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Asset ID: 1-71-1005617.1
Update Date:2010-08-31

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1005617.1 :   Validating Remote Replication Set Creation for a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


The purpose of this document is to provide basic steps for Remote Replication Set(repset) creation for the Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 System, via the Browser User Interface(BUI) or sscs Command Line Interface(CLI).
Content will be limited to a basic usage using the CLI or BUI interfaces for creating repsets, and provide help with some usage failure scenarios for this activity. Consider reviewing some of the following documents if you are looking to perform actions beyond the scope of this document:

NOTE: We consider basic replication set creation as the creation of a single set in synchronous mode.

Steps to Follow
Planning, Peer Links, Remote Volume, & Replication

A. Start by Planning

Remote Replication, is often the most complex of storage feature sets. It offers the ability to mirror data across a fibre channel or IP network. If you have not setup this capability before, you should read the Remote Replication section of the Best Practices for the Sun StorEdge 6920 System, Version 3.0.1. You should also review Sun StorEdge[TM] Data Replicator with Oracle Databases Usage Guide if you plan to replicate Database data(not necessarily just Oracle). The general contents apply to non-Oracle databases as well.

Replication Requires the following components:

  1. 2 Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Arrays
  2. A volume at each Array that are of the same size.
  3. A pool to build a bitmap volume
  4. One of the following:
  • An available FC Port on each array to be used exclusively for replication. This will require an FC-SAN in between.
  • An SIO Combo-Card Ethernet port on each array connected to a LAN/WAN

Again, the Best Practices for the Sun StorEdge 6920 System, Version 3.0.1 Chapter 6, has the best overall information for creating your own Remote Replication solution. Decisions to use specific configurations will not be discussed, here.

If you have at least the components above, you are ready to create a SIMPLE replication set, and can continue to Step B.

B. Setup Peer Links for the 6920


Configure Gigabit Ethernet Peer Link:

sscs modify -r <enable|disable> -g <gateway_addr> -m <netmask> -l <local_6920> etherport <etherport>
sscs add -t <remote_6920> etherport <etherport>


sscs modify -r enable -g -m -l etherport 3/7
sscs add -t etherport 3/7

Configure Fibre Channel Peer Link:

sscs modify -r <enable|disable> fcport <fcport>


sscs modify -r enable fcport 1/6


Configure Gigabit Ethernet Peer Link:

  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager link
  2. Click Physical Storage tab or menu
  3. Click Ports tab or menu
  4. Click on a port name with a type of Gigabit Ethernet
  5. Click on Configure Replication button
  6. In the pop-up window, fill out the Local IP, Netmask, and Gateway addresses, and click Next.
  7. Fill out the Remote 6920 IP address, and click Next
  8. Verify the Network Settings, and click Finish

Configure Fibre Channel Peer Link:

  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager link
  2. Click Physical Storage tab or menu
  3. Click Ports tab or menu
  4. Click on a Fibre Channel type port
  5. Click the Enable Replication button
  • This will have to be repeated on the secondary 6920.

C. Get the Remote Volume WWN

This will require that you login to the Remote 6920 and get the volume WWN.
Reference documents:

  • <Document: 1012883.1>  Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge 6920[TM] Browser and sscs(1M) Access Problems
  • <Document: 1009974.1>  Validating Volume State and Details on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920

D. Get Remote 6920 Peer Replication WWN

This can be gotten by listing out any Port details on the array, and getting
the Node WWN for that port.


sscs list fcport <fcportnumber>


sscs list fcport 1/6


  1. Click Configuration Service or Common Array Manager
  2. Click Physical Storage
  3. Click Ports
  4. Click on a Port Name link

E. Create the Set on the Primary

sscs create -l <local_volume> -w Remote_NodeWWN -b <local_bitmap_pool> -o <Remote_Vol_WWN> -r <role> -m <mode> -R <priority> -p <snapshot> repset


sscs create -l loc_vol -w 0123456789abcdef -b bitmap_pool -o 0123456789abcdef01234567789 -r primary -m sync -R low -p disable repset


  1. Click Configuration Services or Common Array Manager
  2. Click Logical Tab or Menu tree.
  3. Click Volume Name to Replicate
  4. Click the Replicate button.
  5. Insert the Remote Peer WWN from Step D.
  6. Insert the Remote Volume WWN from Step C and click Next
  7. Choose No Consistency Group, and click Next
  8. Choose Role as primary
  9. Choose Mode as synchronous and click Next
  10. Choose a pool for the bitmap to reside and click Next, then Finish
  • If you get a completion notice, continue to Step F.
  • If you get a failure notice, go to Step J.

F. Get Primary Volume WWN

Get the primary volume WWN on the local 6920. Reference <Document: 1009974.1> : Validating Volume State and Details on a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920

G. Get the Primary 6920 Node WWN

This can be gotten by listing out any Port details on the array, and getting
the Node WWN for that port.


sscs list fcport <fcportnumber>


sscs list fcport 1/6


  1. Click Configuration Service or Common Array Manager
  2. Click Physical Storage
  3. Click Ports
  4. Click on a Port Name link

H. Create the Repset on the remote 6920

This will require that you login to the Remote 6920, reference <Document: 1012883.1> : Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge 6920[TM] Browser and sscs(1M) Access Problems

The BUI and SSCS commands are identical with the following exceptions:

  • The Peer WWN will be from Step G
  • The remote volume WWN will be from Step F
  • The role will be Secondary
  • The local volume will be the same as the volume name from Step C
  • If you received a failure notice, go to Step J.
  • If you received a completion notice, go to Step I.

I. Start Full Forward Sync

After creation, a full synchronization is required. This can be accomplished
by resuming the set normally. Reference <Document: 1007158.1> : Validating Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Remote Replication Modification

Full synchronizations can take a long time, and depends greatly on network latency and 6920 utilization. This can be shortened by employing the Fast Start option. Reference document:

Progress is provided as part of the Repset details. Reference <Document: 1005601.1> : Validating Sun Storedge[TM] 6920 Remote Replication details and state

  • If you received a failure notification, go to Step J.

J. Failure Notification

An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator

Please go to Step K.

<repset>: - The create operation failed

Please go to Step K.

Error: The operation failed.

Please go to Step K.

<repset>: - The create operation failed

Please go to Step K.

K. Data Collection

Please collect the following information:

  • Answers to Questions in Step A.
  • 6920 Solution Extract, Reference document 83343-1: How to collect an extractor from a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 (2.x and 3.x)
  • The message given by SSCS or BUI(screen capture if possible)
  • The command used, if by SSCS
  • The following sscs output:

sscs list repset
sscs list repset <repset name>
sscs list volume
sscs list volume <volume name>
sscs list fcport
sscs list fcport <fcport name>
sscs list etherport
sscs list etherport <etherport ID>

and contact Sun Support.

NOTE: Screen captures of the summary page for each object could be used, as well, for BUI related creations.

Sun StorageTek 6920 System
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 2
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 1

Internal Comments
Validate command and perfrom health check of array

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

Sun Support

L. Validate command provided

Validate command provided against examples in the Sun StorEdge 6920 System CLI Quick Reference Guide, Release 3.0.

Ensure that options are valid based on the usage available in reference guide.

error occurred

If the customer reports:

An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator


Error: The operation failed.

Validate the services on the Service Processor. Reference <Document: 1007129.1>  

N. Perform health check of array

Reference <Document: 1005447.1> : Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Health Checklist

O. Escalate

Provide the following:

  • Description of what is not being displayed properly

  • Results of Step L.

  • Results of Step M.

  • Results of Step N.

  • Location of everything in Step K

6920, replication, remote, mirror, create, sscs, browser, bui, normalized, Audited
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-10-02
User Name: 97961
Action: Approved
Comment: Publishing. No further edits required.
Version: 6
Date: 2007-10-02
User Name: 97961
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2007-10-02
User Name: 39181
Action: Approved
Comment: Reviewed section B, looks good. Sending to final review.
Version: 0
Date: 2007-10-01
User Name: 88109
Action: Approved
Comment: Please review Step B for content. Only thing modified.
Version: 0
Date: 2007-10-01
User Name: 88109
Action: Update Started
Comment: need to update for content in identical document
Version: 0

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