Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1007551.1
Update Date:2010-07-06

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1007551.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] V1280 Server, Sun Fire [TM] E2900 Server and Netra[TM] 1280 Server: Determining DIMM size and Location  

Related Items
  • Sun Netra 1280 Server
  • Sun Fire V1280 Server
  • Sun Fire E2900 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange V and Netra Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Entry-Level Servers
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers


This document provides you with information about determining DIMM sizes and physical locations on the Sun Fire[TM] V1280 Server, Sun Fire [TM] E2900 Server and Netra[TM] 1280 server. The DIMM sizes can be calculated from the Solaris[TM] Operating System and the System Controller.

Steps to Follow
Run the inventory command from the System Controller (SC), which gives you the part number of the DIMMs as well as the DIMM size.
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D0: DIMM: 501-5401-03-50 serial# 3463A3 "256 MB NG SDRAM
Made on Sat Jun 01 21:23:22 GMT 2002 by 00c1 at IFR USA
Signature = 00000000259f7e82
Powered on for 235 days 10 hours 26 minutes
/N0/SB0/P0/B0/D1: DIMM: 501-5401-03-50 serial# 34659F "256 MB NG SDRAM
Made on Sat Jun 01 21:04:57 GMT 2002 by 00c1 at IFR USA
Signature = 00000000259f7e82
Powered on for 235 days 10 hours 26 minutes
In the preceding example the DIMMs are 256 MB and have the part number of 501-5401.
1) Run the /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag command.
2) Scroll down to the "Memory Configuration" subsection.
==================Memory Configuration==================
Bank Table:
Physical Location
ID       ControllerID  GroupID   Size       Interleave Way
0        0             0         512MB           0
1        0             1         512MB           4
2        0             0         512MB           8
3        0             1         512MB           12
4        1             0         512MB           1
5        1             1         512MB           5
6        1             0         512MB           9
7        1             1         512MB           13
8        2             0         512MB           2
9        2             1         512MB           6
10       2             0         512MB           10
11       2             1         512MB           14
12       3             0         512MB           3
13       3             1         512MB           7
14       3             0         512MB           11
15       3             1         512MB           15
Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels
0              0        SB0/P0/B0/D0,SB0/P0/B0/D1,SB0/P0/B0/D2,SB0/P0/B0/D3
0              1        SB0/P0/B1/D0,SB0/P0/B1/D1,SB0/P0/B1/D2,SB0/P0/B1/D3
Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels
1              0        SB0/P1/B0/D0,SB0/P1/B0/D1,SB0/P1/B0/D2,SB0/P1/B0/D3
1              1        SB0/P1/B1/D0,SB0/P1/B1/D1,SB0/P1/B1/D2,SB0/P1/B1/D3
Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels
2              0        SB0/P2/B0/D0,SB0/P2/B0/D1,SB0/P2/B0/D2,SB0/P2/B0/D3
2              1        SB0/P2/B1/D0,SB0/P2/B1/D1,SB0/P2/B1/D2,SB0/P2/B1/D3
Memory Module Groups:
ControllerID   GroupID  Labels
3              0        SB0/P3/B0/D0,SB0/P3/B0/D1,SB0/P3/B0/D2,SB0/P3/B0/D3
3              1        SB0/P3/B1/D0,SB0/P3/B1/D1,SB0/P3/B1/D2,SB0/P3/B1/D3
Each Proccessor controls two physical banks of four DIMMs each. To improve
interleaving, each physical bank is split into two logical banks by splitting each DIMM into two.   Each logical bank is made up of one-half of each of four DIMMs in one physical bank.  Therefore, each processor controls four logical banks, which are entries in the prtdiag table.
Each entry in the prtdiag table represents 4 x 1/2 DIMMs.  Therefore, if you half the size that appears in the logical bank, you arrive at the individual DIMM size.  In the preceding example, each DIMM is 256 MB in size.
The following diagram illustrates physical and logical bank relationships
|    half 0 - logical bank 0  |			DIMM 0
-------------------------------		-------------------------------	
|    half 1 - logical bank 2  |		|    half 0 - logical bank 1  |
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
					|    half 1 - logical bank 3  |
	DIMM 1				-------------------------------			
|    half 0 - logical bank 0  |			DIMM 1
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
|    half 1 - logical bank 2  |		|    half 0 - logical bank 1  |
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
					|    half 1 - logical bank 3  |
	DIMM 2				-------------------------------
|    half 0 - logical bank 0  |			DIMM 2
-------------------------------		-------------------------------	
|    half 1 - logical bank 2  |		|    half 0 - logical bank 1  |
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
					|    half 1 - logical bank 3  |
	DIMM 3				--------------------------------
|    half 0 - logical bank 0  |			DIMM 3
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
|    half 1 - logical bank 2  |		|    half 0 - logical bank 1  |
-------------------------------		-------------------------------
					|    half 1 - logical bank 3  |
Also, using the attached diagram for the Sun Fire V1280 system board and the "Memory Module Groups" part of the "Memory Configuration" subsection of the prtdiag command output, you can determine which memory groups are currently populated.  The prtdiag labels, for example SB0/P0/B0/D0, make the job easy.
However, the order of the processors (P0, P1, P2, and P3) is different from their actual order on the system board.  Their actual order on the board is from the inside out:  P1, P0, P3, and P2.

Sun Fire V1280 Server
Netra 1280 Server
Sun Fire E2900 Server

Netra 1280, Sun Fire V1280, 1280, 2900, DIMM size, memory bank, logical bank
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Change History
Audited/updated 11/24/09 - roberto.morandi@Sun.COM, Mid-Range Server Content Team
Date: 2006-02-01
User Name: 25440
Action: Approved
Comment: Publishing.
Version: 11
Date: 2006-02-01
User Name: 25440
Action: Accept
Version: 0
Date: 2006-02-01
User Name: 102144
Action: Approved
Comment: Doc is accurate sent to Final review for publish.
Version: 0
Date: 2006-02-01

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