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Asset ID: 1-71-1006640.1
Update Date:2010-04-18

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1006640.1 :   How To Get Sun [TM] Explorer To Collect ALOM Data  

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Related Categories
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Sun [TM] Explorer 5.1 and later have the capability to collect data from ALOM that is useful for troubleshooting.

Steps to Follow
How To Get Sun [TM] Explorer To Collect ALOM Data

Here are some points to take note of before Sun Explorer is run.

1) The system must have the ALOM "NET MGT" port connected and configured.
It is suggested to test the "NET MGT" port by manually telnet'ing into it.

Note: < Document: 1004884.1 > explains how to configure the "NET MGT" port.

2) The ALOM script (alomextended) is not run by default,it must be specified.

Example of running just the ALOM script:

   /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -w !default,alomextended

Example of running the default scripts and alomextended

   /opt/SUNWexplo/bin/explorer -w default,alomextended

3) A configuration file must be populated as shown below.If this is not done
the script will pause and require the info to be entered interactively.

The file name is:


The default contents are:

   # Input file for extended data collection
# Explorer requires the mode of alominput.txt is 0600

Example of a populated file:

   # Input file for extended data collection
# Explorer requires the mode of alominput.txt is 0600 pts-alom-net admin admin1

The critical part of this is to know that the "HOST" is the name associated with the IP address of the "net mgt" port and not the system's hostname. Using the IP address of the "net mgt" port will also work for the "HOST" setting. Also the "USERNAME" and "PASSWORD" are for the ones used to log into ALOM on the "net mgt" port. This file must have permission set to 0600.

4) The default ALOM prompt of "sc>" must be in use. The script will not run with a customized prompt (BugID 6324558 Click Here).

Below is an example of the path explorer will save the ALOM data and what is collected:

# pwd
# ls
consolehistory_-e_100.out  shownetwork_-v.out
showdate.out               showplatform_-v.out
showenvironment.out        showsc_-v.out
showfru.out                showusers.out
showlocator.out            usershow.out

Please also see < Document: 1002383.1 > for further Sun Explorer information.

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explorer, alom, v210, v240, v440, v250, alomextended, v215, v245, v445
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2010-04-19
User Name: 79977
Action: Currency check
Comment: Verified still current by CL
Date: 2007-05-17
User Name: 31620
Action: Approved
Comment: Verified Metadata - ok
Verified Keywords - ok
Verified still correct for audience - currently set to contract
Audience left at contract as per FvF at
Checked review date - currently set to 2007-10-23
Checked for TM - ok as presented
Publishing under the current publication rules of 18 Apr 2005:
Checked for the word normalized - not nrml. content
Version: 19
Date: 2007-05-17
User Name: 31620
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2007-05-17
User Name: 35315
Action: Approved
Comment: ok
Version: 0

18d48708-5867-11d6-8128-c95a9ce59853 | Sun Fire V240 Server
e246cdea-356f-11d7-9f99-8fabc2ef0f34 | Netra 440 Server
4a78cce8-2fe3-11d7-9239-f5e838e9bb7a | Netra 240 Server

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