Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1007945.1
Update Date:2010-07-06

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1007945.1 :   Sun Fire[TM] 3800/48x0/6800/E4900/E6900/E2900/v1280 Servers: Capacity on Demand (COD) 2.0 Installation FAQ  

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Related Categories
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  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>Midrange Servers


This document is an overview of Capacity on Demand (COD) program, and contains frequently asked questions on COD.

Steps to Follow
Sun Fire[TM] 3800/48x0/6800/E4900/E6900/E2900/v1280 Servers: Capacity on Demand (COD) 2.0 Installation FAQ

1) COD Overwiew

The COD option provides an economical means to add additional CPU resources which can be turned on and off depending on system load. The COD option utilizes special COD CPU/Memory boards that are installed in your system. They become active at your command and you will be billed only for the time they are active. Sun Fire[TM] 3800/48x0/6800/E4900/E6900/E2900/v1280 servers come configured with a minimum number of standard (active) CPU/Memory boards. COD Boards only add extra capacity to already configured domains.

Your system can have a mix of both standard and COD CPU/Memory boards installed, up to the maximum capacity allowed for the system. All Domains must have at a minimum, at least one active CPU with 1 bank of memory installed local to the CPU.

If you would like the flexibility of the COD option, and your system is not currently configured with COD CPU/Memory boards, contact your Sun sales representative or authorized Sun reseller to purchase COD CPU/Memory boards. Your salesperson and service provider will team to install the COD CPU/Memory boards in your system.

2) COD Licensing Process

COD RTU licenses are required to enable COD CPU resources. COD licensing involves the following tasks:

A. Obtaining COD RTU License Certificates and COD RTU license keys for COD resources to be enabled

You can purchase COD RTU licenses at any time from your Sun sales representative or reseller. You can then obtain a license key (for the COD resources purchased) from the Sun License Center.

B. Entering the COD RTU license keys in the COD license database

The COD license database stores the license keys for the COD resources that you enable. You record this license information in the COD license database by using the addcodlicense command. The COD RTU licenses are considered as floating licenses and can be used for any COD CPU resource installed in the system.

Link to License Website:

3) Instant Access CPU (Headroom)

If you require COD CPU resources before you complete the COD RTU license purchasing process, you can temporarily enable a limited number of resources called instant access CPUs (also referred to as headroom). These instant access CPUs are available as long as there are unlicensed COD CPUs in the system. The maximum number of instant access resources available on Sun Fire midframe systems is four CPUs. Instant access CPUs are disabled by default on Sun Fire midframe systems. If you want to use these resources, you activate them by using the setupplatform command.

4) Getting started with COD

Before you can use COD on Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 servers, you must complete certain prerequisites. These tasks include the following:

A. Installing the same version of the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 firmware (5.14.0) on both the main and spare system controller (SC).

For details on upgrading the firmware, refer to the "" file that accompanies the firmware release.

Note: Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 servers firmware before version 5.14.0 will not recognize COD CPU/Memory boards.

B. Contacting your Sun sales representative or reseller and doing the following:

  • Signing the COD contract addendum, in addition to the standard purchasing agreement contract for your Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 server.
  • Purchasing COD CPU/Memory boards and arranging for their installation.
  • Performing the COD RTU licensing process as described in To Obtain and Add a COD RTU License Key to the COD License Database. Link to License Website:

5) Managing COD RTU Licenses

COD RTU license management involves the acquisition and addition of COD RTU licenses keys to the COD license database. You can also remove COD RTU licenses from the license database if needed.

Be aware that COD license key information is always associated with a particular system. You may encounter invalid COD RTU licenses if you do any of the following:

  • Move a System Controller board from one system to another.
  • Copy the platform and domain configuration files (from the dumpconfig command) from one system to another, and restore the configuration files on the second system by running the "restoreconfig" command.

Any COD RTU license keys for the original system now reside on the second system, but the license keys remain associated with the original system. These license keys will be considered invalid. To prevent invalid COD RTU license keys, run the "setdefaults" command on the first system (to set the default system configuration values), before you remove a System Controller board or before you use the "dumpconfig" command to save the platform and domain configurations. If you do not run the the "setdefaults" command on the first system, you can run the command on the second system before you insert the System Controller board.

6) Packages and location

COD was first included in Firmware 5.14.0 

Scapp: 5.14.0
RTOS version: 26

7) How to check the status before installing COD license?

    v4u-4810a-p1-sc0:SC> showcodlicense
Description Ver Expiration Count Status
----------- --- ---------- ----- ------
    v4u-4810a-p1-sc0:SC> showcodusage
Resource In Use Installed Licensed Status
-------- ------ --------- -------- ------
PROC 0 0 0 OK: 0 PROCs available Headroom: 4
    Domain/Resource  In Use  Installed  Reserved
--------------- ------ --------- --------
A - PROC 0 0 4
B - PROC 0 0 0
C - PROC 0 0 0
D - PROC 0 0 0
Unused - PROC 0 0 0
    v4u-4810a-p1-sc0:SC> showsc
    SC: SSC0  
Main System Controller
SC Failover: enabled but not active.
Clock failover enabled.
    SC date: Mon Oct 07 16:55:47 PDT 2002
SC uptime: 3 days 1 hour 7 minutes 46 seconds
    ScApp version: 5.14.0 Patch-ID_112883-01
RTOS version: 26
    v4u-4810a-p1-sc0:SC> showb
    Slot     Pwr Component Type                 State      Status     Domain
---- --- -------------- ----- ------ ------
SSC0 On System Controller Main Passed -
SSC1 On System Controller Spare - -
ID0 On Sun Fire 4810 Centerplane - OK -
PS0 On A152 Power Supply - OK -
PS1 On A152 Power Supply - OK -
PS2 On A152 Power Supply - OK -
FT0 On Fan Tray Low Speed OK -
FT1 On Fan Tray Low Speed OK -
FT2 On Fan Tray Low Speed OK -
RP0 On Repeater Board - OK -
RP2 On Repeater Board - OK -
/N0/SB0 On CPU Board V2 Active Degraded A
SB2 Off CPU Board V2 Available Not tested Isolated
/N0/IB6 On PCI I/O Sun Netra 1290 Server
Netra 1280 Server
Sun Fire E6900 Server
Sun Fire E4900 Server
Sun Fire E2900 Server
Sun Fire 6800 Server
Sun Fire 4810 Server
Sun Fire 4800 Server
Sun Fire 3800 Server

Internal Comments
Audited/updated 11/17/09 - roberto.morandi@Sun.COM, Mid-Range Server Content Team

COD, normalized
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2007-12-12
User Name: 97961
Action: Approved
Comment: Publishing. No further edits required.
Version: 10

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