Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1020203.1
Update Date:2011-02-28

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1020203.1 :   Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 with XAUI Card and Certain FCAL HBA Cards in Same Riser May Cause XAUI Card to Fail POST or XAUI Card Port To Go Offline Frequently  

Related Items
  • Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Resolved


Bug Id
<SUNBUG: 6674290>, <SUNBUG: 6731326>

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server

Date of Resolved Release

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 with XAUI Card and Certain FCAL HBA Cards in Same Riser May Cause XAUI Card to Fail POST or XAUI Card Port To Go Offline Frequently

1. Impact

For the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server, the HBA PCI-E cards listed in the "Contributing Factors" section (below) produce an unacceptable level of noise on the 12V plane in the XAUI/PCI-E riser board, causing XAUI card functions to be partially or totally unavailable. If the HBA card is the 375-3355 (contains the QLE2460 ASIC), it may cause the XAUI card in the same XAUI/PCI-E riser board to fail POST.

2. Contributing Factors

This issue can occur on the following platforms:

The following PCI-E HBA cards for the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220:
  • Single 10-Gigabit Ethernet XAUI Adapter (XAUI Single Port 10GBE Card 501-7489)
  • 4Gigabit/Sec PCI-E Single FC Host Adapter (Single Port FC HBA PCI-E Card 375-3355)
  • 4Gigabit/Sec PCI-E Dual FC Host Adapter (Dual Port FC HBA PCI-E Card 375-3356)
  • 2-Slot x8 PCI Express/XAUI Riser (XAUI/PCI-E 2U Riser Board Assembly 541-2109-05 or earlier)
Note: No other Enterprise system, PCI-E card or riser board assembly is affected by this issue.

The HBA card at issue is the 375-3356 HBA PCI-E card (contains the QLE2462 ASIC), which produces noise in a different spectrum than the 375-3355. Although the XAUI card will pass POST, there is potential for the XAUI card's ethernet port to frequently go offline/online (also known as "Ethernet Port Flop").

3. Symptoms

If the 375-3355 HBA card and an XAUI card are in the same 541-2109-05 (or earlier) XAUI/PCI-E riser board assembly, the XAUI card may fail POST. The error returned to the console and in the Service Processor's (SP) console log will be similar to the following:
0:0:0>ERROR: TEST = BCM8704 Reg. Test XAUI Card 1
0:0:0>H/W under test = MB/RISER1/XAUI1,MB/RISER1,MB
0:0:0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under
test' above.
0:0:0>MSG = BCM8704 - PHY Error - 64bit       Cntl Reg Register,
         address  00000000.0000c807
         expected 00000000.00008704
         observed 00000000.00000e09
         wrote    00000000.00000000
Also: if the 375-3356 HBA card and an XAUI card are in the same XAUI/PCIE riser board assembly 541-2109-05 or earlier, (and although the XAUI Card will pass POST), the XAUI card's ethernet port may frequently go offline/online. That offline/online can be detected as follows:

# dladm show-dev
nxge0         link: up           speed: 10000   Mbps          duplex: half
# dladm show-dev
nxge0           link: down           speed: 0     Mbps          duplex: umknown
# dladm show-dev
nxge0           link: up           speed: 10000   Mbps          duplex: half
then ..
# dladm show-dev
nxge0           link: down           speed: 0     Mbps          duplex: umknown

4. Workaround

To work around this issue, arrange the PCI-E cards in the T5220 so that the above listed HBA PCI-E cards are not in the same XAUI/PCI-E 2U riser board assemblies (541-2109-05 or earlier) as an XAUI Card.

5. Resolution

Please see the Workaround section above for the Resolution to this issue.

This Sun Alert notification is being provided to you on an "AS IS" basis. This Sun Alert notification may contain information provided by third parties. The issues described in this Sun Alert notification may or may not impact your system(s). Sun makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees as to the information contained herein. ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. BY ACCESSING THIS DOCUMENT YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUN SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES THAT ARISE OUT OF YOUR USE OR FAILURE TO USE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN. This Sun Alert notification contains Sun proprietary and confidential information. It is being provided to you pursuant to the provisions of your agreement to purchase services from Sun, or, if you do not have such an agreement, the Terms of Use. This Sun Alert notification may only be used for the purposes contemplated by these agreements.

Copyright 2000-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.

Modification History
13-Mar-2009: Minor modifications in Contributing Factors and Workaround sections

Internal Comments
Please send technical questions to the following email:
and CC the following persons:
Internal Contributor/Submitter
Internal Eng Responsible Engineer
Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Depending on the customer's configuration needs,
replacement of
the XAUI/PCI-E 2U Riser Board Assy 541-2109-05 or earlier  CRU with
541-2109-06 or later may
be required. Each case should be considered on an individual basis.

The XAUI riser(s) should only be replaced in
advance of symptoms described if the
customer has no other option but to create one of the PCIE
configurations listed.
Customer should be
advised that these cards may be problematic in those configurations.

Internal Contributor/submitter,

Internal Eng Responsible Engineer,

Internal Services Knowledge Engineer

Internal Eng Business Unit Group
Systems Group - SVS (SPARC Volume Systems, Horizontal Systems, includes T2000/Ontario)

Internal Escalation ID
1-23543185, 1-24332222

Internal Sun Alert & FAB Admin Info
03-Mar-2009, david m: draft created, send for 24hr review
04-Mar-2009, david m: review completed, all stakeholders have responded, OK to publish
13-Mar-2009, david m: minor clarification to listing of Riser Board specs

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  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.