Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1004563.1
Update Date:2011-03-16

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1004563.1 :   How to manage the Firmware on a Sun Ray[TM] 1 Enterprise Appliance  

Related Items
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Software
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Desktop Virtualization>Sun Ray Hardware
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Desktop Virtualization>Sun Ray Software


This article addresses how to manage the firmware on a Sun Ray[TM] 1 enterprise appliance.

Steps to Follow
utfwadm [-A] [-D][-a] [-e ethernet address] [-n interface_name] [-f path]

     -A   Adds appliances to the list of appliances to be upgraded, and also sets
the appropriate DHCP version variable.
-D   Removes the specified appliances from the list of appliances to be
upgraded, -D unsets the appropriate DHCP version variable.
-a   Designates that all appliances will be affected by the command.
-e ethernet address
Updates information on a specific appliance. The address entered is read as hex.
-n interface_name
Specifies what subnet the appliances are on. For more than one interface,
use a series of -n interface_name entries. For all interfaces, use -n all.
-f path
Specifies the path to the upgrade files. If -f is not used, the
upgrade is taken from the default firmware files, which are located in

utfwadm can be used on the Sun Ray[TM] 1 Enterprise Appliance for performing the following functions:

  • Setting and unsetting the DHCP version variable

  • Upgrading selected appliances or all appliances

  • Upgrading selected subnets or all subnets

This command may be used to select the appliances to be upgraded. The appliances could be selected by appliance or by their subnets

To update all the appliances on the hme1 interface, do the following:

    1. # /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utfwadm -A -a -n hme1
2. Reboot the server
3. Power cycle the SunRay appliances to force a firmware upgrade

To update an appliance with Ethernet (MAC) address 08:00:20:9f:bc:1f, type:

   # utfwadm -A -e 0800209fbc1f -n hme1

To update appliances with address of 08:00:20:9f:bc:1c, 08:00:20:9f:bc:1d, 08:00:20:9f:bc:1e type:

   # utfwadm -A -e 0800209fbc1c -n hme1
# utfwadm -A -e 0800209fbc1d -n hme1
# utfwadm -A -e 0800209fbc1e -n hme1

Sun Ray Server Software 1.3
Sun Ray 1 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 150 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 170 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 100 Ultra-Thin Client

Internal Comments
The following is strictly for the use of Sun employees:

SUBMITTED BY : Chandu Krishnagiri


PRODUCT NAME: SunRay Enterprise Server


Previously Published As

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Date: 2008-01-08
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Action: Update Canceled
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Date: 2008-01-08
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Date: 2004-01-19

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