary hardware replacement.

2. Contributing Factors

This issue may occur on the following releases and platforms:

SPARC Platform
  • Solaris 10 with Sun Fire E6900/E4900/E2900/6800/4800/4810/3800/V1280 Netra 1280 and Netra 1290 Systems and without patches 114527-11 (FW) and 137111-04 (Kernel)

This issue is specific to the Midrange servers listed above and only seen with SPARC USIV+  1.5GHz and 1.8GHz CPUs.
It is considered possible to occur with USIV+ 1.95 GHz CPU.

Current firmware versions of System Controller (ScApp) ScApp:5.20.9  (as delivered in patch 114527-10) and earlier are affected.

It has been observed when running programs that access OBP from the OS.  Examples of programs that access OBP from the OS are prtdiag, prtconf, cfgadm, picl, or other third party System management software.

This issue is very timing dependent and expected to be rare.

3. Symptoms

Console logs and core files are useful in identifying whether the system is experiencing
this issue.

Console Logs Showing send_mondo panic:

domainA console login: {/N0/SB2/P0/C1} @(#) lpost   5.20.8  2007/11/20 10:33
{/N0/SB2/P0/C1} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB2/P0/C1} Use is subject to license terms.
send mondo timeout [8307178 NACK 0 BUSY] IDSR 0x4000000000000000  cpuids: 0x208
panic: failed to stop cpu520
panic[cpu3]/thread=3005bc3e080: send_mondo_set: timeout
000002a10062e9c0 SUNW,UltraSPARC-IV+:send_mondo_set+454 (2a10062eba0, ... 1, 2a10062eab0, 0)
%l0-3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 000000000000002f 000000000000002f 0000000000000209
%l4-7: 0000000001221400 00000007274a4ba9 4000000000000000 0000000000000040
000002a10062eaf0 unix:xt_some+194 (2a10062ed78, 2a10062ebf0, fffff7, fffffffffffffff8, 2a10062eba8, 0)

Console logs showing Asynchronous Event and failed to stop:

domainA console login: {/N0/SB5/P2/C1} @(#) lpost 5.20.8
2007/11/20 10:33
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} Use is subject to license terms.
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} @(#) lpost 5.20.8 2007/11/20 10:33
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} Use is subject to license terms.
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} WARNING: Asynchronous Event.
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} Component under test: /N0/SB5/P2 CPU
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} AFSR1 EXT: 00000000.00000000 AFSR2 EXT:00000000.00000000
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} tl tt tstate tpc tnpc
{/N0/SB5/P2/C1} 01 63 00000044.80000605 000007ff.f000c370000007ff.f000c374
Apr 23 17:31:15 e13-sc1 Domain-A.SC: Active - Panicking
panic: failed to stop cpu534

panic[cpu7]/thread=30029331920: bad kernel MMU miss at TL 2

4. Workaround

Workarounds for this issue are on a case by case basis and require consultation with Sun Services.
An individual action plan will be developed for your environment. 

5. Resolution

This issue is addressed on the following releases and platforms:

SPARC Platform
  • Solaris 10 with Sun Fire E6900/E4900/E2900/6800/4800/4810/3800/V1280 Netra 1280 and Netra 1290 Systems and with patches 114527-11 (FW) and 137111-04 (Kernel)
Modification History
01-Aug-2008: Updated Contributing Factors and Resolution sections. Now Resolved.

Sun Fire E2900 Server
Sun Fire E4900/E6900 Server
Sun Fire E4800/6800 Server
Sun FireV1280 Server
Netra 1280 Server
Sun Netra 1290 Server
Solaris 10 Operating System


<SUNPATCH: 114527-11>
<SUNPATCH: 137111-04>

Internal Contributor/submitter
Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Internal Services Knowledge Engineer
Internal Eng Business Unit Group
SSG ES (Enterprise Systems)
Internal Escalation ID
70258372, 1-23935265
Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
WF 10-Jun-2008: karen, submitted yesterday.
sending for review to Ken first, then 24hr review.
WF 12-Jun-2008: karen, releasing
Internal Resolution Patches
114527-11, 137111-04
Internal Comments
Please send technical questions to the following email:
and CC the following persons:
Internal Contributor/Submitter
Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Internal Services Knowledge Engineer
The fix will require a firmware upgrade to System Controller
Application (ScApp) 5.20.10 in patch 114527-11
and the Solaris 10 kernel patch. As a workaround the
command seen in the core file that caused the failure at a
customer's site should be disabled to prevent repeat failures.
This timing issue is load dependent, and a machine that has
seen the issue has a higher potential for seeing the issue again.
It is not recommended to proactively disable all commands
in the Contributing Factors section, since the application mix required
to initiate the failure is rare.
For the latest information on this and all other Midrange
Server Product issues see:






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