Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1007354.1
Update Date:2011-03-16

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1007354.1 :   Is VLAN Supported on Sun Ray[TM] ?  

Related Items
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Software
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
  • Sun Ray Hardware
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Desktop Virtualization>Sun Ray Hardware
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Desktops>Desktop Virtualization>Sun Ray Software


This document details whether using a VLAN is supported with Sun Ray[TM], and lists limitations.

Steps to Follow
Using a VLAN setup is supported only on Sun Ray[TM] Server Software 1.3 and higher. It is not supported on 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2.

The supported configurations are:

  • Sun Ray[TM] appliances deployed on a dedicated interconnect. An interconnect is a subnet that is directly attached to the Sun Ray[TM] server . The dedicated interconnect may be implemented as a fully private layer 2 LAN, or a layer 2 VLAN. Routers inside this private network are not allowed.

  • Sun Ray[TM] appliances deployed on a LAN (2.0 and higher only).  When Sun Rays are deployed on a LAN, the assumption is that the LAN is fully routable -- that is, a given Sun Ray must be able to reach all of the interfaces on all of the Sun Ray[TM] servers that it needs to talk to. Sun Ray[TM] appliances running older firmware, especially Sun Ray[TM] appliances running 1.x firmware,  may have to be updated to current firmware before being deployed in a LAN configuration. Especially, 1.x firmware does not provide DHCPINFORM, and thus does not support configurations where the values for the Sun Ray specific DHCP vendor tag are not provided with the initial DHCP response.

Please refer to the Sun Ray Server Software's Administrator's Guide, Chapter on  Deployment on Shared Networks  for additional information.

What is VLAN  

VLAN (Virtual LAN) is a single physical network logically partitioned into multiple segments. Each segment logically behaves as a separate, unconnected network. VLAN is configured on the switch side. VLAN grouping may be configured by

  • Ports

  • MAC addresses

  • IP subnets

  • Other vendor dependent schemes

Please refer to the documentation provided with your switch, and refer all questions related to setting up or configuration VLANs to your switch manufacturer.

On the Sun Ray[TM] Server, different network interfaces which are connected to the same switch must have different Mac addresses, even when VLAN is used. See Technical Instruction <Document: 1010245.1> Why do all my ethernet interfaces have the same ethernet MAC address   For additional information on Sun Ray network configurations, see the Sun Ray[TM] Server Software Administrator's Guide ( pages 9ff. in 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1)

Other Information:

Technical Instruction <Document: 1001739.1> explains differences between VLAN and a fully private interconnect as far as   Sun Rays are concerned

Sun Ray[TM] Server Software 1.3 and higher provide a packet loss tracking tool called utcapture.

Sun Ray Server Software 1.0
Sun Ray Server Software 1.1
Sun Ray Server Software 1.2
Sun Ray Server Software 1.3
Sun Ray Server Software 2.0
Sun Ray Server Software 3.0
Sun Ray Server Software 3.1
Sun Ray 1g Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 100 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 150 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 1 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 170 Ultra-Thin Client
Sun Ray 2FS Virtual Display Client
Sun Ray 2 Virtual Display Client

Internal Comments
Submitter : Shirin Kasad

This document is now maintained by Thomas Dehn (

VLAN, LAN, sunray, Sun Ray
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-02-19
User Name: 31620
Action: Approved
Comment: Verified Metadata - ok
Verified Keywords - ok
Verified still correct for audience - currently set to contract
Audience left at contract as per FvF at
Checked review date - currently set to 2008-02-08
Checked for TM - ok as presented
Publishing under the current publication rules of 18 Apr 2005:
Version: 12
Date: 2007-02-15

This solution has no attachment
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