Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1005078.1
Update Date:2011-02-11

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1005078.1 :   Setting Up e-mail notifications for Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320/6920  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6320 System
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


Applies to:

Sun Storage 6320 System
Sun Storage 6920 System
All Platforms


The purpose of this document is to define how to view and manage basic Email Notifications within the SSCS Command Line Interface(CLI) or Browser(BUI).

Specifically this document handles:

  • Review/Manipulation of Email settings on the 6320/6920
  • Review/Manipulation of Email Recipients of Events or Alarms

Consider reviewing some of the following documents if you are looking to perform actions beyond the scope of this document:


A. Review the current settings


Basic usage for sscs is:

sscs list notification

For the 6920, this will list:

  • The SMTP Server alias(defaults to localhost)
  • Any configured Email/Pager aliases that have been configured for receipt of events and alarms
  • Whether Sun Storage Remote Response(SSRR) is enabled
  • Whether the Array has been configured to send out an SNMP(Simple Network Messaging Protocol) Trap.
[sp0]# ./sscs list notification
/opt/SUNWstade/bin/ras_admin provider_list
SMTP server = localhost
Path to email program = /usr/lib/sendmail
Entry  Email/Events                  Type       Device     Priority         Events    Active
------ ----------------------------- ---------- ---------- --------------- --------- -------
Provider   Active Heartbeat (hrs) IP
---------- ------ --------------- -------------------------------
Trap #   IP Name/Address Port     Min Alert Level
-------- --------------- -------- -------------------------------

For the 6320, this will list:

  • The email categories only. You would have to list out using the "-c" option, email addresses that are associated with the specific categories listed.
[sp0]# ./sscs list notification
category-id category name
cat-array          Array events
cat-sptime Service processor time changes
cat-auth Authentication
cat-persist Persistence events
cat-pool Pools
cat-power Power and boot
cat-firewall Firewall
cat-vol Volumes
cat-initiator Initiators
cat-volgrp Volume groups
cat-initgrp Initiator groups
cat-arraylog Array log events
cat-devcomm DevCom events
cat-tray Controller tray events

An example of the possible events under one category is listed below:

[sp0]# ./sscs list -c cat-array notification
category-id: cat-array
category name: Array events
all category subscribers:
category subscribers:
event-id: array.1, event name: Array duplicate initiated
event-id: array.2, event name: Error array duplicate
event-id: array.3, event name: Error array duplicate because array is degraded
event-id: array.4, event name: Tray duplicate initiated
event-id: array.5, event name: Error duplicating tray
event-id: array.6, event name: Error duplicating tray because array is degraded
event-id: array.7, event name: Array change profile
event-id: array.8, event name: Error changing array profile
event-id: array.9, event name: Error changing array profile because array is degraded
event-id: array.10, event name: CIMOM restarted
event-id: array.11, event name: Shutdown initiated
event-id: array.12, event name: Shutdown error
event-id: array.13, event name: Reboot initiated
event-id: array.14, event name: Reboot error
event-id: array.15, event name: Restore array defaults initiated
event-id: array.16, event name: Restore array defaults error
event-id: array.17, event name: Changing array hot spare pool
event-id: array.18, event name: Error changing array hot spare pool

NOTE 1: SSCS does not have the ability to list out any event filtering that has been set up through the BUI. All Event filtering must be configured through the BUI.


Basic review of the SMTP Settings are found on the 6920 by:

  1. Click on Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment link in the Web Console Page.
  2. Click on the Administration Tab
  3. Click on the Notification Tab. This shows you the basic settings for the SMTP service on the array.
  4. Clicking on the Email Tab will show the list of email or pager addresses that will receive notifications.
  5. Clicking on the Filters Tab will show what events or alarms have been reduced to an informational status(no alarm generated) or will generate no notification whatsoever to the email addresses setup.

Basic review of the SMTP Settings are found on the 6320 by:

  1. Click on the Administration Tab
  2. Click on the General Maintenance Link
  3. Click on the Configuration Options Link. This shows:
  • Whether there is a different SMTP host other than the Service Processor(SP)
  • The From Address
  • The reporting period
  • Path to email program on the SP when the SMTP host is not available.
  • If you are satisfied with the settings, you have completed the validation of the email settings for your array.
  • If you wish to change the email settings for your array, continue to Step B.

B. Changing/Setting the SMTP Server Settings

SMTP Server Settings can only be changed through the BUI. SSCS manipulation
is not available.


Before modifying this content you will need:

  • What the From: field will show in your event notifications
  • What the SMTP server is.
  • If you wish to change the reporting frequency.
  1. Click on the Administration Tab
  2. Click on the General Maintenance Link
  3. Click on the Configuration Options Link.
  4. Fill out the IP address of the SMTP server. (This can only be an IP address)
  5. Fill out the sender's address. It Defaults to Storage_ADE@
  6. Click the Update Options Button


Before modifying this content you will need:

  • The email address you would like to have shown in the To: field of emails received from the array.
  • The maximum size of the email that can be sent. Limits are 2MB through 50MB
  1. Click on the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment link in the Web Console Page.
  2. Click on the Administration Tab
  3. Click on the Notification Tab.
  4. In the Setup Tab, change the SMTP server to the IP address of the SMTP host that will be handling the email.
  5. Fill out the sender's address.
  6. Change the maximum email size
  7. Click the Save button

Please test your email notification by continuing to Step C.

C. Testing Email

Testing your email connection also requires BUI access.


  1. Click on the Administration Tab
  2. Click on the General Maintenance Link
  3. Click on the Test Email Link
  4. Fill out the To: field with a valid email address
  5. Fill out any additional text message in the message box.
  6. Click Submit


  1. Click on the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment link in the Web Console Page.
  2. Click on the Administration Tab
  3. Click on the Notification Tab.
  4. In the Setup Tab, Click the Test Email button.
  5. In the pop-up window, Fill out the To: field with a valid email address
  6. Fill out any additional text message in the message box.
  7. Click OK
  • If you did not receive an email, please refer to document : Troubleshooting Email issues in StorADE. The content of this document implies you have root access to the SP on the array. If you do not have root access to your array, please go to Step E
  • If you receive a failure during the test, please got to Step E
  • If you received the test email, you are now ready to setup specific email accounts for a specified email alias. Continue to Step D.

D. Setting up Email Recipients

Recipients can be configured on either array using sscs or BUI interfaces.

SSCS on the 6320

Basic Usage is:

sscs add -a notification


sscs add -a notification

This will create a notification for all event types, priorities, and categories.

SSCS on the 6920

Basic Usage is:

sscs add -e notification local_email


sscs add -a notification local_email

Note 3: You cannot modify the event category or priority using the sscs client for the 6920, this must be done through the BUI

BUI on the 6320

  1. Click on the Administration Tab
  2. Click on the General Maintenance Link
  3. Click on the Local Emails/ Scripts Link
  4. Click Add Notification To create a new recipient. Click on a listed email address to modify an existing recipient.
  5. Fill out the e-mail address or pager of the recipient of the notification.
  6. Fill out what priority and events you want to receive.
  7. Click the Update or Add button to save your changes.
  8. Your email/pager alias will be listed in the summary screen.

BUI on the 6920

  1. Click on the Storage Automated Diagnostic Environment link in the Web Console Page.
  2. Click on the Administration Tab
  3. Click on the Notification Tab.
  4. Click on the Email Tab.
  5. Click on the New button to create a new recipient, or check the box next to the recipient address, and click the Edit button.
  6. Fill out the Email Address.
  7. Check off that the recipient is Active
  8. Click Save
  9. Your email/pager alias will be listed in the summary screen.
  • If the alias shows up in the summary screen, you may want to go through Step C to send a test mail to the alias you just set up.
  • If you received an error, please continue to Step E.
  • If you did not receive an error, you are now configured to receive alarms and notifications!

E. Data Collection

Please collect the following information:

  • <Document:  1018865.1>  Sun StorEdge[TM] 6320:How to collect an Extractor
  • <Document: 1003756.1> Collecting a Solution Extract for a StorEdge[TM] 6920

Internal Comments

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