Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1005308.1
Update Date:2011-05-11

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1005308.1 :   iSCSI basics for Windows  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 5210 NAS Appliance
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  • Sun Storage 5320 NAS Appliance
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Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Network Attached Storage


This document will assist in creating a basic iSCSI (Internet SCSI) device on the Sun StorEdge[TM] 5000 Series NAS Appliance head and make the iSCSI device available to a Windows box.

Steps to Follow
Below are the basic steps needed to create a iSCSI device from Windows.
From the NAS head

Part I
0. Create or use an existing sfs2 filesystem

Part II
1. Configure the iSNS server
2. Configure a iSCSI access group
3. Create a iSCSI device

Note: This document assumes the Windows iSNS server and iSCSI initiator
are installed on the Windows machine.

From the Windows machine
Part III
4. View and scan the iSCSI Initiator for the new device
5. Log into the iSCSI device

Part IV
6. Go to Disk Management
7. Scan for new disks
8. Create a Windows label
9. Create a Windows partition
10. Format Windows filesystem
11. View in My Computer

Part I Create a NAS filesytem:

Note: If a sfs2 filesystem is already created proceed to Part II

1. Telnet into the NAS head
# telnet

2. Log in as admin followed by return
connect to (? for list) ? [menu] admin

3. Type menu at the NAS command prompt and the menu will appear
nas5x05 > menu

nas5x05                     StorageTek 5320 NAS Menu
Operations              | Configuration           | Access Control
1. Activity Monitor     | A. Host Name & Network  | K. Admin Access
2. Show Log             | B. Timezone, Time, Date | L. Volume Access
3. Lock Console         | C. Drive Letters        | M. Trusted Hosts
4. Licenses             | D. Disks & Volumes      |
| E. Users                | Extensions
| F. Hosts                | U. Language Selection
|                         | V. EMAIL Configuration
| H. DNS & SYSLOGD        | W. ADS Setup
| I. NIS & NIS+           | X. CIFS/SMB Configuration
0. Shutdown             | J. NS Lookup Order      | Y. RDATE time update

4. Type the letter D to Enter Disks & Volumes
D. Disks & Volumes

   Drive       Volume(s)                                     Available
A. ide1d1      /cvol /dvol                                        0B
B. isp1d040    /iscsiemea                                    499.1GB
C. isp1d041    /logs /v2                                     555.6GB

The right side shows the available blank space

5. Select a isp device above and create a sfs2 filesystem
6. Option B - isp1d040 was selected for this example

nas5x05                StorageTek 5320 NAS Configure Disk
Disk isp1d040    Size MB 571179    SUN     CSM200_R
1        240 122880000 sfs2     /iscsiemea   1%  57.574G/57.574G      6787+1
2  122880240 1046896399 --      1046896399 sectors (499.1GB) free
3 1169776639         0 --
4 1169776639         0 --
5 1169776639         0 --
6 1169776639         0 --
7 1169776639         0 --
8 1169776639         0 --
|   1. Edit                                                              |
|                                                                        |
|   SPACE page display                                                   |

7. Type 1. Edit
8. Use the error keys and go to slice number 2
9. Type 1. Create partition
10. Type 1. sfs2
11. Create a filesystem name.

Note: May want use a name that helps with tracing

12. If compliance is installed a choice of Advisory or Mandatory.
13. Type in the desired capacity
14. Push <enter>
15. Type 7. Proceed with create

Part II Create an iSCSI device

1. From the main menu select iSCSI Configuration by typing the corresponding
letter to the left. Use the spacebar to scroll through the extentions in
order help find the menu choice.

2. The iSCSI main menu appears
A. Configure iSCSI LUN
B. Configure Access List
C. Configure iSNS Server

3. Select C. Configure iSNS Server
4. Type 1. Edit Fields
5. Enter in the IP of the server which contains the iSNS Microsoft server followed by the enter key. iSNS Windows server is available on

iSNS Server

6. Type 7. Save Changes
7. Push <escape> to go back to the iSCSI menu
8. Type option B. Configure Access List
9. Type 7. Add a list
10. A access menu comes up. Type 1. Edit Fields

11. In each follow fields below are an example

Name                  nas5x05access
CHAP Initiator Name   test
CHAP Initiator Secret ************
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name
Initiator IQN Name

12. Type 7. Save changes
13. Push <escape> twice to go back to iSCSI menu
14. Type A. Configure iSCSI LUN
15. Type 1. Add a device
16. Type 7. Add a LUN
17. Type 1. Edit Fields
18. Enter an iSCSI device name. Alias is optional, sfs2 filesystem, capacity of iscsi device no larger then the filesystem, and style of allocation (thin). Below is an example:

Name      nas5x05iscsidisk1
Volume    /iscsidisk1
Capacity  10g
Thin      No
       ENTER to move through fields    Save changes after last field
| Select or Add an Access for the iSCSI LUN.                             |
|                                                   1. Select/Add        |
|                                                                        |
ESC for Menu

19. Type 1. Select/Add
20. Type A. nas5x05access
Note: nas5x05access is the example iSCSI accessgroup created Part II.
21. 7. Save Changes
22. The following output will appear

 Initialization in progress....
 Elapsed time 0:07      6% done

The device above will appear in the "Configure iSCSI LUN" menu once complete.

23. Once complete the iSCSI device should be available to the iInitiator
on the windows machine.

Part III - Windows iInitiator

This example is using Windows 2000 Advanced Server

1. At the Windows Machine desktop
Start > Programs > Microsoft iSCSI Initiator > Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
2. When the iSCSI Initiator GUI is up click on the Targets tab
3. The new device should be in the list of targets. Below is the device in this example  Inactive

4. Click the Log On... button
5. Check mark the Automatically restore this connection when the system boots. Check Enable multi-path if desired.
6. Click on the Advanced... button.
7. Verify the Source IP is for this example. The IP if the iSNS
server configured on the NAS head.
8. Check mark CHAP login information
9. Back space the name automatically entered in the User name field
Re-enter in the name "test" used in this example when creating the iSCSI access
group. The CHAP Initiator Name test was entered above in Part II.
10. Enter in the password created in the access group.
11. Ckick on the OK button
12. The device should now show Connected status.  Connected

13. The device is now available to the Windows machine as locally attached
device but communicating over IP. The new device will need to be installed.

Part IV - Create a Windows partition and filesystem

Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management
1. Click on the "Disk Management" folder located in the object tree in the
computer mangement window.
2. Once the Disk Management folder is clicked Windows will scan for devices
and detect and new device is available and requires a write signature.
Click cancel. The reason is the disk management GUI will load up and
show all the local disks.
3. Right mouse click on the new disk
4. Click the OK button
5. Right mouse click on the disk and select Create a Partition
6. Click the next button
7. Click primary partition
8. Click the next button for full capacity
9. Click the next button for the default assigned drive letter
10. Verify the filesystem, allocation unit, and give a volume name.
11. Click the next button
12. Click finish. The disk will format and become available to user.
Note: Make sure the drive status is healthy.
13. Double click on the "My Computer" desktop icon
14. The new disk will appear as the drive letter configured above.

Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5320 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5320
Sun StorageTek 5220
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Gateway/Cluster System
Sun StorageTek 5310 NAS Gateway System
Sun StorageTek 5220 NAS Appliance
Sun StorageTek 5210 NAS Appliance

Internal Comments
This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-NAS
iSCSI, Windows, NAS, SE5000 NAS, SE5210, SE5310, SE5320, audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-10-02
User Name: 97961
Action: Approved
Comment: - Fixed STM formatting warnings/issues
- Tidied up formatting
Version: 9
Date: 2007-10-02
User Name: 97961
Action: Accept
Version: 0

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