Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1008255.1
Update Date:2011-06-06

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1008255.1 :   Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x Arrays: How to Handle "Drive Recovered Error Reported" and Other Disk Drive Messages  

Related Items
  • Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
  • Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Storage - Disk>Modular Disk - 3xxx Arrays


Applies to:

Sun Storage 3511 SATA Array
Sun Storage 3510 FC Array
All Platforms



Drive Recovered Error Reported


*CHL:2 ID:3 Drive NOTIFY: Drive Recovered Error Reported (103)
*CHL:2 ID:3  Drive NOTIFY: Block Successfully Reassigned  0x1E02B40


On the Sun StorEdge[TM] 351x FC Arrays, physical drive events such as: "Drive Recovered Error Reported" messages may appear. Does this mean the drive is bad and needs to be replaced immediately? Usually not. This document provides explanations for commonly reported disk messages.


Steps to Follow

NOTE: This is a sub-set of Troubleshooting Doc ID 1008190.1 "Troubleshooting Sun StorEdge[TM] 33x0/351x Disk Failures".

When there is a drive error on the 351x array disk, the following event may be seen in the logs:

CHL:_ ID:_ SCSI Drive ALERT: Bad Block Encountered - Block_number (Sense_key Sense_code)


StorEdge Array SN#XXXXXX CH2 ID6: SCSI Drive ALERT: bad block encountered (02h, 03h,11/00) SCSI Status:0x02 Sense Key:0x03 Sense Code:0x11 Sense Code Qualifier:0x00

This messages indicates a bad block was encountered in the specified hard drive. The RAID controller will ask the hard drive to retry the read or write command. If the host attempts a read to this location, a "media error" status may be returned:

[Primary] Warning

CHL:2 ID:11 Drive NOTIFY: Media Error Encountered - AA0BBCF (311)

If a write to the drive is attempted, the block may be re-allocated and the "recovered" message displayed.
The following event is generated when re-writes are attempted and bad blocks have been successfully reassigned:

[Primary] Warning

CHL:2 ID:3 Drive NOTIFY: Block Successfully Reassigned - 0x1E02B40

The following event is generated when Drive-side block reassignment failed. Drive will be considered as having media errors or failed:

CHL:_ ID:_ SCSI Drive ALERT: Block Reassignment Failed - Block_number (Sense_key Sense_code)


Oct 1 03:38:48 trdbd16 SUNWscsdMonitor[546]: [ID 994717 daemon.error]

[SUNWscsd 0x20B1E0C: Warning] Bad Block Encountered(Ch:2,Id:1).

Sector Number is 135927184. Informational message.

Oct 1 03:38:48 trdbd16 SUNWscsdMonitor[546]: [ID 979789 daemon.error]

[SUNWscsd 0x20B1E0F: Warning] Block Reassignment Failure(Ch:2,Id:1). Defective drive. Replace.

Eventually we might see the below event indicating SCSI drive unrecoverable hardware error reported. We need to replace the drive at that time.

CHL:_ ID:_ SCSI Drive ALERT: Drive HW Error (Sense_key Sense_code)


[Primary] Warning

CHL:2 ID:3 Drive ALERT: Drive HW Error (432)

Note - The three-digit code in parentheses provides additional information about the drive error.
The first of these three digits represents the SCSI Sense Key.
The remaining two digits represent the Additional Sense Code (ASC).

For more information about SCSI sense codes, refer to:

If a Bug is not applicable to the disk error(s) and these messages appear more frequently (about >5 a day and/or every day) then it is advisable to have the drive replaced to preserve data integrity and prevent performance degradation.

Also see : Doc ID 1006649.1 "Sun StorEdge[TM] 3000 Arrays: 3.2x and 4.x Firmware Differences in Handling Media Errors".

In some cases, "Drive Recovered Error Reported (117)" messages could be related to an issue with
Fujitsu drives as discussed in CR 6515145
minnow, 3510, 3511, recovered, error, notify, drive, disk, normalized
Previously Published As

Change History
Date: 2009-11-18
User Name: 79977
Action: Updated
Comment: Currency check - changed title and product statement to include 3511., Volume Disk Content Lead

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