Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1006708.1
Update Date:2009-11-11

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1006708.1 :   How to capture console output for Sun Fire[TM] V20z/V40z  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire V20z Server
  • Sun Fire V40z Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


This document describes how to capture the console output on a Sun Fire[TM] V20z/V40z system to a log file on a remote server.

Steps to Follow
Please note this procedure will only work if the the console of the v20z/v40z Platform is directed through the Service Processor (SP) this is known as Serial-Over-Lan (SOL).
This procedure will not work if the main console for the platform is directed to the rear system serial port.
1.To check the direction of the console perform the following check.
Login to the Service Processor and issue the command:
platform get console
If this reports the following then the rear serial port is being used,and this procedure will not work.
Rear Panel
Platform COMA
If this reports the following then the SOL option is being used and the procedure will work.(Please note the speed and log values may be different.)
Rear Panel Console Redirection Speed Pruning Log Trigger
SP Console Enabled             9600  No      244 KB
2.Setup the remote server to run SP based diagnostics ,this procedure is fully documented in Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers--Installation Guide.It is only necessary to unpack the NSV package,the diagnostics do not need to loaded or started.
3.When the NSV package has been unpacked in the previous procedure it will have created a directory named "logs" within the top level of the NSV directory
In this example the NSV package has been unpacked in the directory /nsv_files of the remote server
# ls /nsv_files
diags                update_server
docs                    processRules.xml        V2.4.0.12_manifest.xml
logs                    scripts
manifest_template2.xsl  snmp
Change the permissions of the logs directory
# chmod 777 logs
4.Mount the remote directory on the SP.This example uses the same directory as before.
$ sp add mount -r ip_addr_of_remote_server:/nsv_files -l /mnt
5.Check the files can be seen by the SP on the mount point
$ ls /mnt
V2.4.0.12_manifest.xml  diags  docs  logs  manifest_template2.xsl  processRules.xml  scripts  snmp  update_server
6.reboot the SP,this will not effect the running of the platform.
$ sp reboot
7.Restart the console from the SP and type some commands to test logging is functioning.
$ platform console
[Enter `^Ec?' for help]
# ls /usr
8.To check logging is working to the remote server.Change directory on the remote server to the logs directory.There will now be a new directory within this which contains the name or ethernet address of the SP.
If the SP has been given a name this will be displayed as a directory.If the SP has not been named the directory will be the ethernet address of the SP.
# ls logs
tools           v20z-test_system-sp
Change directory to the SP name in this example v20z-test_system-sp
# ls v20z-test_system-sp
console    event.log
The console file contains the log.
The file event.log is a perl copy of the System Event Log (SEL).To view this use the viewer script in the tools directory.
# perl /nsv_files/logs/tools --file /nsv_files/logs/v20z-test_system-sp/event.log

Sun Fire V20z Server
Sun Fire V40z Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 11/12/09 - James.Carter@Sun.COM, x64 Content Team Member

console, v20z, v40z, logging
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-12-10
User Name: 134416
Action: Update Canceled
Comment: *** Restored Published Content *** No update required
Version: 0
Date: 2007-03-20
User Name: 134416
Action: Update Started
Comment: Need to be updated
Version: 0
Date: 2006-07-10
User Name: 95826

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