Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-77-1300205.1
Update Date:2011-03-04

Solution Type  Sun Alert Sure

Solution  1300205.1 :   Installing Firmware 6.X to the Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System may Result in Loss of Network Connection  

Related Items
  • Solaris SPARC Operating System
  • Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Criteria Category>Availability
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Sun Alert>Release Phase>Workaround

In this Document
  Likelihood of Occurrence
  Possible Symptoms
  Workaround or Resolution
  Modification History

Applies to:

Solaris SPARC Operating System - Version: 10 10/09 U8 and later   [Release: 10.0 and later ]
Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System - Version: Not Applicable to Not Applicable   [Release: N/A to N/A]
Information in this document applies to any platform.

Date of Workaround Release: 01-Mar-2011



Installing Firmware 6.X to the Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System may result in loss of network connection and remote support functions.

Likelihood of Occurrence

This issue can occur in the following platforms:
  • Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System with FW 6.X installed

Possible Symptoms

If the described issue is experienced, loss of Oracle Network configuration will occur and the ability to remotely log into the SL-8500 Library will be lost.

Workaround or Resolution

The work around for Service Delivery Platform (SDP) related sites is to use the Oracle Private network to monitor the SL8500's library firmware 6.X. This work around will be removed on the release of 7.X code version.

In order for the Sun StorageTek SL8500 Modular Library System to correctly communicate with the SDP server, follow the steps below:

1. Prior to the upgrade of the Library, determine the Complex ID number. This can be done with the help of the ASR Backline Team or by calculating the IP into the Complex ID. To calculate the Complex ID, take the Service network IP from SDP, and remove 2 from the second octet. Ex. Service Network IP of equals a complex ID of 2.

2. After the Firmware upgrade of the Library, if you have not been trained on the use of Complex ID command set, contact the SL-Series Library TSC Backline Group. The setting of the Complex ID currently requires a reboot in order for the ID to stay static through reboots. Set the Complex ID accordingly to the proper IP schema.

3. Validate the Complex ID and the associated ID to the library IP using the CLI command sets for the network. If you need assistance with checking the configuration, contact the SL-Series Library TSC Backline Group.

4. Log into the SDP NMS Console using the field user name profile. Once in, follow the sub-steps below to add the library to the SDP discovery process:

On the left hand frame, choose "NMS Configuration link".
  1. Click the "Managers" Tab.
  2. Click the "Discovery" Tab.
  3. Click on the Ip Addresses link.
  4. Add the IP for the SL-Series device.
  5. On the upper right hand corner of the web page, click on "Apply Configuration Changes" link.
Next choose the Device List Link on the Left Hand Frame:
  1. On the upper right hand corner of the web page, click on the "Manual Devices" link.
  2. In the same area of the web page, click on "Add Manual Device".
  3. When the next screen comes up enter in the following information:
      a. Device Type (Drop Down) = Sl-Series
b. IP Address = (Sl-Series Port 1A IP as indicated in Step 1)
example: plus 2 on the 2nd Octet for
c. Username = Must be the service username entry until April 2011(Post April 2011, leave username Blank).
d. Password = Must be the service user password entry until April 2011 (Post April 2011. Leave Password Blank).
Service Username password is provided to the field by the Tape Library Backline or Tape Library Development team.
ASR Backline cannot give this out.
e. Click the Add button.

5. On the upper right hand corner of the web page, click the "Apply Device Changes" link.

6. On the upper right hand corner of the web Page, click on the "Start Discovery" link.

  1. After discovery has ran, in the same area of the web page, click on the "Refresh Device List" link.
Note: If the device does not show up, or if you have any concerns/issues regarding this procedure, please engage the ASR Backline Team with a MOS SR.

Modification History

01-Mar-2011: Document release

Please send technical questions to:
and copy the Internal Services Knowledge Engineer
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Internal Eng Responsible Engineer:
Internal Services Knowledge Engineer:
Internal Eng Business Unit Group: NWS

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