Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1004146.1
Update Date:2010-08-27

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1004146.1 :   Validating External Storage Attachment for a StorEdge[TM] 6920 Array  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


This document provides the basic steps to attach and setup External Storage on the 6920, using the Browser or SSCS user interfaces. External storage is non-captive, meaning it is not managed by the 6920 user interface. Use this document if:
  • You are attaching an external device to be used by the 6920.
  • You need an example layout and attachment recommendations
  • External Storage devices are not listed in the UI
  • External Storage devices are missing information
  • Syntax/Usage is needed to import external storage

If you are looking for basic administrative tasks on the 6920, please reference

Steps to Follow
Validating External Storage Attachment for a StorEdge[TM] 6920 Array:

Note: Each of the steps below offer links to best practices and product documentation, as part of the resolution of your issue. Please do not skip a step.

A. Planning for Attachment

  1. What storage array vendor/model will you attach?
  2. Will you have an Fibre Channel(FC) switch connection in between the 6920 and the external storage?
  3. Will you preserve data on the external array device, or use it additional raw capacity?
  4. Which storage pool will you assign the Device to?
  5. Will you be mirroring the external storage to internal capacity?
  6. Will you have one or two FC connections between the 6920 and the external array?
  7. Which ports on the 6920 will you use for the attachment?

B. Review the Best Practices and Getting Started Guides

Review the 6920 Best Practices Guide against your answers above. This will help you review the limitations and recommendations for adding storage to the 6920 in this manner.
There is a whole chapter on Working with External Storage.

The Getting Started Guide provides supplemental cabling instructions to the Best Practices guide.

Of note, these are the major requirements:

  • Must be a supported array
  • No more than 128 external storage devices can be connected
  • There can be no more than 2 paths to a single external storage device
  • Access to the above paths must be isolated from any other IO to the external storage device. We prefer a dedicated path, but a properly zoned switch fabric is also adequate.

After you've reviewed the guides, and planned your connections, continue to
Step C.

C. Validate Array Version


sscs list storage-system


  1. Click on Configuration Services or Common Array Manager link.
  2. Click on Version button in the upper left corner of the page
  • External Storage Attachment begins with array release
  • Sun StorageTek[TM] 6140 Array support begins with array release
  • If you are below these revisions, please reference document <Document: 1002638.1> Preparing for Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Upgrades.
  • If you meet the requirements for External Storage support, continue to Step D.

D. Validate Array Support

  • External Array Support is listed in the 6920 Best Practices Guide, under Working with External Storage.
  • Sun StorageTek[TM] 6140 Array support begins with array release
  • If your array is not listed, Sun will not support the attachment or use of 6920 data services with your array.

If your array is listed, continue to Step E.

E. Validate Number of Devices

Make sure that the existing number of external storage devices does not currently exceed nor will be exceeded by the addition of your storage. The maximum is 128 devices. Reference document 90311 Validating External Storage State and Details on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920.

F. Validate External Array Multipath Settings

The following list shows the arrays, and multi-path settings required for proper attachment:

  • Sun StorEdge[TM] T3+
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 3910/3960
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 6120
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 6130
    Host Type Set to DSP, SE5xxx, or StorEdge
  • Sun StorageTek[TM] 6140
    Host Type Set to StorEdge
  • EMC Clarrion Arrays
    Set for implicit failover
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 9910/9960/9970/9980
    No setting required
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 35x0
    No setting required
  • Sun StorEdge[TM] 6910/6960
    No setting required

If the mp_support settings are correct for your external storage, continue
to Step G. Otherwise reference your user manuals for making these settings changes. Sun documentation can be found here:

G. Validate 6920 Port Attachment to External Array

In order for the 6920 array to see the external devices for use, the devices
must provide the 6920 with access permissions. This is a device specific
action, and you will need to reference your user guides for instructions on how to allow the 6920 access to these devices(see table above).

1. Using the last two questions from Step A, you can identify the port(s) that will be used to attach external storage. Below is a table reference for
the attachment:

Ports on Patch Panel  Port Name       SIO Slot
A1 through A4         1/1 through 1/4 Slot 1
B1 through B4         2/1 through 2/4 Slot 2
C1 through C4         3/1 through 3/4 Slot 3
D1 through D4         4/1 through 4/4 Slot 4

Note 1: Only ports 1 through 4 on the patch panel for any row can be used for external storage. This is further reduced if the SIO in that slot is a Combo Card, which only allows the use of ports 1 through 3. The other ports in each row are for internal array expansion

Note 2: The ports can only be used if SIO's are present in the slot associated.

2. Look at the ports through the user interface, and validate that your port is seen on the array.


sscs list fcport


[sp0]# ./sscs list fcport
FC Port: 1/1
FC Port: 1/2
FC Port: 1/3
FC Port: 1/4
FC Port: 1/5
FC Port: 1/6
FC Port: 1/7
FC Port: 1/8
FC Port: 2/1
FC Port: 2/2
FC Port: 2/3
FC Port: 2/4
FC Port: 2/5
FC Port: 2/6

Note 3: Notice that 2/6 is the last port for slot 2, indicating that the array can only service external storage attachment for ports 1 through 3.

  • If the ports are seen, run: sscs list fcport <portname> to get the WWN of the port, and continue to Step H.


  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager
  2. Click Physical Devices
  3. Click Ports
  • If the ports are seen, write down the World Wide Name(WWN) of the port you are attaching, and continue to Step H.
  • If the ports are NOT seen(based on your cabling and attachment), you will need to connect to a port that can support external storage attachment. Go to Step M, if you require help with this.

H. Validate that the External Devices have properly mapped to the 6920 Ports.

Using the WWN from Step G, ensure that your external storage has set up their LUN security, filtering, and mapping to allow the 6920 WWN to see the storage that will be imported. Reference the user documentation table in Step G, above on how to do this.

  • If you have not mapped or allocated storage for the 6920 to use, you should
    do so now, then continue to Step I.

I. Validate that the External Storage Can be Seen on a Scan

Reference document <Document: 1018191.1> Validating External Storage State and Details on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920

  • If the external storage cannot be seen contact Sun Support
  • If the external storage is seen, continue to Step J.

J. Importing the external storage as Legacy space(data is preserved)

Importing legacy storage is well documented in the 6920 Best Practices Guide. We will show you the basic usage on how to import devices without destroying the data content.

This requires that you have a pool for your domain defined with a profile of
type Legacy. Reference document ###(pool details doc)


sscs create -e <external device> -p <legacy pool> volume <legacy vol name>


sscs create -e disk/1/2/3/4 -p Legacy volume new_legacy_volume


  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager
  2. Click External Storage Tab or menu tree
  3. Check the box next to the external device identified in Step I
  4. Click the Import button
  5. In the pop-up window that follows, select Preserve data by creating legacy volume(s)
  6. Change the legacy volume name, if necessary, and click Next
  7. Select the legacy volume pool, and click Next. Only pools with a profile of Legacy will be listed. Reference document ###(pools details)
  8. Click Finish to confirm.
  • If you receive a failure notification, contact go to Step L
  • If you have imported the storage as legacy, you can now use the new legacy volume for any other configurations that it will support. You should check the details of the volume, reference document <Document: 1009974.1> Validating Volume State and Details on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920
  • If you want to use the external storage as raw capacity, go to Step K.

K. Importing the External Storage as Raw Capacity

Importing external storage as raw capacity is well documented in the 6920 Best Practices Guide. We will show you the basic usage on how to import devices as raw capacity.

Using the external storage device name provided in Step I, perform the following.


sscs create -e <external_storage_name> -p <pool> vdisk


sscs create -e 1/2/3/4 -p mypool vdisk


  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager
  2. Click External Storage Tab or menu tree
  3. Check the box next to the external device identified in Step I
  4. Click the Import button
  5. In the pop-up window that follows, select Overwrite data by adding to storage pool as raw storage and click Next
  6. Choose a storage pool from the list, and click Next
  7. Click Finish to confirm that you are overwriting the data.
  • If you receive a failure notification, contact go to Step L
  • If you have imported the storage as raw, you can now use the new VDisk for any space requirements, and have completed Validation of the External Storage Attachment to the 6920. You can validate that the storage space has been added by reviewing the pool status you imported the external storage to. Reference document ####.

L. Failure

''An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator

Please go to Step M.

Error: The operation failed.

Please go to Step M

M. Collecting Data

Please collect the following data:

  • Answers to Step A.
  • 6920 Solution Extract, reference document <Document: 1003756.1> How to collect an extractor from a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 (2.x and 3.x)
  • sscs list externalstorage
  • BUI screen shot of External Storage page.
  • External Storage support data collection, as necessary.

Sun StorageTek 6920 System
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 2
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 1

Internal Comments
Sun Support

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK

N. Validate command provided

Validate command provided against examples in the Sun StorEdge 6920 System CLI Quick Reference Guide, Release 3.0.

Ensure that options are valid based on the usage available in reference guide.

error occurred

If the customer reports:

An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator


Error: The operation failed.

Validate the services on the Service Processor. Reference document <Document: 1007129.1>  Validating Services on a Sun StorEdge 6920 Service Processor

P. Escalate

Please have collected:

  • Everything in Step M.

  • Which step in this document you stopped at

and Escalate to your next level of support.

external storage, external storage, 6920, storage rescan, normalized, audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-09-27
User Name: 7058
Action: Approved
Comment: Links in external section were pointing to sunsolve.central. Corrected links.
Spell ck OK.
tags OK.
Tmarks in place.
OK to publish.
Version: 3
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 7058
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2007-09-21
User Name: 88109
Action: Approved
Comment: Please review pending 89105. The tech reviewer made a mistake and put it back to draft.

This solution has no attachment
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