Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1004222.1
Update Date:2011-03-10

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1004222.1 :   How to setup console logging and obtain diagnostic data from different types of SPARC servers  

Related Items
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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange V and Netra Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>High-End Servers


This document provides a number of links to other documents that describe, for each class of hardware, how to setup console logging and how to retrieve that data in the case that is required.

Steps to Follow
Many Sun systems have integrated system controllers that are responsible for some of the initial poweron testing, and ongoing environmental monitoring of the system.

Many of these servers have the capacity to capture the console log, although in many cases, it is improperly configured, or not configured at all. The result of this is that frequently, the first failure on systems does not capture sufficient data to troubleshoot the problem.

The following documents are aimed at demonstrating how to enable these controllers to be able to capture the log of the integrated system controllers, so that maximum diagnostic information can be collected at the time of a failure.

Systems with RSC devices

Setting up console logging:
 <Document: 1011888.1> How to set up the RSC console on SUnFIre {TM} 280R, V480, V490, V880, V890, and V880z servers.

Collecting the console data:
Once the above process has been followed, one can install and run explorer and collect the required data.
 <Document: 1003421.1> Sun Fire [TM] 280R, V480, V880, V890, V880z Initial data collection.

Sunfire 'Classic' Servers, such as the Sun Enterprise[TM] 4500 and Sun Enterprise[TM] 6000 servers

For many older systems that do not have integrated system controllers, the console port is the only place the console messages are printed. These are typically sent the system console, which in the case of larger servers, is a serial port. See the below document for details.

  <Document: 1008702.1> Console Logging Options to capture Fatal Reset output for Sun systems

Collection of the log files is as simple as sending the output of the logging sessions setup in in the above document.

High End Servers

Sun Enterprise[TM] 10000, Sun Fire[TM] F15K and E25K servers log the console output by default. This can easily be captured by running explorer on the MAIN SSP or System Controller.

On E10K platforms, the domain console log is available from
eg: /var/opt/SUNWssp/adm/kryten/netcon

On F12K, F15K, E20K and E25K platforms, the domain console logs are available from:

eg: /var/opt/SUNWSMS/adm/A/console

These files are regularly rolled, with console being moved to console.0, console.0 being movec console.1 and so on. Up to 9 files are kept on the System Cotrollers or SSP.

MidRange servers, such as the Sun Fire[TM] F4800 and Sun Fire[TM] E6900

Sun Fire Midrange servers, such as the F4800 and E6900 servers, do not log the output of the domain consoles. They do, however, capture much of the important hardware information that we would normally hope to capture on the console. Running scextended explorers on these system controllers will gather most of this important data.

 <Document: 1011830.1> Sun Fire[TM] Servers (3800/4800/4810/6800/E4900/E6900): How to run scextended Explorer

The System Controllers have limited memory and a remote loghost is required to ensure that all available fault data is captured.

  <Document: 1008676.1> 'Best Practices' and configuring loghost on Sun Fire[TM] 3800,4800,4900,6800, and E6900 servers 

If Solaris console logging on one of these systems is required, it is most easily achieved through starting a 'script' session from an admin workstation, then ssh or telnet to the system controller and connect to the domain console.

Below is a document that describes the 'screen' utility method to connect to and log the domain consoles on Sun Fire Midrange servers. Screen is a more usable approach, as it allows connection AND logging, with a session that can be disconnected and reconnected.

  <Document: 1011212.1> How to setup persistant domain console logging on Sun Fire Midrange Servers. 

Other Servers

For smaller servers and workstations, particularly those with Graphics Consoles, or hardwired consoles(eg WYSE), the console messages may only be printed on the screen. In these cases, a digital camera can work wonders in capturing the text on the screen.

Servers with iLOM or ALOM controllers

There are a number of servers with different remote Service Processor capabilities. Some of these are incapable of logging console output, so the methods described for the Sun Fire Midrange servers need to be employed.

Servers such as the T2000, T1000, v210, v240, v440, v250, v215, v245 and v445 have the ALOM consolehistory command. To view the history of the system console, while logged into the ALOM/SC simply type

 consolehistory -v

For the Tx000 platforms the consolehistory is collected by default with explorer 5.5 and above.

  <Document: 1018946.1> Using Sun [TM] Explorer on the Tx000 Series Systems

For the v210, v240, v440, v250, v215, v245 and v445 platforms see:

  <Document: 1006640.1>  How to Get Sun [TM} Explorer to Collect ALOM Data 

Sun Fire V880/890
Sun Fire V1280 Server
Sun Fire T2000 Server
Sun Fire T1000 Server
Sun Fire E6900 Server
Sun Fire E4900 Server
Sun Fire E2900 Server

Internal Comments
This document is a reference from various Normalized Resolution Paths.

  • Please send any feedback on this reference to the appropriate Domain Engineer depending on the product:
  • Include the document ID in the subject line.
  • Do not update this document without first contacting the feedback email alias.

console, domain, logging, console logging, domain console logging, terminal, screen, script, conserver, diagnostic, normalized
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