Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1006049.1
Update Date:2008-12-09

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1006049.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM] 3910/3960/6910/6960 series: How to set a Sun StorEdge[TM] T3+ array password  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage T3 Array
  • Sun Storage 3910 Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - Other


The /opt/SUNWsecfg/runsecfg utility, and command line scripts in the /opt/SUNWsecfg/bin directory, may receive a PASSWD ENV variable error, if the Sun StorEdge[TM] T3+ array password is improperly set.

Steps to Follow
By default, the Sun StorEdge T3+ arrays in a StorEdge[TM] 3900/6900 series, have no password set. When prompted for a password, just press the "Enter/Return" key to gain access to the Sun StorEdge T3+ arrays.

    If your passwords on the Sun StorEdge T3+ arrays are null, do not set the PASSWD
variable. Only use this variable if you use the same password for each Sun
StorEdge T3+ array.

If the password on the T3+ does not match the PASSWD environment variable on the
Service Processor(SP), then you will get the following error:

 root# /opt/SUNWsecfg/bin/showt3 -n t3b0
ERROR: t3b0 : login failed: bad name or password.
ERROR: t3b0 : ENV variable PASSWD must be set to the T3+ password.

Use the method below to properly set the passwords in the Sun StorEdge T3+
arrays in a SE3900/6900 series.

1) Telnet into the Sun StorEdge T3+ arrays, and use the passwd command to set
a new password:
   Telnet session ( or t3b0)
   Login: root
   T3B Release 2.01.01 2002/07/30 19:16:42 (
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
OLD password:<enter>
NEW password:sun
NEW password (confirm): sun
t3b0:/:<2> exit
2) Telnet into the service processor and edit the file: /.profile or
/etc/profile to include the following modifications:   
   Add "PASSWD={new T3+ password}" line before the export line.
(for example:  PASSWD=sunt3)
   Append "PASSWD" to the end of export line
3) Logout and log back into the SE3900/6900 service processor for the
PASSWD variable to take effect.

The /opt/SUNWsecfg/runsecfg and scripts in /opt/SUNWsecfg/bin should now
work with the new T3+ passwd.

For more information on setting the PASSWD variable,see:
Sun StorEdge[TM] 3900 and 6900 Series 1.0 Reference Manual;
Part No. 816-3245-10, Section 5.2.1
Sun StorEdge[TM] 3900 and 6900 Series 2.0 Reference and Service Manual;
Part No. 816-5253-11, Section 5.3.2

Sun StorageTek 3910
Sun StorageTek 6960
Sun StorageTek 6910
Sun StorageTek 6900 Series
Sun StorageTek 3900 Series
Sun StorageTek 3960
Sun StorageTek T3 Array

Internal Comments

- Bug ID 4518880 "docs and t3utility man pages should mention

about PASSWD ENV variable"

password, t3, 3900, 3910, 3960, 6900, 6910, 6960
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2006-01-18
User Name: 97961
Action: Update Canceled
Comment: *** Restored Published Content *** SSH AUDIT.
KDO Knowledge Engineer
Version: 0
Date: 2006-01-18
User Name: 97961
Date: 2005-04-14
User Name: 18392
Action: Approved
Comment: Added product names, product nouns, added STM, did some formatting, corrected grammar.

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