Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1007159.1
Update Date:2010-08-31

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1007159.1 :   Validating Profile State and Status on a StorEdge[TM] 6920  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 6920 System
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 6xxx Arrays


Validating Profile State and Status on a StorEdge[TM] 6920

This document provides the basic steps to review Profile state, configuration, and settings information using the Browser or SSCS user interfaces. Use this document if:

  • Profiles are not listed in the UI
  • Profile devices have missing information
  • Syntax/Usage is needed to get Profile state/details

If you are looking for basic administrative tasks on the 6920, please reference

Steps to Follow
Validating Profile State and Status on a StorEdge[TM] 6920

A. Validate Usage and Profile device listing


The basic usage for listing all of the Profile devices can be obtained by running this command from the (CLI):

sscs list profile

This will list all of the Profiles reported by the 6920 array.
Most of the time, you will want to review the details of a particular profile device:

sscs list profile <profile name>

Where the details listed include:

Profile Name
RAID Level(0/1/3/5)
Segment Size(4KB-64KB)
Read Ahead (on/off)
Optimal Number of Drives(variable,2,...14)
Array Type
Virtualization Strategy (stripe/concatenate)
Default Stripe Size
Dedicated Hot Spare (yes/no)
Profile in Use (yes/no)
Factory Profile (yes/no)


The basic usage for listing all of the Profile devices can be obtained by:

  1. Click Configuration Services
  2. Click Logical Storage
  3. Click Profiles

This will display a listing of all Profile devices seen by the 6920 system. Fields include:

State (In Use/Not in Use)
Type (Factory/User)
RAID Level
# of Devices
Dedicated Hot Spare (yes/no)
Virtualization Strategy (strip/concatonate)

  • If you believe that you should see a profile device, issue the following
    and list the profiles again. If you still do not see profiles, then you may need to either create a new profile or continue to Step C.

B. Validate Profile State

  • If a profile state is anything but In Use/Not in Use go to Step C.

C. Data Collection for Missing or Incorrect Profile Information

Please collect the following:

  • 6920 Solution Extract. Reference <Document: 1003756.1> : How to collect an extractor from a Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 (2.x and 3.x)
  • sscs list profile <profile name> output showing profile details

And contact Sun Support.

Sun StorageTek 6920 System
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 2
Sun StorageTek 6920 Maintenance Update 1

Internal Comments
The Knowledge Work Queue for this article is KNO-STO-MIDRANGE_DISK.

This document contains normalized content and is managed by the the Domain Lead(s) of the respective domains. To notify content owners of a knowledge gap contained in this document, and/or prior to updating this document, please contact the domain engineers that are managing this document via the “Document Feedback” alias(es) listed below:

Validate Command:

D. Validate command provided

Validate command provided against examples in the Sun StorEdge 6920 System CLI Quick Reference Guide, Release 3.0.

Ensure that options are valid based on the usage available in reference guide.

error occurred

If the customer reports:

An error occurred. Please contact your system administrator


Error: The operation failed.

Validate the services on the Service Processor. Reference <Document: 1007129.1>  

F. Perform health check of array

Reference <Document: 1005447.1> :Sun StorEdge[TM] 6920 Health Checklist

G. Escalate

Provide the following:

  • Description of what is not being displayed properly

  • Results of Step D.

  • Results of Step E.

  • Results of Step F.

  • Location of everything in Step C

6920, Profile, Profiles, profile, profiles, list, details, in use, not in use, display, sscs, browser, Normalized, Audited
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