Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Sun System Handbook - ISO 3.4 June 2011 Internal/Partner Edition
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Asset ID: 1-71-1008337.1
Update Date:2011-05-31

Solution Type  Technical Instruction Sure

Solution  1008337.1 :   User Friendly Instructions on upgrading Sun Fire[TM] X4100/X4200 SP Firmware using GUI method  

Related Items
  • Sun Fire X4200 M2 Server
  • Sun Fire X4100 Server
  • Sun Fire X4200 Server
Related Categories
  • GCS>Sun Microsystems>Servers>x64 Servers


Applies to:

Sun Fire X4200 M2 Server
Sun Fire X4100 Server
Sun Fire X4200 Server
All Platforms


This document describes how to upgrade the SP Firmware of Sun Fire[TM] X4100 and X4200 systems when FW is at lowest revision, using the ILOM GUI.

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Steps to Follow

In order to upgrade x4100/x4200 SP Firmware from 6464 to the latest revision, you need to perform the following steps.

NOTE: Parts of this upgrade procedure are specific to Sun Fire X4100 / X4200
System Software release 1.0.

IMPORTANT: If you are *not* upgrading from system Software release 1.0, then you should follow the procedure contained in the appropriate Sun Fire X4100 / X4200 System Software Release Notes document, available at:

Below, is the ILOM GUI upgrade method.


It is very important that the platform remains "OFF" during the upgrade process.

Assuming you have either an x4100 or x4200 system with FW at SW-revision 1.0.1 which relates to:

sp_firmware: 6464
LSI MPT BIOS: FW1.04.00-bios6.02.0A

You need to first update it to next level which is SW 1.1:
This upgrade includes:

sp_firmware 10664
bios 0ABGA031

Downloading the required files

Step 1. From any remote system, go to:

Step 2. Download the following files:
--> r10664.rom.ima

Step 3. Go to: ""

Step 4. Download the following file:
--> ilom.X4100-1.0.5.ima

Step 5. Go to: ""

Step 6. Download the following file:
--> ilom.X4100-1.0.5a.ima

Now it is time to run the preflash script.

Step 1. Remove any files under the /coredump directory on SP using secure shell. Use sunservice shell account which has the same password as root.

% ssh -l sunservice 
Enter root password to login.
# rm -f /coredump/*
# exit

Step 2. Copy the "preflash" script onto the ILOM SP.

% scp sunservice@:/coredump/
You need to enter root password to execute copy.
It will log you out immediately after it is completed.

Step 3. Run the script on x4100/x4200 SP.

% ssh -l sunservice sh /coredump/

You need to enter root password to run the script. It will take a while and it
will displays ***Success*** after completion. It will log you out immediately
after it is completed.

NOTE: See the example at the end of this document.

System is now ready to be upgraded to next FW revision.

Upgrading FW to 1.2

Step 1. Type the SP-IP-address of the x4100/x4200 system which is to be upgraded in a browser window (on the remote system).

Step 2. When connected, login as root (You need the root passwd to get in).

Step 3. When the gui is loaded completely, select "Remote Control"

Step 4. Make sure Host is OFF, if not, turn it OFF using the GUI.

Step 5. Click on "Remote Power Control"

Step 6. Select "Gracefull Shutdown and Power Off", answer Yes.

Step 7. When platform (Host) is OFF, clock on "Maintenance" button.

Step 8. Click on "Enter Upgrade Mode" button. Answer Yes.

Step 9. Select file to upload. click on Browse button to select the file

from your system onwhich you have ownloaded the image files

Step 10. Select "r10664.rom.ima" (assuming your BIOS revision is at 6464).

Step 11. Click "Upload"

Step 12. Click "start Upgrade" button

Step 13. It will go through upgrading mode and will show status.

(see upgrade_inprogress.gif)

Under the "Progress" column, it shows writing the blocks for all 3 tasks:

SP firmware, System Bios and Restoring Config.

It will show "complete" for all 3 tasks when done.

You will see the following note in the browser:

Firmware Upgrade has been completed.The service processor has been reset.You will need to reconnect to Sun Integrated Lights Out Manager.

Step 14. Reconnect again from the browser and check the Build Number to be 10664 displayed on the first page.

Step 15. Now you are ready to do sw release 1.2 (file needed is: ilom.X4100-1.0.5.ima) and after that do the steps for sw release 1.2.1.

(file needed is: ilom.X4100-1.0.5a.ima)

Perform the steps 1 thru 14 above for each level.

Example of preflash

sr1-unwk-12% ls
sr1-unwk-12% ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 frashti staff 176768 Jan 2 16:35

Clearing the coredump directory before uploading files

sr1-unwk-12% ssh -l sunservice
sunservice@'s password:
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# ls -ld /coredump
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Apr 4 16:18 /coredump
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# ls
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# cd /
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/]# ls
bin coredump home proc tmp
boot dev lib root usr
conf etc mnt sbin var
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/]# rm -f coredump/*
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/]# cd coredump
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/coredump]# ls
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/coredump]# cd
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# ls
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# rm -f /coredump/*
sr1-unwk-12% scp sunservice@
sunservice@'s password:
ilom.X4100-preflash_ 100% |***************************************************************| 172 KB 00:02
sr1-unwk-12% ssh -l sunservice sh /coredump/
sunservice@'s password:

* Sun Microsystems -
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.

Cleaning up /coredump before unpacking
Unpacking This may take a moment.
Installing patch auto cleanup script ...
This will remove this patch from your system
once you have upgraded to a proper version
Installing auto patch on boot ...
Patching the live system ...
*** Patch installed ***
You may now upgrade your firmware
Please ensure you upgrade to the latest version available.
*** Success ***

Examining what has been placed and done under /coredump

sr1-unwk-12% ssh -l sunservice
sunservice@'s password:
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:~]# cd /
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/]# ls
bin conf dev home mnt root tmp var
boot coredump etc lib proc sbin usr
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/]# cd coredump
[(flash)root@SUNSP00144F26E76C:/coredump]# ls
fwinfo.hotpatched patch.filename patchit

Internal Comments
BIOS, FW, SP, Firmware, Upgrade, x4100, x4200, Galaxy, x64
Previously Published As

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  Copyright © 2011 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.